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Rhetorical techniques. Repetition. Repeating a word or phrase (or parts of it) in order to strengthen a point We can improve, we must improve, and we will improve. Hyperbole. Exaggerating for rhetorical effect I tried at least a thousand times. Emotive language.
Repetition • Repeating a word or phrase (or parts of it) in order to strengthen a point We can improve, we must improve, and we will improve.
Hyperbole • Exaggerating for rhetorical effectI tried at least a thousand times.
Emotive language • Using words that appeal to the audience’s emotions Innocent bystanders were mercilessly slaughtered.
Facts • Using facts gains the speaker credibility with the audience.
Direct address • Speaking directly to the audience, using the pronoun you How can you hear these facts without being appalled?
Metaphor • Describing something as if it were something else The sun was a furnace.
Short sentences • A series of short sentences (three is common) can increase the dramatic effect.
Assignment • Split the class into twogroups • Choose a speech to preparefrom the list on Open Road 8 page 55 - thereshouldbe no morethantwospeeches of a similartype • Writeyourspeech at home • Nextlesson: taketurns to read out yourspeeches for yourowngroup. • The listenerswillvote for the bestspeeches = give 1 point to the bestthreespeeches • The twobestspeecheswillbeperformedagain in front of the class
Discuss • What made thesetwospeechessogood? • Nowthatyouhavehad a chance to try out publicspeaking, doyoufeelmoreconfidentorlessconfidentaboutdoingso in the future? • Howmightyoucontinuedevelopingyourspeakingskills? • Howimportant is publicspeaking? Doyouthinkit’s a skillyouneed to master?