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Discover the history of radioactivity through the pioneering works of scientists like A. Becquerel and Marie Curie. Learn about the discovery of uranium rays, radioactive substances, and the properties of radium and polonium. Explore key events such as the identification of three types of rays and isotopes. This text provides insights into the impact of radioactivity on various materials, including its effects on photography, glassworks, and medical treatments like X-rays. Follow the journey of scientific advancements in understanding the phenomena of radioactivity and its significance in the field of nuclear science.
HISTORY OF RADIOACTIVITY RikhvanovLeonid P., professor,DSc in Geology and MineralogyNadeinaLuiza V., associate professor,PhD in Philology TOMSK -2015
Iin1986 French researcher A. Becquerel working with a cathode-ray tube in his laboratory observed a fluorescent glow of crystals on a table near his tube. The tube that he was working with consisted of a glass envelope (bulb) with positive and negative electrodes encapsulated in it. The air in the tube was evacuated, and when a high voltage was applied, the tube produced a fluorescent glow. He shielded the tube with heavy black paper, and discovered a green colored fluorescent light generated by a material located a few feet away from the tube. He concluded that a new type of ray was being emitted from the tube. This ray was capable of passing through the heavy paper covering and exciting the phosphorescent materials in the room. He found that the new ray could pass through most substances casting shadows of solid objects. He also discovered that the ray could pass through the tissue of humans, but not bones and metal objects.
Feabruary 24, 1986 A. Becquerel on the pannel of Paris Academy of sciences made the report “About radiation produced by phosphoroscence” March 2, 1896 - the report “About invisible radiation produced by phosphorescent bodies” It was noted that this radiation was similar with radiation studied by Roentgen (X-rays). March 1, 1897– “Uranium rays study” He noted that rays had capability unload upstairs charged body apart they potential and sign charge.
March 1 1897A. Becquerel gave a report “Uranium rays investigation” in which he noted their abilities to discharge charged bodies in air and it didn’t depend on potential function and beam polarity. • Radioactive substance radiation effects in different ways: it effects on substances used in photography,paint glassworks in purple or brown and etc. fawn окрашивает стекло в фиолетовый или коричневый цвет и т.д. • It brings into operation sea-fire diverse ocular media at the approach active material to temple come in light sense. • It affects epidermis and deep strike leather alike X-rays form wounds which require for epulosis sometimes several month scar. At the present time there are attempts to use that response to treatment lupus and cancer.
This phenomenon was called radioactivity by Marie Curie. The definition given by her: “Radioactive elements are called chemical elements which characterize automatic atomic emanation so called alpha, beta and gamma rays.” Substances radiating Becquerel rays was called radioactive but new quality matter found out due to that kind of thin radiation - radioactivity. Elements possessing this property are called radioelements.
She was born 7.11.1867 in a family of Polish teacher; Her husband – Pierre Curie, French physicist; In 1897 they began to study Becquerel rays; Marie Curie -Мария Кюри-twice Nobel laureate (1903;1911); She had 2 children: Irene and Eve; Irene Curie - Nobel laureate(1935); Eve Curie, journalist, wrote the best book about Marie Curie (1937); Marie Sklodowska- Curie –outstanding woman in world in ХХ century
In 1898they showed that the emission uranium salt in direct ratio number contained in them uranium(U), i.e they proved that radioactivity is a property of uranium atom. Later it was proved that thorium possesses such kind of properties. July, 18 in 1898 they separated chemical substance from autunite, this substance possesses more higher radioactivity. This element was called polonium(Ро)by them (in honor of Marie’s native Poland), and December, 25 they discovered more radioactive substance – radium(Ra) .
In January in 1899Ernest Rutherford publishedthe article dealing with radioactivity study, in which he showed that given radiation is neither polarized nor be refracted. The scientist identified inhomogenuity uranium rays; Absorbable part of radiation he called alpha rays, less absorbable part he called beta rays.
The most considerable investigations and discoveries: 1901г.A. Becquerel showed that radioactivity consists of three types of rays which includes not deflect in magnetic floor and strong penetrate (gamma-rays). 1902г. М.Curie determined atomic weight of radium which is equal to 225 and offered to placed it in Periodic Table as a top analogue alkali-earth metal. 1902г. E. Rutherford and Soddi advanced a theory of radioactive decay. 1903г. P. Curie and Dann determined half-life radium emanation (~4 days), radium emanation – radon-222. 1904г. A number of scientists from England and the USA came to conclusion that radium is formed as a result of uranium decay 1912г. E.Мeier(Germany) showed that X-rays have got the same nature like roentgen rays but they are more harder. 1913г. F.Soddi gave isotopes idea. 1914г. E. Rutherford and E. Andrade stopped the discussion of gamma-rays nature, having proved their electromagnetic nature
There are a lot of references about history of radioactivity. As a rule, Europe and European part of Russia scientists’ achievements are discussed, whereas there is the archive recording in Tomsk which allows to say that in Asiatic part of Russia, especially in the center of scientific idea concentration in Tomsk, the investigations carried out not less extensively than in big cities in Russia.
First of all it dealt with the first Siberian higher education institutions. The thing was Tomsk state university with its medicine faculty and Tomsk technological institutewere supplied by academic staff from Moscow and St. Petersburg universities possessing strong links with Academe Europa.
So, the first rector of TSU was a professor N.A. Gezekhus. He came from St. Petersburg technological institute and he studied thermal effect of radium rays. His scientific papers were discussed in scientific communities in 1903 when this phenomenon had been discovered. К истории изучения радиоактивности в Сибири
Graduates from European universities were other first researchers of radioactivity and radioactive elements in Siberia: Orlov P.P., Titov V.S., Alekseev D.V., Pilipenko P.P., Gudkov P.P., Sobolev M.N., Obruchev V.A. and others
Pyotr Pavlovich Orlov a professor of medicine faculty of Tomsk state university was very famous in scientific historic literature. In 1904he came to Tomsk and began to ivestigate radioactivity. In letter to academician V.I. Vernadsky in 1904he wrote: «Doctors are very interested now in radium. Pilipenko and me hope to find uranium and thorium minerals here…» Pyotr Pavlovich Orlov (1859-1937).
In summer in 1911 P.P. Orlov and P.P. Pilipenko traveled all over several minefield radioactive minerals. Everywhere they sampled to identify radioactivity level of natural objects. Near the village Andreevskaya they discovered that clay had more activity.
In 1917-1926 professor Orlov P.P. gave lectures at physico-mathematical faculty TSU «Radioactive elements, their properties and location in nature». It was the first course of study, given in Russia.
Laboratory work performed by student Khodalevich (future professor of chemistry TSU). It is performed according to this course.