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OpenACC is a directives- based programming approach to parallel computing designed for performance and portability on CPUs and GPUs for HPC. Add Simple Compiler Directive main() { <serial code> #pragma acc kernels #pragma acc kernels { <parallel code> } }
SINGLE CODE FOR MULTIPLE PLATFORMS OpenACC - Performance Portable Programming Model for HPC AWE Hydrodynamics CloverLeaf mini-App, bm32 data set 77x 80x PGI OpenACC POWER Intel OpenMP Speedup vs Single Haswell Core Sunway 60x IBM OpenMP 52x x86 CPU 40x x86 Xeon Phi NVIDIA GPU 20x 11x 11x 10x 10x 9x 9x PEZY-SC 0x Dual Haswell 1 Tesla V100 1 Tesla P100 Dual Broadwell Dual POWER8 Systems: Haswell: 2x16 core Haswell server, four K80s, CentOS 7.2 (perf-hsw10), Broadwell: 2x20 core Broadwell server, eight P100s (dgx1-prd-01), Minsky: POWER8+NVLINK, four P100s, RHEL 7.3 (gsn1). Compilers: Intel 17.0, IBM XL 13.1.3, PGI 16.10. Benchmark: CloverLeaf v1.3 downloaded from http://uk-mac.github.io/CloverLeaf the week of November 7 2016; CloverlLeaf_Serial; CloverLeaf_ref (MPI+OpenMP); CloverLeaf_OpenACC (MPI+OpenACC) Data compiled by PGI November 2016, Volta data collected June 2017
PGI 17.7 IS NOW AVAILABLE Tesla V100 GPU Support OpenACC for CUDA Unified Memory C++ Enhancements Use C++14 Lambdas with Capture in OpenACC Regions Enhanced cuSOLVER Library Interoperability OpenMP 4.5 for Multicore CPUs PGI Unified Binary for Tesla and Multicore LLVM/x86-64 Code Generator (beta feature) New Profiling Features for OpenACC and CUDA Unified Memory • • • • • • • • • https://www.pgicompilers.com/products/new-in-pgi.htm
ARTICLES AND BLOG POSTS Brookhaven Lab Hosts "Brookathon," a Five-Day GPU Hackathon: https://www.bnl.gov/newsroom/news.php?a=212273 InsideHPC Video interview with Sunita Chandrasekaran and Michael Wolfe: https://insidehpc.com/2017/07/video-openacc-update- isc-2017/ HPCWire article discussing OpenACC and OpenMP: https://www.hpcwire.com/2017/07/03/optimizing-codes- heterogeneous-hpc-clusters-using-openacc/
NEW RESOURCES Tutorial: Complete Parallel Programming with OpenACC Tutorial Series with Michael Wolfe WATCH NOW Paper: Evaluation of a Directive-Based GPU Programming Approach for High-Order Unstructured Mesh Computational Fluid Dynamics “While it is in general possible to write an optimized code using OpenCL (or CUDA) that outperforms OpenACC, we find that the directive based approach offered by OpenACC results in a flexible, unified and hence smaller code-base that is easier to maintain, is readily portable and promotes algorithm development.” READ NOW
CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS EVENT DUE DATE LINK https://www.olcf.ornl.gov/training- event/2017-gpu-hackathons/ ORNL Hackathon Aug 31, 2017 WACCPD Workshop, SC17, Denver, USA Aug 30, 2017 http://waccpd.org/ COMPLETE LIST OF EVENTS
UPCOMING EVENTS EVENT & LOCATION NASA GPU Hackathon NASA Langley, Virginia, USA 6th NVIDIA GPU Workshop Latin America, São Paulo, SP, Brazil CSCS Hackathon Lugano, Switzerland ORNL Hackathon Knoxville, Tennessee, USA WACCPD Workshop, SC17, Denver, USA Scalable Parallel Programming Using OpenACC for Multicore, GPUs, and Manycore SC17, Denver, USA DATE LINK https://www.olcf.ornl.gov/training- event/2017-gpu-hackathons Aug 21 - 25, 2017 Aug 23 - 24, 2017 http://info.nvidia.com/vi-nvidia-workshop- latin-america-august.html https://www.olcf.ornl.gov/training- event/2017-gpu-hackathons https://www.olcf.ornl.gov/training- event/2017-gpu-hackathons Sep 4 - 8, 2017 Oct 16 - 20, 2017 Nov 13, 2017 http://waccpd.org/ http://sc17.supercomputing.org/presenta tion/?id=tut135&sess=sess224 Nov 13, 2017 COMPLETE LIST OF EVENTS