1. ES220 Statics Final Exam Review Notes
2. Moments of Inertia Chapter 9
3. Moments of Inertia
4. Determining Moments of Inertia by Integration
5. Polar Moment of Inertia
6. Radius of Gyration
7. Method of Composite Areas Break complicated areas into several simple shapes
Determine I for each shape
This is facilitated by use of tables
Add the I’s for all the shapes
Subtract I for holes
Catch: The I’s must all be about the same axis: typically this is the centroid axis of the composite area
This requires use of the parallel axis theorem
8. Examples
9. Moments of Inertia for Simple Shapes
10. Parallel Axis Theorem
11. Example
12. Forces in Beams Chapter 7
13. Internal Forces in Members
14. Internal Forces in Members Cut through D, draw separate FBD’s of two halves
Draw internal forces and moments equal and opposite on halves
Use Equilibrium to find F, V and M:
15. Beams
16. Support Reactions
17. Beam Loading andInternal Shear Force and Bending Moment
21. Example
26. Friction Chapter 8
27. Friction