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NYGGS's reliable Order Management System at the tip of your finger. Presently taking care of your high volume of orders is pretty much as simple as strolling in the park. NYGGS developed fostered a straightforward yet strong powerful Order Management System to assist organizations with track orders, managing inventory, set area-wise rates and having complete control over the ledger.<br><br>Get more information here: https://nyggs.com/sfa/order-management-system.html<br>
FromOrderChaostoControl: NYGGS Order Management Software Presenting NYGGS's powerful Order Management Systematyourfingertip.Nowhandling yourhighvolume of ordersisaseasyaswalking inthepark. ByTeamNYGGS
Why Incorporate an Order Management System? 1 2 3 No Overstocking & Under-stocking Improved Order Fulfillment Reliable Data for Better Decisions Maintaining optimal inventorylevelsiscrucial forprofitability.Withthis system,understockingor overstockingwon’tbean issue anymore.Don'tlose outonpotentialsalesto competitors. Whendeliveringorders, it’sobviousto face fulfillmentblunders.With thesystemthatprovide real-timedata,youcan fulfillordersfasterand moreaccurately,leading to happierclients. Youcananalyzetrends and identifyyourstar productwithdataatyour fingertips.Youcan identifywhichstockis gettingthemostorders and whichisnot.Let's makebetterdecisions.
Introducing NYGGS Order Management Software Managingorderscanbe achaotic process,especiallyforbusinessesthathandleahighvolumeof orders.Toaddressorderchaos,NYGGS hasdeveloped asimpleyetpowerfulOrderManagement Systemtohelp businessestotrackorders,manageinventory,setarea-wiserates,andhavecomplete controlovertheledger.Whatdoesittaketomanageyourorders?WithNYGGS OMS,it'sjust4 clicks: 1 2 3 4 Click Select Click(+ ) Then, CreateOrder Client& Product Icon HitCreate Ta-da! Order Created
Complete Traceability of Your Orders 1 Order Created 2 Order Rejected/Ap proved 3 Order Packed 4 Order Dispatched 5 Order Delivered
Key Features of the NYGGS Order Management Software InventoryManagement ProductThreshold Setting Cataloguing/Categorisation OrderFulfilment ClientsManagement ReorderManagement LedgerControl Barcode& QRScanning Credit/DebitNotes DataExportinExcel OrderStatusTracking Real-Time Reporting Area-WiseRateSetting OrderEmailConfigurations MobileApplication Automated Billing & Invoicing
4 Different Modules: Stock, Order, Client, Ledger Ledger Order Getacompleteviewof your financialswithautomatedinvoicing and bookkeeping. Centralizeyourordersfromvarious clientsand automatefulfillment. 1 3 2 4 Stock Client Manageyourinventorywithease thanksto real-timetracking and automation. Keep trackof clientinformation, communication,and orderhistory inoneplace.
Who Can Use NYGGS OMS? Manufacturer Companies Super Stockiest W holesaler / Distributer
Why Choose NYGGS Order Management Software Acompleteand scalablesolution No Paper,Only Digital Fast Implementation Let’stakecareof theenvironment. Weknowthevalueof time. Omnichannel Vision Flexibleand Scalable Yourmarketistheworld. Relax,youareinthecloud.
Product Walkthrough of the NYGGS Order Management Software
T h a n k You Contactustodayto discussyourrequirements! www.nyggs.com + 917303595777 sales@nyggs.com + 917303593999