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“ABACC and the interaction with its partners” Kevin Veal, PhD United States Department of Energy

“ABACC and the interaction with its partners” Kevin Veal, PhD United States Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration. Office of Nonproliferation and International Security. Next Generation Safeguards Initiative (NGSI) .

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“ABACC and the interaction with its partners” Kevin Veal, PhD United States Department of Energy

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  1. “ABACC and the interaction with its partners” Kevin Veal, PhD United States Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration

  2. Office of Nonproliferation and International Security

  3. Next Generation Safeguards Initiative (NGSI) The Next Generation Safeguards Initiative (NGSI) is a robust, multi-year program to develop the policies, concepts, technologies, expertise, and international safeguards infrastructure necessary to strengthen and sustain the international safeguards system as it evolves to meet new challenges over the next 25 years . “The United States has called for added resources and authorities for the IAEA.” President Obama, Vienna, September 2010 • NGSI Consists of Five Strategic Subprograms: • Policies Development & Outreach • Concepts and Approaches • Technology Development • Human Capital Development • International Engagement

  4. NGSI Technology Development Overview • Develop advanced tools and methods to detect diversion of declared nuclear materials. • Develop advanced tools and methods to detect undeclared production or processing of nuclear material. • Provide information analysis solutions to improve state level assessments. • Coordinate safeguards technology development activities with the U.S. Safeguards Support Program. The GeMini high-purity germanium detector, winner of a 2009 R&D 100 Award GE Reuter-Stokes 10B tube

  5. NGSIHuman Capital Development Overview • Revitalize and expand the international safeguards human capital base in the United States by attracting and training a new generation of talent. • Recruit high quality candidates for positions in the IAEA’s Safeguards Department. • Assess ways to integrate efforts to promote human capital development in the United States with our international engagement programs. Between 2008-2010, NGSI sponsored 300 internships for students from more than 70 universities.

  6. NGSIInternational Engagement Overview • Establish “nuclear safeguards infrastructure” with international partners that have credible plans for nuclear power. • Increase the effectiveness and efficiency of safeguards implementation in partner countries. • Demonstrate and evaluate the real-world performance of novel safeguards technologies developed at the U.S. National Labs in the facilities of foreign partners. NDA Training Workshop in Indonesia Additional Protocol Training with Iraq Drum Waste Counter in China

  7. NGSIInternational Engagement Partners UKRAINE SNRCU KAZAKHSTAN KAEC TUNISIA CNSTN PHILIPPINES PNRI Cooperating with over 19 partners on safeguards capacity-building projects

  8. NGSIEngagement on SSAC Development • Establish long-term relationships with key organizations and individuals in nuclear-developing states. • Support development of indigenous capacities for international and domestic nuclear safeguards. • Promote best practices consistent with international norms and standards, including implementation of the Additional Protocol. Fostering the Components of an Effective State System of Accounting for and Control of Nuclear Material

  9. NGSIBilateral Engagement with Argentina & Brazil • Support partner countries in strengthening their own State System of Accounting for and Control of Nuclear Material. • Focused on building capacity in each country through training and technical exchanges. • This bilateral support also institutionalizes the procedures and actions required for ABACC and IAEA reporting. UNCC Device for Measuring Fresh Fuel Bundles in Brazil New Uranium Standards Recently Acquired for Argentina

  10. NGSILeveraging Bilateral Work in Support of ABACC Bilateral cooperation with Argentina & Brazil has enhanced ABACC’s capacity • The February 2010 Workshop at New Brunswick Laboratory • Trained 68 Brazilian and Argentine personnel in uncertainty analysis • Trained personnel will conduct destructive analysis for ABACC • Brazilian laboratory (BARRA – IRD) • Part of the IAEA Network of Analytical Laboratories • Used by ABACC to analyze environmental samples from Argentina • Argentine laboratory (EZEIZA) • Will be used by ABACC to analyze environmental samples from Brazil

  11. NGSIEngagement with ABACC 1994 – Two Significant Developments • Quadripartite Agreement enters into force • U.S. DOE – ABACC Agreement signed, initiating cooperation concerning research and development in nuclear material control, accountancy, verification, and advanced surveillance technologies for international safeguards applications

  12. NGSIEngagement with ABACC • 17 projects have been completed in support of ABACC’s technical capabilities and responsibilities as the Regional Inspectorate. • Past projects include traditional safeguards areas, such as: • Nondestructive Assay • Environmental Sampling • Containment and Surveillance • Training for conducting unannounced inspections Containment and Surveillance Workshop Environmental Sampling

  13. NGSISummary of Current Engagement with ABACC • Action Sheet 15 – Development of Environmental Sampling Capability in support of the Regional Agreement between Argentina and Brazil • Action Sheet 18 – Development of Fast-PTI Surveillance Equipment • Action Sheet 20 – Investigation of Combined Measurements with Three Dimensional Design Information Verification System and Gamma-ray Imaging Systems for International Safeguards Applications • Action Sheet 21 – Laboratory Quality Assurance through Analytical Standards and Sample Exchange Programs • Action Sheet 22 – Cooperation on Developing a Spent Fuel Gross Defect Detection System at Atucha-I • Action Sheet 23 – Cooperation on Training for ABACC • Action Sheet 24 – Developing a System for ABACC to Function as a Regional Center for Education and Training on Safeguards in South America • Action Sheet 25 – Secure Remote Access for ABACC

  14. NGSIHighlights of Engagement with ABACC • Exploring Novel Technologies • 3D Imaging +Gamma Measurements for Design Information Verification • Spent fuel measurements at Atucha-1 Combining measurements with 3D laser scanning system and gamma-ray imaging

  15. NGSIHighlights of Engagement with ABACC • Training the next generation of safeguards experts • Participation in safeguards technical training workshops • Cooperation on the development of a new regional center of excellence Safeguards technical training workshop with students from North Africa and Southeast Asia

  16. NGSISummary & Looking Ahead • DOE/NNSA bilateral cooperation with Argentina and Brazil enhances ABACC’s overall capacity. • We will continue to work together to test new technologies and train the next generation of safeguards experts. • Our cooperation not only strengthens the regional safeguards inspectorate but also the international safeguards regime. • We look forward to building on our existing partnership to ensure the safe, secure, and peaceful use of nuclear energy.

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