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What this ‘Tutorial’ is…

NIST HL7 V2 Test Tools IHE-PCD Cycle 4 Test Overview, Strategy, and Tutorial WebEx (11 am – 12 pm, EST) 19 October 2009. What this ‘Tutorial’ is…. Intended to promote a test strategy to meet key testing objectives (for IHE-PCD domain)

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What this ‘Tutorial’ is…

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  1. NIST HL7 V2 Test ToolsIHE-PCD Cycle 4 Test Overview, Strategy, and TutorialWebEx (11 am – 12 pm, EST)19 October 2009

  2. What this ‘Tutorial’ is… • Intended to promote a test strategy to meet key testing objectives (for IHE-PCD domain) • Communicate a recommended common path forward to IHE-PCD participants, Domain Test Manager, and Test Tool developers • More comprehensive documentation • Feed-back mechanism into more complete technical framework and standards • A focused testing approach for IHE-PCD • Cycle 4 “Pre-connectathon” • HL7 V2 (2.6) messages • Using a “centralized testing approach”, no firewall issues • To show conformance of vendor produced messages to specifications • HL7 Standard • IHE-PCD TF and Supplements • hRTM • IHE-PCD Pre-connectathon Test Cases • Designed for IHE-PCD Vendor ease-of-use

  3. What this ‘Tutorial’ is NOT… • Focused on other IHE domains (i.e., outside of IHE-PCD) • Training on a “polished” tool • A lesson in HL7 • A replacement for Message Workbench (MWB) • Everything you can do with the NIST HL7 V2 IHE-PCD tool, can be done in MWB • A validation approach for ‘consumer’ type actors • An HL7 Profile building tool • …at least not yet!

  4. IHE-PCD Testing IHE-PCD Testing – Key Objectives • Increase test comprehensiveness & quality • Support both conformance & interoperability testing • Support for pre- & virtual- connectathons, actual connectathon & enable year round testing • Remain in alignment with IHE-PCD integration profile development road map • Establish single framework for PCD covering increasing complexity and technologies over next 5 years • Coordinate with IHE “Gazelle Project” • Generate work products that companies can use in their regulatory submissions

  5. IHE-PCD Testing IHE-PCD Testing – Key Ingredients • Well Defined Integration Profiles • Technical Framework • Supplements • Unambiguous Standards • Test Guidelines • Test Plans • Test Scenarios, Actors, Transactions, Validation Criteria • Test Artifacts, including: • HL7 Profile(s) (and eventually x73 Device Specializations?) • Repositories • Nomenclature (e.g., RTM) • Value Tables (e.g., HL7, units, local, etc.), Default and Sample Values • Test Cases

  6. NIST Testing StrategyOverview • NIST’s IHE-PCD Test Strategy • NIST Framework for Testing Distributed Healthcare Applications • Documentation: Test Guideline and Test Plans • Provides test assertions for tooling • IHE-PCD “NIST HL7 V2 Testing Framework” Instance • Web Site: Coming Soon… • Cycle 4 Pre-connectathon (and virtual-connectathon) • Potential use at IHE ’10 (January) Connectathon • Supports Conformance • & leads toward Interoperability

  7. NIST Testing StrategyTest Environments • Instance Testing • Conformance (e.g., against HL7 2.x or CDA) • Implementation conforms to Spec. on which it is based • IHE Model: ~Virtual and Pre-Connectathon • Isolated System Testing • Includes Instance Testing Activities • Protocol Conformance • Functional Behavior Conformance • Features and Operational behavior correspond to Specs. • IHE Model: ~Virtual and Pre-Connectathon • Peer-to-Peer System Testing • Includes Isolated System Testing Activities • Interoperability Testing • Testing complete application environment • May include interacting w/ Database, using Network Communications, or interacting w/ other hardware, apps, or systems if appropriate • IHE Model: ~Connectathon

  8. Test Environment Message ValidationNIST V2 Testing Tools: IHE-PCD Validation of IHE-PCD message(s) and corresponding HL7 Profile(s) Syntax and Semantic Content Validation Against HL7 V2 message (e.g., PCD-01) Message structure (e.g., MSH,PID,PV1,OBR,NTE,{{OBX},OBX,OBX,OBX,…}) Against HL7 profile (Msg_type^Event_type^ e.g., ORU^R01^…) Against HL7 and/or user provided tables Example of user provided table is RTM for Ref_IDs, Units, etc. Against ‘validation context’, including specific values Defined in XML (e.g., specific test case values)

  9. NIST IHE-PCD Testing StrategyOverview • Validation Context • Integrated via context validation files for this year’s cycle • Future, likely a web service (call to repository) • Going forward – RTMMS (and tied to ISO/IEEE 11073)… • Integrated as part of NIST Test Framework • Framework/Supplement (Transactions/HL7 Messages) • HL7 Profile (one for each Integration Profiles) • RTM Terminology (hRTM) • Integrated via context validation files for this year’s cycle • Future, likely a web service (call to repository) • Going forward – RTMMS (RTM Management System) • Tied to ISO/IEEE x73 (via ballot process)… • Called out in Technical Framework and Supplements • Integrated as part of NIST Test Framework

  10. NIST V2 Testing Tools and Services Testing Validation Types Validation against ‘failure types’: VERSION*: The version in the message and in the profile should match. MESSAGE_STRUCTURE_ID*: The message type (MSH.9 element) in the profile and in the message should match. MESSAGE_STRUCTURE: The message should have a valid message structure (correct usage, correct cardinality, and correct element name). USAGE: R elements should be present; X elements should not be present in the message. CARDINALITY: Elements should be present at least the minimum times and at most the maximum times specified in the profile. It should also take into account the usage of the element (X element with a minimum of 4 should not be present in the message). LENGTH: The value of the element should have a length equal or less than the value specified in the profile. DATATYPE: For the datatype NM, DT, DTM, SI and TM, the value of the element should match the regular expression defined in the standard. DATA: The value of the element should match a constant specified in the profile, a value set specified in a table, a value or a regular expression specified in the message validation context. MESSAGE_VALIDATION_CONTEXT*: This is a user input error when the location specified in the message validation context can't be found in the message. TABLE_NOT_FOUND*: This is a user input when a table can't be found in the table files (TableProfileDocument). AMBIGUOUS_PROFILE*: The profile should not be ambiguous.

  11. NIST IHE-PCD Test Guidelines (’09-’10 Pre-connectathon) • Quick, executive summary level view • Defines testing requirements for those performing testing • HL7 Messaging version (e.g., V2.6) • HL7 profile • Identifies test environment • See ‘Test Environment’ slides above… • Identifies what types of testing shall occur • Links test artifact(s) (needed) to validate specific test case(s) • Syntax Validation • HL7 Syntax/structure – basic syntax via HL7 V2.6 standard • HL7 IHE-PCD Profile Validation – required fields, order, data types, cardinality via message profile • Semantic Validation(via context validation file) • Integration Profile Validation – (semantic) via message profile file (XML) • Rosetta Validation – (semantic) terminology w/ co-constraints from RTM Integration Profile • Test case validation – (semantic) specific field values

  12. NIST IHE-PCD Test Plans (’09-’10 Pre- and Virtual- Connectathon) • Clear and concise documentation • Mirror (point to) and/or include test cases • Already defined and new test cases as developed/introduced • Necessary for rigorous HL7 profile and message validation • Defines “validation context” specifications used by tooling • Recommended document template as we go forward… • Used by IHE-PCD Integration Profile working groups to establish exactly what’s to be tested • Communicates specific validation criteria to participating vendors • I.e., no surprises • …Supporting documentation for work products • …that perhaps companies can use in their regulatory submissions • Start w/ static messages and move into scenarios • Way to identify appropriate Rosetta Terminology according to IHE use case • …Perhaps be adopted by other domains as “conformance” documentation model…

  13. NIST IHE-PCD Test Plans Issue Resolution • Such documentation will lead to issues • Identify gaps and ambiguities • Identify road-map work items/tasks • Feedback from Test Plan and HL7 profile work • Likely lead to CPs to Technical Framework and Supplements • Further development (perhaps via website) to: • Update Forms/Tables (via ‘approved’ IHE-PCD process) • Forms/Tables > XML generation • Basis for HL7 Profile over IHE cycles • Provide up-to-date electronic version

  14. IHE-PCD Cycle 4 TestingDocumentation Test Guideline Documents • NIST DEC Pre-Connectathon Test Guidelines.docx • NIST ACM Pre-Connectathon Test Guidelines.docx • NIST IDCO Pre-Connectathon Test Guidelines.docx • NIST PIV Pre-Connectathon Test Guidelines.docx Test Plan Documents • DEC_TEST PLAN.docx • DEC_SPD_TEST PLAN.docx • ACM_TEST PLAN.docx • IDCO_TEST PLAN.docx • PIV_TEST PLAN.docx • Note: All documents are first cut/version and need additional review…

  15. NIST-produced HL7 Profiles (’09-’10 Pre-connectathon) • NIST HL7 Message Profiles (XML format) • To be used with NIST IHE-PCD HL7 V2 Validation Tooling… • Website:coming soon… • Currently vetting w/ Messaging Workbench (MWB) • Naming Convention Used: • *NIST_[w...w]_xxx_yyy-NN_zzz^TTT.xml • Example 1: NIST_IDCO_DOR_PCD-09_ORU^R01.xml • Example 2: NIST_SPD_DOC_PCD-02_QSB^Q16.xml • [w...w]: Integration Profile Group/Option (e.g., “PIV”) • xxx: Actor (e.g., “IOP”) • yyy-NN: IHE-PCD transaction-Number (e.g., “PCD-02”) • zzz^TTT: Message Type^Trigger Event (e.gs., “ROU^R01”, “RGV^O15”) *MWB is primary tool this cycle used by vendors, so keep “NIST” label to avoid confusion.

  16. NIST IHE-PCD HL7 Profiles (cycle 4) • NIST_DEC_DOR_PCD-01_ORU^R01.xml • NIST_SPD_DOC_PCD-02_QSB^Q16.xml • NIST_PIV_IOP_PCD-03_RGV^O15.xml • NIST_ACM_AR_PCD-04_ORU^R01.xml • NIST_IDCO_IDCR_PCD-09_ORU^R01.xml

  17. Profile ValidationFeedback to TF/Supplements… • NIST_DEC_DOR_PCD-01_ORU^R01.xml • Remaining errors concern issues related to contradictions with HL7 v2.5 versus v2.6 • (captured using HL7Web application) • Errors (leading to CPs in the Framework/Supplement docs…) • Error1: segment PV1 is ‘R’ Required by the standard but Optional in DEC • Error2: segment TQ1 is ‘R’ Required by the standard but Optional in DEC • Error3: segment SPM is ‘R’ Required by the standard but Not Supported in DEC • Error4: OBX-20 is not defined in the v2.5 standard (it is in v2.6) • Documented Issues Please send issues to: john.garguilo@nist.gov

  18. Message Validation ContextTechnical Framework/Supplement Validation • Naming Convention: w…w-yyy-nn-ValidationContext.xml • [w...w]: Integration Profile Group/Option (e.g., “PIV”) • yyy-nn: IHE-PCD transaction-Number (e.g., “PCD-03”) • DEC-PCD-01-ValidationContext.xml • SPD-PCD-02-ValidationContext.xml • PIV-PCD-03-ValidationContext.xml • ACM-PCD-04-ValidationContext.xml • IDCO-PCD-09-ValidationContext.xml

  19. Message Validation ContexthRTM Validation • hRTM • Integrated via context validation files for this year’s cycle • hDEC-PCD-01-ValidationContext.xml • hPIV-PCD-03-ValidationContext.xml • hACM-PCD-04-ValidationContext.xml • Needed: IDCO-PCD-09ValidationContext.xml

  20. NIST Test CaseMessage Validation Context (’09-’10 Pre-connectathon) • NIST validation of specific values (derived from the test cases for each Integration Profile) • Based on Use Case • Instance of Use Case ultimately demonstrated at Showcase • NIST V2 Tools currently only handle static message validation from reporter-type actors…

  21. NIST Test CaseMessage Validation Context (’09-’10 Pre-connectathon) • NIST validation of specific values (derived from the test cases for each Integration Profile) • Based on Use Case • Instance of Use Case ultimately demonstrated at Showcase • DEC (DOR for PCD-01) • 60001-ValidationContext.xml • 60002-ValidationContext.xml • 60003-ValidationContext.xml • 60004-ValidationContext.xml • 60005-ValidationContext.xml • 60006-ValidationContext.xml • 60007-ValidationContext.xml • 60008-ValidationContext.xml • 60009-ValidationContext.xml • 60010-ValidationContext.xml • 60041-ValidationContext.xml

  22. NIST Test CaseMessage Validation Context (’09-’10 Pre-connectathon) • NIST validation of specific values (derived from the test cases for each Integration Profile) • Based on Use Case • Instance of Use Case ultimately demonstrated at Showcase • PIV (IOP for PCD-03) • 60101-ValidationContext.xml • 60102-ValidationContext.xml • 60103-ValidationContext.xml • 60104-ValidationContext.xml • 60105-ValidationContext.xml • 60106-ValidationContext.xml • 60107-ValidationContext.xml • 60108-ValidationContext.xml • 60109-1-ValidationContext.xml • 60109-2-ValidationContext.xml • 60109-3-ValidationContext.xml • 60109-4-ValidationContext.xml • 60110-ValidationContext.xml

  23. Example HL7 Message (ER7 format) • MSH|^~\&|PAT_DEVICE_BBRAUN^0012210000000001^EUI64|BBRAUN|OTHER_GE_CPA|GEHEALTHCARE|20061215111017-0600||ORU^R01^ORU_R01|19|P|2.5|||NE|AL||ASCII|EN^English^ISO659||IHE PCD ORU-R01 2006^HL7^2.16.840.1.113883.9.n.m^HL7 • PID|||CD60002^^^IHE^PI||Darwin^Charles^^^^^L|Emerine^^^^^^L|19620101|M • OBR|1|AB12345^HL7^ACDE48234567ABCD^EUI-64|CD12345^HL7^ACDE48234567ABCD^EUI-64|ServiceID^ServiceID|||20061215111014-0600 • OBX|1||69985^MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_MDS^MDC|1000001.0.0.0|||||||X|||||N60002||X^^A0001^BBRAUN • OBX|2||69986^MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_VMD^MDC|1000001.1.0.0|||||||X • OBX|3||126978^MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_CHAN_DELIVERY^MDC|1000001.1.1.0|||||||X • OBX|4||126977^MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_CHAN_SOURCE^MDC|1000001.1.2.0|||||||X • OBX|5||126977^MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_CHAN_SOURCE^MDC|1000001.1.3.0|||||||X • OBX|6|ST|184504^MDC_PUMP_MODE^MDC|1000001.1.1.101|pump-mode-nominal||||||R|||20061215111014-0600|||||20061215111014-0600 • OBX|7|ST|184508^MDC_PUMP_STAT^MDC|1000001.1.1.102|pump-status-infusing||||||R|||20061215111014-0600|||||20061215111014-0600 • OBX|8|NM|157784^MDC_FLOW_FLUID_PUMP^MDC|1000001.1.1.103|100.0|265266^MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_HR^MDC|||||R|||20061215111014-0600|||||20061215111014-0600 • OBX|9|NM|157784^MDC_FLOW_FLUID_PUMP^MDC|1000001.1.3.301|100.0|265266^MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_HR^MDC|||||R|||20061215111014-0600|||||20061215111014-0600 • OBX|10|NM|157872^MDC_VOL_FLUID_TBI_REMAIN^MDC|1000001.1.3.302|9.8|mL^mL^UCUM^263762^MDC_DIM_MILLI_L^MDC|||||R|||20061215111014-0600|||||20061215111014-0600 • OBX|11|NM|157916^MDC_TIME_PD_REMAIN^MDC|1000001.1.3.303|5|min^min^UCUM^264352^MDC_DIM_MIN^MDC|||||R|||20061215111014-0600|||||20061215111014-0600 • OBX|12|ST|184330^MDC_DRUG_NAME_TYPE^MDC|1000001.1.3.304|Amoxicillin||||||R|||20061215111014-0600|||||20061215111014-0600

  24. Example HL7 Message (ER7 format-infused errors) • MSH|^~\&|PAT_DEVICE_BBRAUN^0012210000000001^EUI-64|BBRAUN|OTHER_GE_CPA|GEHEALTHCARE|20061215111017-0600||ORU^R01^ORU_R01|19|P|2.5|||NE|AL||ASCII|EN^English^ISO659||IHE PCD ORU-R01 2006^HL7^2.16.840.1.113883.9.n.m^HL7 • PID|||CD60002^^^IHE^PI||Darwin^Charles^^^^^L|Emerine|19620101|M • OBR|1|AB12345^HL7^ACDE48234567ABCD^EUI-64|CD12345^HL7^ACDE48234567ABCD^EUI-64|ServiceID^ServiceID|||20061215111014-0600 • OBX|1||69985^MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_MDS^MDC|1000001.0.0.0|||||||X|||||N60002||^^A0001^BBRAUN • OBX|2||69986^MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_VMD^MDC|1000001.1.0.0|||||||X • OBX|3||126978^MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_CHAN_DELIVERY^MDC|1000001.1.1.0|||||||X • OBX|4||126977^MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_CHAN_SOURCE^MDC|1000001.1.2.0|||||||X • OBX|5||126977^MDC_DEV_PUMP_INFUS_CHAN_SOURCE^MDC|1000001.1.3.0|||||||X • OBX|6|ST|184504^MDC_PUMP_MODE^MDC|1000001.1.1.101|pump-mode-nominal||||||R|||20061215111014-0600|||||20061215111014-0600 • OBX|7|ST|184508^MDC_PUMP_STAT^MDC|1000001.1.1.102|pump-status-infusing||||||R|||20061215111014-0600|||||20061215111014-0600 • OBX|8|NM|157784^MDC_FLOW_FLUID_PUMP^MDC|1000001.1.1.103|100.0|3122^mL/h^UCUM^265266^MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_HR^MDC|||||R|||20061215111014-0600|||||20061215111014-0600 • OBX|9|NM|157784^MDC_FLOW_FLUID_PUMP^MDC|1000001.1.3.301|100.0|3122^mL/h^UCUM^265266^MDC_DIM_MILLI_L_PER_HR^MDC|||||R|||20061215111014-0600|||||20061215111014-0600 • OBX|10|NM|157872^MDC_VOL_FLUID_TBI_REMAIN^MDC|1000001.1.3.302|9.8|1618^mL^UCUM^263762^MDC_DIM_MILLI_L^MDC|||||R|||20061215111014-0600|||||20061215111014-0600 • OBX|11|NM|157916^MDC_TIME_PD_REMAIN^MDC|1000001.1.3.303|5|2208^min^UCUM^264352^MDC_DIM_MIN^MDC|||||R|||20061215111014-0600|||||20061215111014-0600 • OBX|12|ST|184330^MDC_DRUG_NAME_TYPE^MDC|1000001.1.3.304|Amoxicillin||||||R|||20061215111014-0600|||||20061215111014-0600

  25. NIST V2 Tools (via Web) Demonstration NIST HL7 Web (for IHE-PCD) (website URL coming soon…) • Select the IHE Profile • Select Sending Actor • Transaction • Pre-Connectathon Test Case • Browse for a message or cut and paste message into text box • Select ‘Load Message’ • Select ‘Validation’ under “Start Validation” heading • Generate and review resulting ‘Report’ • Review errors

  26. Issues to resolve… For consideration as we move forward… V2.5 move to V2.6 Tool Usage Feedback mechanism Send email to NIST (see last slide for contacts) CPs to IHE-PCD Technical Framework/Supplements Learned from profile exercise …

  27. Next Steps Review Test Guide and Test Plan documents “Test” the test tools (through usage by IHE-PCD members) Start with a few volunteers Complete Test Cases and add to interface Provide NIST V2 Tool web site URL Develop NIST HL7 V2 IHE-PCD ‘User Guide’ Determine Feedback mechanism for IHE-PCD members Continue to update profile and add test case validation (as IHE-PCD updates TF/Supplements)

  28. NIST IHE-PCD V2 Test EffortNIST Team Members • John Garguilo (john.garguilo@nist.gov, 301-975-5248) • Sandra Martinez (sandra.martinez@nist.gov, 301-975-3579) • Maria Cherkaoui (maria.cherkaoui@nist.gov Guest Researcher) NIST HL7 V2 Tool Web site: To be announced shortly…

  29. Thank YOU! Recommend Test Plan approach to define validation criteria across Integration Profiles Recommend HL7 Profile approach To be used as baseline in each cycle going forward… Easy for new companies to get up and running… IHE-PCD profiles already integrated into NIST V2 tooling as we go forward… Questions? Note: ITI PIX/PDQTool tutorial scheduled… Thanks for your attention 

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