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Lesson Aim. To facilitate discussions that will guide participants to consider the importance of prayer in ministry planning. . Introduction .
Lesson Aim To facilitate discussions that will guide participants to consider the importance of prayer in ministry planning.
Introduction There is perhaps no more important a ministry in the Church than that of prayer. The Church cannot rely on programs, marketing strategies, or slick presentations in order to grow and complete the mission given to it. The Church needs the power and presence and direction of the Living God. The Scriptures are replete with instances demonstrating the importance of prayer. Jesus made clear the importance of prayer in the Church when he said in Matthew 21:13: “…It is written, My house will be called a house of prayer, but you are making it a den of thieves”. The early church was powerful because it prayed — and today, God moves in praying churches in ways that planning and programs alone cannot. Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always. (Psalm 105:4)
Lesson Objectives • The Prayer Saturated Church • The Intercessory Prayer Ministry (IPM) • The fruitful results of Passionate Community Worship • The importance of personal devotional time
Lesson Outline 1. The Prayer Saturated Church • Prayer is the key ingredient to the success of every type of ministry. • Prayer evokes the presence and power of God into our ministry endeavors. • Prayer allows us to operate in God’s strength, not our strength for ministry. • it is possible to include virtually everyone in the church in some form of prayer ministry. • Weekly or monthly prayer cards can be sent out. • Teams of people to pray during the services can be established. • People that pray specifically for the Pastors and leaders of the church can be raised up. • Prayer-chains can be developed by phone calls, as well as by e-mail. • Ministry teams can be trained to effectively pray for those in need at each service. • Encourage, teach, and train the whole congregation to pray for the manifestation of the presence and power of God at each worship service, meetings, conferences, Bible study… .
Lesson Outline II. Intercessory Prayer Ministry (IPM) • In order to faithfully exercise the mission given the Church to be a house prayer, there must be an effective, fully functioning prayer ministry established in each congregation. • The first thing that must take place in establishing a prayer ministry is prayer. We must start by diligently seeking out the Lord in prayer for His will, His timing, and His direction. • Prayer ministry grows out of the heart of our relationship with God. So we need to begin there. • This ministry needs to be honored and recognized by the Pastor and leaders of the church. • Vital to the success of a healthy prayer ministry is the appointing of a prayer coordinator to oversee and direct the ministry.
II. Intercessory Prayer Ministry (IPM) (continued) • A prayer room, an area set aside for the purpose of prayer, is another important part of an effective prayer ministry. • It is important to find out the intercessors in each group of the church and make sure that they are equipped and encouraged for this ministry. • Organize a monthly prayer meeting, as well as prayer room activities. • Prospective leaders should be allowed to gather with other prayer leaders from other congregations so as to lend understanding to the realities of a prayer ministry. • In rural areas prayer ministries from several towns may occasionally come together for instruction and networking ideas. • In large cities prayer ministries may choose to meet representing geographic regions and/or cultural or ethnic segments. • The key focus is not to abandon theological, cultural and denominational distinctive, but to de-emphasize them to the point where true cooperation and spiritual unity can be experienced.
II. Intercessory Prayer Ministry (IPM) (continued) • Teach and train the congregation to pray specifically for God’s will, direction, provision, and guidance. • Pray that God gives to us patience as we work with people who are not like-minded at times. • Pray that God will give us genuine love for the people. • Pray that God will give us respect in the eyes of the people. • Pray that God gives wisdom to discern His will and divine timing. • The most difficult part about prayer is the (wait-time). Proverbs 19:2 says it is not good to be hasty. • Pray that God will clear the air of any bad attitudes. • Pray for all those involved in worship – congregation, singers, pastors, instrument players, and ourselves. • Prayer is the key for ministry success. Without prayer, we can become accustomed to doing things in our own strength. It is through the power of God that we should strive to do all things. Without His strength, we are helpless and will fail.
Lesson Outline III. The Fruitful Results of Passionate Community Worship • Passionate Worship means an extraordinary eagerness to offer our best worship to God. It is an emotional connection that goes beyond intellectual consent. It is a combination of eagerness, anticipation, expectancy, deep commitment, and belief. (p. 37). • Worship was the reason given repeatedly for why God liberated the Hebrew people from slavery in Egypt. “Let my people go, so that they may worship me” (Exodus 8:11). • The spirit of God transforms us in worship. • Worship breathes life into the community of Christ followers, forms identity, and provides a place of common learning about faith and listening to God (p. 35). • Worship bends hearts towards God as it stretches hands outward toward others.
Lesson Outline III. The Fruitful Results of Passionate Community Worship (continued) • Worship forms communities, shapes souls, corrects self- interest, and binds people together and to God (p. 35). • Through worship, God pardons sins, restores relationships, and changes lives. • Through worship God speaks to us in beautiful sanctuaries, and simple buildings, in store-front gathering places and hospital chapels, outdoors under open sky and in the homes of members. (p. 35). • In every imaginable setting, through worship, people seek to connect with God, allow God’s word to shape them, and offer their response through faith. • God expects lives to change in passionate worship!
Lesson Outline IV. The Importance of Personal Devotional Time • “The responsibility of the quality of spiritual life in the congregation does not reside only with the Pastor. And committees, teams, and staff cannot do it on their own either. What each person brings to worship shapes the experience for everyone as much as what he or she finds there.” (p. 55) • To assist parishioners in their personal devotional time, consider the following: 1). Publish Scriptures or topics before service . 2). Encourage members to take notes. 3). Provide sermon outlines. 4). Teach about prayer in your Sunday school class, Youth Ministry, and Bible Study.
Wrap-Up • How does your congregation encourage and support training for worship leaders? • In what ways does your church practice and teach prayer? • How do you pray for one another, for the church, the needs of the community and the world? • What practices, readings, resources, and relationships sustain your own personal devotional life? • How do you prepare your own spirit for worship?
Reference Materials • Five Practices of a Faithful Congregation (Robert Schnase) • Rethinking the Church (James Emery White) • Prayer Saturated Church (Cheryl Sacks)