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Super Efficient Indexing

Enhance your knowledge of Progress indexing with expert Dan Foreman. Learn about efficient indexing rules, default index creation, and indexing quiz examples. Dive into B-Tree indexes, bracketing principles, and server-side join tips for optimal database performance.

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Super Efficient Indexing

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  1. Super Efficient Indexing Dan Foreman Progress Expert > Hasbeen

  2. Introduction- Dan Foreman • Progress user since 1984 • Author of: • Progress Performance Tuning Guide • Progress Database Admin Guide • Progress System Tables • ProMonitor - Database Monitoring Tool • Pro D&L - Dump/Load with minimal downtime

  3. Who Are You? • Progress V6, V7, V8, V9, V10, V12 • Production Database OS?: • Unix • Linux • Windows • Largest Single Database • Largest Concurrent User Count

  4. Progress Access Methods • Indexes • Prefix B+ Tree • Does anyone know what that is? • Read Knuth’s (Donald E. Knuth) Books for an excellent description

  5. B-Tree Indexes

  6. Progress Access Methods • Recid/Rowid • Direct access to a Database Block and within the Block to a Record; no need to read an Index Block • Very Fast (fewest I/Os) • But how often do you (or the application) know the Recid of a Record?

  7. Record I/O Reading one Record may require accessing several Database Blocks (this is called a “DB Request” in promon) 1. Root Block of the B-Tree for that Index 2. One I/O for each B-Tree Level (you can see the total number of B-Tree Levels for each index in proutil dbanalys) 3. If Multi-Index Query, repeat #1 and #2 4. One I/O for each Record Fragment; Fragmentation can also be seen in dbanalys and VSTs

  8. Indexing Record? • The Current Record for most indexes on a table (that I have ever seen) • 59 !!!

  9. The Cost of More Indexes • Disk space due to larger Database size • Increased Index Rebuild time during D&L • Increased time to Create, Delete, and (sometimes) Update Records • Higher Potential for Unused or Underused Indexes

  10. Indexing Rules • Single Index Rules • Multi-Index Rules • Beyond the time available for this Presentation • Learn them! • Progress Database Design Guide • Progress Performance Tuning Guide

  11. The “Default” Index • If no Index is created for a table Progress will create one automatically • Index of RECIDs • Benchmark

  12. Terminology • Bracketing • Using an Index to read a subset of a Table using conditions specified in WHERE, OF, and USING Clauses • Equality Match ( EQ or = ) • Range Match • GT, GE • LT, LE • BEGINS

  13. Bracketing Principles • Components in an index after a Range Match cannot be bracketed • Example • Index on [ entity + order# ] FOR EACH order WHERE entity GE v_e1 AND entity LE v_e2 AND order# GE v_o1 AND order# LE v_o2

  14. Query by Server • A Remote Client sends the WHERE Clause to the Server for resolution so that too many (non-indexed) records do not need to be sent back to the Client over a Network Connection • However certain functions in the WHERE Clause can disable this, examples to follow • Sorting never takes place on the Server

  15. Query by Server • Examples of WHERE Clauses that Disable Query by Server • WHERE CAN-FIND ( something ) • WHERE CAN-DO ( something ) • WHERE RECID ( table ) = something

  16. Server Side Joins – V12.0 • Support of “for each” statements for joins up to 10 tables • No open query or dynamic query operations • Requires multi-threaded database server • -ssj can be changed online (currently primary broker only) • -threadedServer 1 and -ssj 1

  17. Which is Better? • Several Single Field Indexes? • Few Multi-Field Indexes? • Benchmark results

  18. Indexing Quiz - The Easy Ones • for each cus where can-do(cus-type,”a,b,c”) • cus-type is indexed • for each xxx /* Index on [ f1 + f2 ] */ where f1 GE v1a and f1 LE v1b and f2 GE v2a and f2 LE v2b • for each order where not back-ordered • back-ordered is indexed

  19. Indexing Quiz - The Easy Ones • Note that there is NO performance difference between: • WHERE back-ordered • WHERE back-ordered = YES

  20. Indexing Quiz • How do you know for sure which Index is being used? • We can FORCE Progress with USE-INDEX but is that a good thing?

  21. USE-INDEX Example • 100,000 Records • Index on [ order# ] • Index on [ cust# ] • Query: FOR EACH order WHERE order.order# GE v-start# AND order.order# LE v-end# BY order.cust#

  22. USE-INDEX Example • Query #1 Identifies a Bracket of 10,000 Orders • order# Index: 18 seconds • cust# Index: 62 seconds (3.4X slower) • No Surprise • Query #2 Identifies a Bracket of 90,000 Orders • order# Index: 191 seconds • cust# Index: 110 seconds (42% faster) • Big Surprise?

  23. Indexing Quiz • COMPILE code.p XREF code.xrf x.p x.p 1 COMPILE x.p ... x.p x.p 1 SEARCH sports.x f1f2f3asc WHOLE-INDEX x.p x.p 1 SORT-ACCESS sports.x f1 x.p x.p 1 SORT-ACCESS sports.x f2 x.p x.p 1 SORT-ACCESS sports.x f3 ... x.p x.p 4 SEARCH sports.x f1f2f3asc WHOLE-INDEX

  24. COMPILE/XREF • Neither example below is shown as WHOLE-INDEX even though each query could do a Full Table Scan • FOR EACH customer WHERE custnum > 0 : • FOR EACH customer WHERE custnum GE start# AND custnum LE end#

  25. COMPILE/XREF • All the queries below show WHOLE-INDEX • FIND FIRST customer. • no bracket, but fast • FIND LAST customer • no bracket, but fast • FIND NEXT customer. • no bracket, but fast • FIND PREV customer. • no bracket, but fast

  26. Indexing Quiz • Now we know what index or indexes were chosen by the compiler Are we sure that they were used at run-time? How effective were our brackets?

  27. Indexing Quiz • -zqil (Zecret Query Info Log) • Client Startup Option • Writes compile and execution information for a query to the database .lg file each time the query is executed • Beware of queries embedded in loops

  28. Indexing Quiz FOR EACH customer WHERE name EQ "John" AND Comments CONTAINS "hello": • -zqil output ==Compiled Query Resolution Method: Query No. 1== (6135) 11:02:43 AND (6137) 11:02:43 INDEX 13 1 1 (6157) 11:02:43 INDEX 15 1 1 EQUALITY (6154) 11:02:43 ==Server Query execution Method Query No. 1== (6136) 11:02:43 AND (6137) 11:02:43 QUERY-BY-WORD (6164) 11:02:43 INDEX 13 CONTAINS HELLO (6148) 11:02:43 INDEX 15 (6141)

  29. Indexing Quiz • Index on: [ F1 + F2 + F3 + F4 ] FOR EACH table WHERE f1 EQ v1 AND ( f2 EQ v2a OR f2 EQ v2b ) AND f3 EQ v3 • How far does the bracket extend? • Can you prove how far the bracket extends?

  30. Indexing Quiz FOR EACH table WHERE f1 EQ v1 AND ( f2 EQ v2a OR f2 EQ v2b ) AND f3 EQ v3 • -zqil shows: Compiled Query Resolution Method: Query No.1 (6135) INDEX 28 1 1 EQUALITY (6157) Can we get better Bracketing?

  31. Indexing Quiz • A Better Bracket (but uglier) FOR EACH table WHERE ( f1 EQ v1 and f2 EQ v2a and f3 EQ v3 ) OR ( f1 EQ v1 and f2 EQ v2b and f3 EQ v3 ):

  32. Indexing Quiz • -zqil shows: ==Compiled Query Resolution Method: Query No. 1== (6135) 14:07:17 OR (6138) 14:07:17 INDEX 36 3 3 EQUALITY (6154) 14:07:17 INDEX 36 3 3 EQUALITY (6154) 14:07:17 ==Server Query execution Method Query No. 1== (6136) 14:07:17 DUPLICATE-REMOVE (6163) 14:07:17 OR (6138) 14:07:17 INDEX 36 (6141) 14:07:17 INDEX 36 (6141)

  33. Indexing Quiz EACH customer WHERE sales-rep = “bbb” AND comments CONTAINS “Prog*” • COMPILE/XREF shows 2 indexes x.p x.p 1 SEARCH Customer Comments x.p x.p 1 SEARCH Customer Sales-Rep

  34. Indexing Quiz • -zqil shows only one index is actually used at run time; Why? ==Compiled Query Resolution Method: Query No. 1= (6135) 17:32:44 AND (6137) 17:32:44 INDEX 13 1 1 (6157) 17:32:44 INDEX 16 1 1 EQUALITY (6154) ==Server Query execution Method Query No. 1== (6136) 17:32:45 DUPLICATE-REMOVE (6163) 17:32:45 QUERY-BY-WORD (6164) 17:32:45 INDEX 13 CONTAINS Prog* (6148) • Full info on -zqil in Dan’s Progress Performance Tuning Guide

  35. Indexing Quiz FOR EACH table WHERE f1 = v1 OR f1 = v2 OR f1 = v3 • Index on f1 • Can this code be made more flexible? • Remember that for each x where lookup(f1,”a,b,c”) > 0 can’t Bracket on an Index

  36. Indexing Quiz • vstr = v1 + ‘|’ + v2 + ‘|’ + v3. for each x where f1 contains vstr • Flexible (can have one or more values) • Very Fast due to existence of a Word Index • Word Indexing Cost is Zero (for this code) • The size of the vstr variable can’t exceed approximately 128 bytes in older versions • Tested at least 8000 bytes in V11.6.2 • But is there another way?

  37. Indexing Quiz • Temp Table Join /* a browser let’s the user select values and store in temp table */ for each tmp, each cust where cust.f1 = tmp.f1 • Alternatively use a Master File instead of a Temp-Table

  38. Indexing Quiz • What is the fastest way to find unused Indexes? • Indexes defined but never used in the code; beware of Dynamic Queries • Indexes that are defined and used in the code but never accessed

  39. Indexing Quiz • _IndexStat Virtual System Table • Database Startup options required to make data in this table ‘visible’ • V8: -indexbase, -indexlimit • Now: -baseindex, -indexrangesize

  40. -indexrangesize Memory Impact • Increasing -tablerangesize and/or -indexrangesize has an impact on the amount of shared memory allocated by the Database Broker. • Starting in V10.1B -indexrangesize also allocates the memory for the _UserTableStat VST and the size of this memory is approximately: • ( 32 bytes ) * ( -n + -Mn ) * ( -indexrangesize ) • This could be a substantial amount of shared memory with the large value of -n.

  41. _IndexStat • Also use _IndexStat to fix Logical Scatter problems by identifying non-Primary Indexes that are used for frequent, high volume record scans

  42. Conclusion • Questions? • Thank You For Coming! • danf@prodb.com

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