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John reveals how reactions to Jesus as the Light of the World lead to different destinies. Explore the turning away of religious leaders, their arrogance, and accountability. Discover why recognizing the truth is vital.
Study in John’s Gospel Presentation 32
Two Directions Chap 9v28-41 Presentation 32
Introduction High in the Colorado Mountains there is a rock in the middle of a stream. The rock divides the stream. Some water hits the rock and travels west eventually feeding into the Colorado River and the Pacific Ocean. Some water hits the rock and travels east feeding into the Missouri and eventually the Atlantic Ocean. The direction that water takes when hitting that rock determines its destiny. In this chapter John indicates how a person's reaction to Jesus as, The Light of the World, is also able to determine their destiny. Presentation 32
The Religious Leaders We begin by examining the characteristics of those who turn away from the light, many of whom belonged to the religious establishment. We know that many of these religious leaders had no sense of need. Luke tells us that Jesus said to them, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." Lk. 5.31. Now the underlying sarcasm of those words indicates that the religious leaders were convinced that they would pass a spiritual health check with flying colours. But here is the weakness of their argument; they assumed that, if they were righteous by their own standards, then they must be also righteous by God's standards. Presentation 32
The Religious Leaders Jesus’ teaching made it clear that their idea of goodness and perfection and God's were miles apart. But, and this is the second characteristic of those who turn away from the light, they considered Jesus’ teaching to be foolish! And they did so because their own judgement had been blinded by sin and prejudice. Like so many people today their attitude was: "Stop shaking our comfortable belief system. We have made up our minds don't confuse us with the facts“ When their belief system is shaken they are surprised to discover that it is not as secure as they had thought. Presentation 32
The Religious Leaders A third characteristic of a person who turns away from the light is their arrogant confidence in their own knowledge base. These men believed that they knew all they needed to know about God and they also thought they knew all they needed to know about Jesus: "We know that this man is a sinner". v24 "We know that God spoke to Moses, but as for this fellow we don't even know where he comes from." v29 They wanted to be recognised as those who had a great knowledge of theology but as far as Jesus was concerned they knew nothing. Is there anything more heart-breaking than to observe the folly of people who think they know the truth but are actually ignorant of it? Presentation 32
The Religious Leaders It may be amusing to watch the child who said, ‘Don’t tell me what to do I know how to bake a cake', bring their inedible offering out of the oven! But when an adult says, ‘I know all I need to know about God' and then to get it wrong that is a more serious matter. Sadly, this describes many in our age. Many so-called scholars claim to know all about Christ but they do not know him personally. They write all sorts of books that claim to tell the truth about Jesus. These may range from the more scholarly works like, “The Quest for the Historical Jesus” to the more sensationalised works of popular fiction like, “The Di Vinci Code”. Presentation 32
The Religious Leaders Finally, the person who turns away from the light is still held to be accountable for their rejection of it. In their dialogue with Jesus, the religious leaders sarcastically ask "Are we blind too"v40. They expect Jesus to say, 'yes'. However he says something quite different, "If you were blind you would not be guilty of sin". They would have some excuse. However, Jesus implies that they had enough spiritual knowledge to be responsible for their rejection of him. They claimed to have sight but then acted like the blind and for this reason their sin is not taken away. Presentation 32
The Religious Leaders Think of a person who sits in the darkness with his eyes closed. When a bright light appears they say they can see nothing. But they can tell even through their closed eyelids that a light is shining! However, they stubbornly refuse to open their eyes. Blindness and shutting out the light are two very different things. And that is the point that Jesus is making. The religious leaders are totally responsible and will be held accountable by God for shutting out the light. Presentation 32
The Religious Leaders And as a result they would face unavoidable judgement. That judgement works itself out in two ways. First, in this life: those who turn from the light while convinced that they can see perfectly adequately without Jesus' help will end up in greater darkness. Elsewhere, Jesus talks of those, who fail to use the light God has given them, [in this context it would be the testimony of the O.T. scriptures] concerning his identity, as a result they would discover that even the light that they possessed would be taken from them. Consequently, they are left more in the dark than ever! Presentation 32
The Religious Leaders Secondly, there is also a future dimension to God's judgement to be considered. The Bible makes it abundantly clear that our response to Jesus shapes our eternal destiny. Those who turn their back on the light in this life are consigned to outer darkness in the life to come. This is not a pleasant subject to discuss but we need to remind ourselves that it is Christ's teaching that we have before us. Someone has said that, ‘God loves us enough to frighten us into making a response that is in our eternal best interests’. Thank God that if his love has failed to draw you to Christ then fear is used to do so. Presentation 32
The Blind Man The dividing rock that we mentioned earlier sends water in two different directions. Light also sends people in two different directions. Some are drawn to it while others are repelled by it. The blind man was attracted to the light. What characteristics are found in those who turn towards the Light of the world? First they admit their blindness and need. They know that without God's intervention that their case is hopeless. Secondly, they give the teaching of Jesus, houseroom. Oh, there is much they don't understand but they discover that what they do understand has begun to make sense. And so they want to learn more. And, as they obey Jesus, their eyes are opened to more of the truth of God's Word. Presentation 32
The Blind Man Thirdly, they admit to great gaps in their knowledge. Note how the man who had been blind answered his interrogators, "Whether he is a sinner or not, I don't know. One thing I do know. I was blind but now I see!” v25. He could tell them very little about Jesus. But one thing he did know. Jesus had changed him. Here was a little bit of knowledge that nothing could shake! You see not only is there a world of difference between prejudice and God's revelation but also between conjecture and personal experience. And no one could deny this man his experience of Jesus "Once I was blind now I see”. Presentation 32
The Blind Man Knowledge of God does not flow from a high I.Q. or a university education. The book of Job tells us that it is impossible for man to sit down and 'probe the limits of the Almighty‘ Job 11.17. Unless God reveals himself, we can know nothing of him. And the man, who begins by humbly affirming his lack of knowledge, is the man to whom more knowledge is given. And this growing revelation, understanding, and appreciation of, who Jesus is, is something which we are able to see developing in the experience of the man born blind. Presentation 32
The Blind Man Fourthly, the man responding to light will experience opposition. Its source is not always the unbelieving world. Opposition from family or the religious community is harder to bear. Instead of sharing in their son's joy, the blind man’s parents disown him. "Don't ask us how he got cured. He's old enough to speak for himself” was the reply they gave the religious leaders.His family were concerned for their standing in the community, intimidated by the religious leaders and embarrassed by the change in their son! They decide to distance themselves from him - that must have been hurtful! The religious authorities have little interest to share in the man’s joy. They see him only as a pawn to be used to discredit Jesus. When he will not play their game - he is excommunicated - for telling the truth! Presentation 32
The Blind Man Is opposition on this level around today? Oh yes. A pupil at a senior secondary school had a frightening experience through involvement with an Ouija board. Instead of being the piece of harmless fun she had thought, she had been paralysed by fear! Then she came to faith and experienced the freedom and joy that Jesus brings. However when her mother saw her reading her Bible and praying she was furious! There had been no such reaction when she had involved herself with Ouija boards but commitment to Jesus - that was different! Sadly, her father who was a church elder gave her little support. Can you imagine the distress this family opposition caused? Presentation 32
The Blind Man A man in his mid-twenties had been brought up as an atheist. While abroad he was exposed to the gospel and in time came to faith. When he returned home he sought out his local minister and told him that Christ had completely changed his life and given him new direction and purpose. After listening to his story the minister said, "Now don't be so serious. Things will soon settle down and you'll get over this religious phase". The young man was devastated. Instead of receiving encouragement and support, he was being told to put any experience of God, he may have had, out of his mind. Presentation 32
The Blind Man Opposition can leave a person not only discouraged but isolated. Look at what happens in our passage. Jesus seeks out the man who had been abandoned by family and by the religious establishment. He is determined to encourage him. But how? By revealing more of himself to him. And so he asks, “Do you believe in the Son of Man?” Jesus uses a title that has its origin in the book of Daniel: “In my vision at night I looked, and there before me was one like a son of man, coming with the clouds of heaven. He approached the Ancient of Days and was led into his presence. He was given authority, glory and sovereign power; all peoples, nations and men of every language worshiped him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion that will not pass away, and his kingdom is one that will never be destroyed”. Dan 7v13-14 Presentation 32
The Blind Man Jesus was saying, ‘Now you know who I am - I am the one of whom Daniel speaks and to whom authority, glory and sovereign power belongs and I am worthy to receive worship.’Can you see how this remarkable revelation more than compensated the man for the shameful treatment he had received? As a result the man was no longer grieving over what he had lost but begins to rejoice in the glorious discovery he had made. He engages in spontaneous worship! He is happy to rejoice in his suffering. Again and again we discover that Jesus finds a way to compensate his people when they suffer for his sake. Presentation 32
Conclusion In this passage we have examined two different responses to Jesus. We are all part of the stream of humanity that rushes towards the rock of Christ. We each choose to flow in one of two directions. Our choice determines our destiny. Our choice will become evident in the set of characteristics that are displayed in our lives. It will also either drive us into deeper darkness or transform us into a true worshipper of Jesus. What choice have you made? Presentation 32