Acupuncture for headaches in Tulsa
If you suffer with headaches or migraines, the ancient Chinese therapy of acupuncture may be just what you need. The Acupuncture for headaches in Tulsa has been extensively researched, and a systematic review of the evidence by the Cochrane collaboration concluded that for migraine acupuncture treatment is at least as effective, or possible more effective than treatment with drugs, but without the side effects. They also found that treatment by acupuncture was effective for chronic tension-type headaches. According to the theories of Chinese medicine, pain is caused by stagnation. In the ancient language of acupuncture, headaches and migraine are caused by 'Qi Stagnation' around the head and possibly neck. There are many ways of categorizing headaches and migraine according to the Chinese theory. The location, nature of the pain, severity, and accompanying symptoms are all used to get a detailed picture of what is causing the attacks. The acupuncturist will also ask about your general health, take your pulse and look at your tongue. All of this information is then used to determine your Chinese Diagnosis. This is a very precise way of looking at the causes of your headaches or migraines, and it allows the acupuncturist to work out a treatment that is specific to your symptoms, and overall health. Headaches are often related to stress or can occur along-side fatigue, muscular pains or insomnia and migraines are often accompanied by nausea, dizziness and aversion to bright lights. In all of these cases, acupuncture can be used to treat the root cause of the problem as well as dealing with the manifestation. In many cases tight muscles in the neck and shoulders can contribute or even cause headaches or migraine, and acupuncture for headaches in Tulsa can be useful to relax the muscles and often has dramatic effects. If you have held tension in these muscles for some time you may not even realize that they are the cause of the problem. Some acupuncturists may also use Tui Na alongside the acupuncture treatment. When you go for an acupuncture treatment the acupuncturist will use tiny, sterile needles. Normally between 6 and 12 are used. Some will probably be around your head and neck, and some elsewhere on the body. The acupuncturist's technique, and the smallness of the needles means that it doesn't hurt, and most people find the experience relaxing. We enhance the lives of individuals and families by relieving pain, reducing stress, assisting healing and personal growth, preventing disease and offering incredible opportunity. Visit for our therapies.
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