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Global States

Global States. Review. Vector Clocks Lamport Clock: Total Order Hack Motivation for Global State. Algorithms to Find Global States. Why? (Distributed) garbage collection (Distributed) deadlock detection, termination [think database transactions] What?

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Global States

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  1. Global States

  2. Review • Vector Clocks • Lamport Clock: Total Order Hack • Motivation for Global State

  3. Algorithms to Find Global States • Why? • (Distributed) garbage collection • (Distributed) deadlock detection, termination [think database transactions] • What? • Capture the instantaneous states of a collection of processes • And the messages in transit on different communication channels • How? • We’ll see this lecture!

  4. Obvious First Solution… • Synchronize clocks of all processes (which algorithm?) • Ask all processes to record their states at known time t • Problems? • Time synchronization possible only approximately (but distributed banking applications cannot take approximations) • Does not record the state of messages in the channels • Again: synchronization not required – causality is enough!

  5. Process Histories and States • For a process Pi, history(Pi) = hi = <ei0, ei1, … > prefix history(Pik) = hik = <ei0, ei1, …,eik > Sik : Pi ‘s state immediately before kth event • For a set of processes, global history:H = i (hi) global state:S = i (Siki) a cut C  H = h1c1 h2c2 …  hncn the frontier of C = {eici, i = 1,2, … n}

  6. Consistent cut Inconsistent cut Consistent States • A cut C is consistent if e  C(if f  e then f  C) • A global state S is consistent if it corresponds to a consistent cut e12 e10 e11 e13 P1 e21 P2 e22 e20 P3 e31 e30 e32

  7. Global States • ARunis a total ordering of events in H that is consistent with each hi’s ordering • A Linearization is a run consistent with happens-before () relation in H. • Linearizations pass through consistent global states. • A global state Sk is reachable from global state Si, if there is a linearization, L, that passes through Si and then through Sk. • A DS evolves as a series of transitions between global states S0 ,S1 , ….

  8. Global State Predicates • Aglobal-state-predicateis a function from the set of global states to {true, false} , e.g. deadlock, termination • If P is a global-state predicate of reaching termination, then liveness(P(S0))   L linearizations from S0 ,SL :L passes through SL & P(SL) = true • A stable global-state-predicateis one that once it becomes true, it remains true in subsequent global states, e.g. deadlock • if P is a global-state-predicate of being deadlocked, then safety(P(S0)) S reachable from S0, P(S) = false • We need a way to record global states

  9. The “Snapshot” Algorithm • Records a set of process and channel states such that the combination is a consistent GS. • Assumptions: • No failure, all messages arrive intact, exactly once • Communication channels are unidirectional and FIFO-ordered • There is a comm. path between any two processes • Any process may initiate the snapshot (sends Marker) • Snapshot does not interfere with normal execution • Each process records its state and the state of its incoming channels (no central collection)

  10. The “Snapshot” Algorithm (2) 1. Marker sending rule for initiator process P0 • After P0 has recorded its state • for each outgoing channel C, send a marker on C 2. Marker receiving rule for a process Pk on receipt of a marker over channel C • ifPk has not yet recorded its state • record Pk’s state • record the state of C as “empty” • turn on recording of messages over other incoming channels • for each outgoing channel C, send a marker on C • else • record the state of C as all the messages received over C since Pk saved its state

  11. Chandy and Lamport’s ‘Snapshot’ Algorithm • Marker receiving rule for process pi • On pi’s receipt of a marker message over channel c: • if (pi has not yet recorded its state) it • records its process state now; • records the state of c as the empty set; • turns on recording of messages arriving over other incoming channels; • else • pi records the state of c as the set of messages it has received over c • since it saved its state. • end if • Marker sending rule for process pi • After pi has recorded its state, for each outgoing channel c: • pi sends one marker message over c • (before it sends any other message over c).

  12. e11,2 e14 M M e25 M M e21,2,3 M M e34 e31,2,3 1- P1 initiates snapshot: records its state (S1); sends Markers to P2 & P3; turns on recording for channels C21 and C31 2- P2 receives Marker over C12, records its state (S2), sets state(C12) = {} sends Marker to P1 & P3; turns on recording for channel C32 3- P1 receives Marker over C21, sets state(C21) = {a} 4- P3 receives Marker over C13, records its state (S3), sets state(C13) = {} sends Marker to P1 & P2; turns on recording for channel C23 5- P2 receives Marker over C32, sets state(C32) = {b} 6- P3 receives Marker over C23, sets state(C23) = {} Snapshot Example e10 e13 P1 a e24 P2 e20 b P3 e30

  13. Reachability Between States in Snapshot Algorithm • Let ei and ej be events occurring at pi and pj, respectively such that ei ej • the snapshot algorithm ensures that • if ej is in the cut then ei is also in the cut. • if ej occurred before pj recorded its state, then ei must have occurred before • pi recorded its state.

  14. Question • Why does Chandry-Lamport require each host to send a marker to every other host?

  15. Include(obj1) obj1.method() P2 has obj1 Causality Violation Physical Time 1 2 P1 0 1 P2 0 5 6 2 4 P3 0 4 3 • Causality violation occurs when order of messages causes an action based on information that another host has not yet received. • In designing a DS, potential for causality violation is important

  16. Violation: (1,0,0) < (2,1,2) Detecting Causality Violation Physical Time 1,0,0 2,0,0 0,0,0 P1 (1,0,0) P2 0,0,0 2,1,2 2,2,2 (2,0,0) (2,0,2) P3 0,0,0 2,0,2 2,0,1 • Potential causality violation can be detected by vector timestamps. • If the vector timestamp of a message is less than the local vector timestamp, on arrival, there is a potential causality violation.

  17. Byzantine Generals Problem

  18. Byzantine Generals Problem

  19. Byzantine Generals Problem

  20. Byzantine Generals • IC1: All loyal generals get same result • IC2: If commander is loyal, all loyal generals follow his choice

  21. When is this possible? • What if there are 3 generals?

  22. When is this possible? • What if there are 4 generals?

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