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CHAPTER 7~8 TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT. TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT. TQM is a program to focus all organizational activities on enhancing quality for customers by redirecting the corporate culture and implementing management and scientific tools. Its four components are:

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  2. TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT • TQM is a program to focus all organizational activities on enhancing quality for customers by redirecting the corporate culture and implementing management and scientific tools. • Its four components are: • a commitment to make quality product for customers • a commitment to continuos improvement • a total involvement in the quality undertaking • extensive use of scientific tools, technologies and methods

  3. THE TQM PIONEERS • Early American Industry Pioneers • Fredrich W. Taylor – 과학적 관리, 검사부서 창출 • Walter Shewhart - Control Charts, 작업공정관리 • Arnold Feigenbaum - Total Quality Control • Post W.W.II/JapaneseTQM • W. Edwards Deming - Total Quality Management • Kaoru Ishikawa – 특성요인도, 고객만족, QC • Joseph Juran - The cost of quality • Philip B. Crosby - Quality is free • Masaaki Imai - Kaizen

  4. DEMING’s 14 POINTS FOR MANAGEMENT • Create consistency of purpose for continual improvement of product & service • Adopt the new philosophy for economic stability • Cease dependency on inspection to achieve quality • End the practice of awarding business on price tag alone • Improve constantly and forever the system of production & service • Institute training on the job • Adopt & institute modern methods of supervision & leadership • Drive out fear • Break down barriers between department & individuals • Eliminate the use of slogans,posters, & exhortations • Eliminate work standard and numerical quota • Remove barriers that rob the hourly worker of the right to pride in workmanship • Institute a vigorous program of education & retraining • Define top management’s permanent commitment to ever-improving quality & productivity

  5. DEMING’s THEORY OF VARIANCE • Deming’s central premise was that variation from standard activities cause many problems for all OM processes and most firms. Categories of Variances Special Cause Common Cause Management Employee Controlled Variance Uncontrolled Variance Management Management • Causes are either common or special causes

  6. DEMING’s FIVE DEADLY DISEASES AND SINS • Consistency of purpose, continuous improvement, cooperation between functions • Lack of consistency : Absolute standard • Concentration on short term profits • Over-reliance on performance appraisals • Job hopping • Overemphasis on visible figures

  7. JURAN’s DEFINITION OF QUALITY • Quality is defined as fitness for use - a concept that incorporates: • quality of design : Suitability • quality of conformance : design • availability : absence of problem(reliability) • Safety : harm • field use : condition(package, storage) • Cost of quality (COQ) includes all costs associated with defective products including: • Internal failure costs • External failure costs • Appraisal costs • Prevention costs

  8. Quality Control : Quality Planning : Quality Improvement QUALITY TRILOGY • TQM 단계 : 품질계획위원회, 목표, 조직의 하부구조, 계획수행

  9. CROSBY'S CONTRIBUTIONS • Absolutes for Quality Management • Quality is Conformance to Requirements - Not Goodness • Quality Systems Amounts to Prevention • Zero Defects Define the Performance Standard • Measurement of Quality - the price of nonconformance • Crosby’s 14 Steps for Quality Improvement • Uncertainty, awakening, enlightenment, wisdom, certainty • The Quality Vaccine • Integrity (policies), Communication, System(operation)

  10. IMAI’s CONNTRIBUTIONS • KAIZEN is a management philosophy that emphasizes: • a process view of the system • success comes from people • that the system should have a constant sense of urgency • In short, it provides the basis for Japan’s continuous improvement approaches

  11. ISO 9000 & 14000

  12. ISO 9000 & 14000 • ISO 9000 : 품질경영 및 품질보증 규격-선택 및 사용지침 • ISO 9001 • 설계/개발, 생산, 설치, 서비스 포함,engineering, Construction type • ISO 9002 :디자인 또는 사양으로 생산, 화학, process 산업 • ISO 9003 • 단순조립, 시험과 검사, 생산공정 자동화,설계 외부 도입, OEM • ISO 9004 : 품질경영 및 품질시스템요소-지침 • ISO 14000 시리즈 • 환경방침 개발, 실행, 달성, 검토 및 유지관리를 하기 위한 조직의 구조, 계획활동, 책임, 관행, 절차,공정 및 자원 등을 포함하는 경영체제

  13. MALCOLM BALDRIGE NATIONAL QUALITY AWARD • 품질에 대한 인식 고취 • 우수한성과의 필요성에 대한 산업전반에 걸친 이해 촉진 • 정보공유 및 전략의 실행으로부터 얻어지는 이익의 분배

  14. MALCOLM BALDRIGE NATIONAL QUALITY AWARD • 추진인자 • 전략계획(80) : 전략 개발 프로세스, 회사전략 • 리더십(110) : 리더십시스템, 회사책임과 시민정신 • 고객 및 시장 초점(80) : 고객과 시장지식, 고객만족 등 • 작업핵심 • 인력 자원 개발(100) : 작업시스템, 사원교육,훈련, 개발 등 • 프로세스 관리(100) : 생산과 서비스 프로세스 관리 등 • 사업결과(450) : 고객만족결과, 재정과 시장결과, 특정결과 • 정보와 분석(80) • 회사성과의 분석과 검토, 정보와 자료의 선택과 사용

  15. SCATTERPLOTS Variable A x x x x x x xx x x x x xx x x x x x xx x xx x x x x xx x x x x x xx x x x xx xxx x x x x xx xx x x x x xx x x x xxx xx x x x x xxx x x xx x x xx xx x x x x x xx x x xxx xx xx xxx x x xx xxx x x x x x x xx x x x x x x xx x x xx x x xx x x x Clearly larger values of variable A seemingly are associated with larger values of variable B. Variable B

  16. 수치데이타를 요약 하는 그림 층별 히스토그램 : 주어진 요소에 따라 데이터를 둘 이상의 하위그룹으로 나눔 HISTOGRAM A statistical tool used to show the extent and type of variance within the system. No. of Occurrences Outcome

  17. CONTROL CHARTS • 공정의 결과와 투입을 모니터링 하도록 사용되는 그림 • 통계적 공정관리: Statistical Process Control : SPC • 공정의 안정성 평가(산포의 원인) • 관리 한계(Control limit) • UCL(upper control limit) & LCL(low control limit) • 품질특성 : 속성과 변량 • 결함 & 에러 : 고객의 요구사항을 만족시키는 수준에 도달하지 못한 품질이나 서비스 • 속성(Attribute) : 결점을 발견할 수 있는 품질특성(양품/불량품) • 변량(Variable) : 무게, 길이, 시간, 온도, 전압, 장력 등 과 같은 측정 가능한 품질특성(수치표현)

  18. PRPCESSS CAPABILITY MEASURE • The larger the ratio of a product specification and the process width of the machine making it, the more likely it is that that process will make acceptable product. • 규격 & 규격한계 • Nominal size(공칭치수), tolerance(공차) • USL(upper specification), LSL(low specification limit)

  19. PRPCESSS CAPABILITY MEASURE • Cp : 공정능력비율(process capability ratio) • 공정의 잠재력 측정 • Cp=규격공차/공정변동폭=(USL-LSL)/6σ • Cpk : 공정성능지수(process performance index) • 공정 평균의 이동을 고려한 지수 • Cpk= min( (USL-X)/3σ , (X-LSL)/3σ) • Cpk >1-공정성능 우수, Cpk <1-공정성능 나쁨 • 6σ 운동 • Cp=2(2ppb), Cpk=1.5 (3.4ppm)

  20. DESIGN TOOLS/QFD • Quality Function Deployment is a method used to identify the major requirements of a firm’ customers and to evaluate how the designs of products and processes meet or exceed those requirements. • 설계단계 : 고객이 제품이나 서비스의 요구조건 규정 • 부품단계 : 제품이나 서비스를 생산하는 데에 필요한 부품이나 성분 결정 • 공정단계 : 고객에 의해서 제시된 제품에 대한 요구사항을 가장 잘 충족 • 생산단계 : 제품생산에 대한 요구조건 전개 • 부서사이에서 생기는 기능상의 장애물이 최소화되어 비용과 시간의 감소를 포함한 소비자 만족을 이끌어 냄

  21. DESIGN TOOLS / HOUSE OF QUALITY • 고객요구사항(CA:customer attribute), 설계변수(EC : engineering characteristic), CA와 EC의 관계, EC간의 상호관계, 고객인식 비교, 현재의 EC 수준 비교, 목표 EC수준, 선택적 항목 House of Quality Interrelationships Technical Features Voice of the Customer Relationships Between Customer-Desired Traits and Technical Features Importance of Traits to Customers Assessment of Competition Importance of Technical Features

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