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Take out your 3-ring binder Make a new tab “Argument”

Take out your 3-ring binder Make a new tab “Argument”. Everything’s An Argument. Why are we learning about this?. To be PREPARED FOR THE WORLD To know what the argument is To know the effectiveness of the argument To know where to find out more on the argument

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Take out your 3-ring binder Make a new tab “Argument”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Take out your 3-ring binder • Make a new tab “Argument”

  2. Everything’s An Argument

  3. Why are we learning about this? To be PREPARED FOR THE WORLD • To know what the argument is • To know the effectiveness of the argument • To know where to find out more on the argument • Oh….and to be prepared for EVERY subject in college • AND….to be perceived as an intelligent person … Ask Ashton Kutcherhow embarrassing it is when you’re not… How does he go from 8 million followers on twitter to zero in less than one minute?????

  4. What are we going to learn? • Rhetorical Analysis • Research • Finding academic sources • Evaluating Sources • Reading, Note taking & Synthesizing information from the sources • MLA format or documenting source • Critical Response

  5. What is Rhetorical Analysis? A close reading of a text to find out how it persuades and if it works To analyze rhetoric What is rhetoric?…communication of ideas

  6. Take a look--- • THE BIG PICTURE OF ARGUMENT

  7. What is Ethos? • The character, reputation or image of the author

  8. How is ETHOS created by an author? • author creates an identity and shares all or part of their identity with their intended audience • They create their identity through CAM • Credibility • Authority • Motive

  9. CAMCredibility • Trustworthy • Respect for audience and it’s values • Likeability • Familiarity with subject • Reasonable, good judgment • Open-minded

  10. CAMAuthority • Expertise: What does he/she know about the subject? • Experience • Personal background

  11. CAMMotive(s) • Whose interests are they serving? • How will they profit (not just monetarily)?

  12. What techniques can be used to create ETHOS? • Diction • Images • Values • Evidence • Humor • THE LIST GOES ON

  13. EXAMPLES: • Ms. Stevens teaching College Prep Writing • Mr. Mullen coaching football • Jesse Jackson representing people of color

  14. Let’s Analyze ETHOSCredibility---Authority---Motive • VW • Victoria Secret • John Kerry • Herman Cain • On Being a Cripple, by Nancy Mairs

  15. ETHOS HomeworkDUE TONIGHT by 11:59 to turnitin.com Find a text and analyze ETHOS: • Find a text that has effective ETHOS • Write a simple rhetorical analysis on the ethos of the text using CAM • One page minimum, 12 pt font, double-spaced • Submit to turnitin.com by 11:59 tonight (In a WORD document copy and paste the text you’re analyzing or the link and follow with your page of analysis).

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