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Welcome!. 2014-15 School Year. Agenda/Topics to Be Covered. Goals Skills to be developed Topics & extensive reading Assessment /Grading Classroom Policies Special Projects Summary. 12 th form goals.

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  1. Welcome! 2014-15 School Year

  2. Agenda/Topics to Be Covered Goals Skills to be developed Topics & extensive reading Assessment /Grading Classroom Policies Special Projects Summary

  3. 12th form goals Assegurar a aquisição e sistematização de competências essenciais ao uso recetivo e produtivo da língua inglesa. Proporcionar, através da língua inglesa, o contacto com vários universos socioculturais em que é utilizada. Promover hábitos de estudo e competências de aprendizagem, numa perspetiva de educação e formação ao longo da vida. Fomentar uma educação para a cidadania, promovendo uma cultura de liberdade, participação, cooperação, reflexão e avaliação, que desenvolva atitudes de responsabilização e intervenção pessoal e social.

  4. 12th form skills • Ouvir • Compreende discurso fluido, mesmo que não esteja claramente estruturado; • Compreende um leque variado de enunciados orais, tanto em presença como através dos media. • Ler • Compreende diversos tipos de texto, ainda que estrutural e linguisticamente complexos.

  5. 12th form skills • Falar • Interage com espontaneidade, fluência e eficácia em língua inglesa, participando ativamente em discussões; • Demonstra capacidade de relacionação de informação, sintetizando-a de modo lógico e coerente; • Apresenta e discute detalhadamente temas complexos. • Escrever • Elabora, sem dificuldade, textos claros e variados, de modo fluente e estruturado, atendendo à sua função e destinatário; • Elabora textos sobre temas complexos, desenvolvendo linhas de argumentação consistentes e fundamentadas.

  6. Topics (domínios de referência) • THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN THE WORLD • Evolution of the English language: social, cultural and political points of view- world languages and expansion (Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, English, …);- the English language and the information society. • EnglishesThe future of the English language.

  7. Topics (domínios de referência) • CITIZENSHIP and MULTICULTURALISM • The right to be different (language, religion, ethnicity, …) • The Universal Declaration of Human Rights- equal rights and equal opportunities (children, old people, women…)- charismatic figures (Nelson Mandela, Mahatma Gandhi, Germaine Greer, Betty Friedan, MLK, …) • Living with diversity- mobility and migratory fluxes- refugees (political, religious, economic, ethnical grounds)- immigration policies (Australia, USA, EU, …)

  8. Topics (domínios de referência) • THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN THE WORLD • Evolution of the English language: social, cultural and political points of view- world languages and expansion (Portuguese, Spanish, Dutch, English, …);- the English language and the information society. • EnglishesThe future of the English language.

  9. Topics (domínios de referência) • DEMOCRACY IN A GLOBAL ERA   • Maintrends in democraticsocieties • economic and cultural globalization (McDonald’s, Pizza Hut, Nike, CNN, Shell, …) • shared responsibility (wealth distribution, environmental issues, …) • participation • education and democracy • A changing democracy • different types of democracy • the building of the European Union

  10. Topics (domínios de referência) • CULTURES, ARTS AND SOCIETY • The second half of the XX century in literature, cinema, music, … • Democratization of the arts (The Beat Generation, popular culture, street culture,…) - new voices (women, minorities,…) - new forms of expression (graffiti, video clips, …) • Diversity in Englishspeaking countries - indigenous cultures (native Americans, Aborigines, Maoris, …)

  11. Extensive reading Autobiographical stories

  12. Assessment • 1 or 2 tests per term; • 5/6th November and 3/4th December • 1 project per term; • 1 formal oral performance; • Daily tasks and participation • …

  13. Classroom Policies • Class seat plan • High expectations • Commitment • Focus • Punctuality • Homework • delivered within same week • Blog: English12blog • http://goldenageesgblog.wordpress.com/ • E-mail address: • amtc_1960@hotmail.com • Suggestions: • …

  14. Special Projects European Day of Languages Martin Luther King Day Olympiads Theatre performance …

  15. EuropeanDayofLanguages Treasure hunt Several stations with questions about EDL Questions: two levels (basic / secondary classes) Card with space for stamps Winners: more correct answers in less time

  16. EuropeanDayofLanguages • Station 2 12º5 • Flags and capitals • Level A – easier/help • Level B – harder • 4 groups • Estação 3 12º5 • Personalities (writers, painters, politicians celebrities) from different cultures • Escalão A – com ajuda • Escalão B – sem ajuda • 4 groups

  17. EuropeanDayofLanguages • Station 6 12º1 • Completingproverbsoridioms in severallanguages • Level A – easier/help • Level B – harder • 4 groups • Station 5 12º1 • English station • Englishes (varieties) • Level A – easier/help • Level B – harder 4 groups

  18. EuropeanDayofLanguages • Estação 8 12º2 • Monumentsandlandscapes • Level A – easier/help • Level B – harder • 3 groups • Estação 10 12º2 • Translation station • Level A – easier/help • Level B – harder • Sentences / text / phrases in English / French / Spanish / German

  19. Summary Goals Skills to be developed Topics & extensive reading Assessment /Grading Classroom Policies Special Projects

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