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Why are we doing this assessment?. “Our mission is to provide high quality programs and services that compliment the academic experience and to provide opportunities that enhance the development of our students” We recognize the worth and dignity of all students and their diverse needs
Why are we doing this assessment? • “Our mission is to provide high quality programs and services that compliment the academic experience and to provide opportunities that enhance the development of our students” • We recognize the worth and dignity of all students and their diverse needs • We believe students who are broadly educated will make a contribution to society • We serve our customers in an ethical, effective, and friendly manner • We work as partners with the campus and the community
What will we assess? • Is a program or service not meeting departmental expectations and goals? • Is the cost of a service, program, or facility prohibitive? • Are stakeholders dissatisfied with a program, service, or facility? • Do existing policies require review or do new policies need to be formulated? • Are clientele needs not being met?
How will we assess? • Qualitative - is a case-by-case understanding of data required to make appropriate decisions? • Quantitative - is it important to apply the results of the study to a larger population? • A combination of both qualitative and quantitative
Who will we assess? • What demographic information is pertinent? • How broad or narrow should the population be? • How large should the sample be? • What sampling method fits best? Gender, ethnicity, ageFreshmen onlyNo less than 300 students, at least 150 of each genderOpportunity Sampling
Student Expectations Students’ expectations are as much of their own roles, responsibilities and commitment as they are of universities. Students may develop unrealistically high expectations (for their own levels of achievement, or of university services) or equally may hold narrow or even low expectations (again, of their own capacities, or of what participating in higher education can offer). Students’ expectations pertain to both quality (such as ‘am I getting value for money?”) and personal relevance (‘is this course really right for me?) and are thus highly diverse and individual in character. To complicate things further, the matching of student expectations against the realities of higher education is played out over both short- and long-term horizons — from satisfaction with the features of the day-to-day experience, such as services, facilities and the in-class experience, through to particular beliefs about the career and life outcomes that course completion might make possible.
In an agreement scale, the respondent indicates agreement or disagreement with each item, and the magnitude of agreement or disagreement. A neutral point can be included in the scale. This type of response scale works well with items that are posed as statements, but it can also be used with items posed as questions. For example: I would recommend UMSL to a friend.Ο Definitely NO Ο Probably NO Ο Probably YES Ο Definitely YES Since I have been receiving counseling services I feel less anxious.Ο Strongly Disagree Ο Disagree Ο Neither Agree nor Disagree Ο Agree Ο Strongly agree
In an evaluation scale, the respondent provides a rating along a good-bad continuum. Choices can range from very positive to very negative. There is no neutral point in the scale. Evaluation response choices can be used to measure attitudes or to assess performance. For example: How would you rate school spirit at UMSL?Ο Terrible Ο Inferior Ο Passable Ο Good Ο Excellent Please rate the Residential Life session at Orientation.Ο Poor Ο Fair Ο Good Ο Excellent
In a frequency scale, the respondent is asked how often or how many times something has happened. Frequency scales can be used to measure how often respondents engaged in certain behaviors or how often certain events occur. For example: How often do you attend recreational sports programs?Ο Never or Almost Never Ο Seldom Ο Sometimes Ο Often Ο Always or Almost Always Approximately how many times per semester do you make non-textbook purchases at the Bookstore?Ο Not at all Ο 1-2 times Ο 3-4 times Ο More than 4 times
What issues have any members of your immediate family experienced? ___ depression ___ grief/loss ___ anger mgmt ___ anxiety ___ physical abuse ___ alcohol abuse ___ bipolar disorder ___ academic failure ___ drug abuse ___ suicide ___ low self-esteem ___ divorce ___ serious illness ___ other: ___________________________ Who do you turn to when you are stressed or troubled? ___ friend ___ staff member ___ faculty member ___ parent ___ RA ___ sibling ___ minister or priest ___ coach ___ physician ___ other: ____________________ ___ counselor/psychologist
Please read each statement regarding specific need areas in which you have hoped to make significant gains while at the University. Then, circle the number in the column that indicates the level to which your needs have been met. Be sure to circle only one number for each statement. 1 = Strongly Expect 2 = Expect 3 = Somewhat Expect 4 = Unsure 5 = Do Not Expect Much 6 = Do Not Expect At All Personal, Social, and Cultural Awareness 1 2 3 4 5 6 Speak more confidently in front of people. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Understand, work, and live with a diverse population. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Gain broader understanding of other cultures. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Expand volume and range of literary works read. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Gain appreciation for current events. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Take advantage of cultural opportunities. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Develop an appreciation for art, music, and theater. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Develop own philosophy of life. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Improve physical health and conditioning. 1 2 3 4 5 6 Overall
I NEED TO: 1. Develop stronger study habits YES NO 2. Learn test taking strategies YES NO 3. Learn relaxation techniques to reduce test anxiety YES NO 4. Learn how to manage time so that personal, academic, and extra- curricular activities are balanced YES NO 5. Develop time management skills YES NO 6. Receive guidance in selecting academic courses YES NO 7. Understand how courses are related to career plans YES NO 8. Communicate more effectively with teachers YES NO 9. Learn to interact with other students more effectively YES NO 10. Know more about people from different backgrounds YES NO 11. Know how to prepare for meeting new and different people YES NO 12. Know how to adjust to living on campus YES NO 13. Do an in-depth exploration of jobs related to my interests YES NO 14. Know how to apply and interview for jobs YES NO 15.Talk to a counselor and career plans YES NO