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ET- Einstein Telescope Technology for the third generation

EU contract #211743. Harald Lück, AEI Hannover. ET- Einstein Telescope Technology for the third generation. You are here. GW Timelines. Virgo+. Advanced Virgo. GEO HF. Hanford. Advanced LIGO. E-LIGO. Livingston. Launch Transfer data. data. Site Prep. DS. PCP.

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ET- Einstein Telescope Technology for the third generation

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  1. EU contract #211743 Harald Lück, AEI Hannover ET- Einstein TelescopeTechnology for the third generation GWADW- May, 10-15, 2009

  2. You are here GW Timelines Virgo+ Advanced Virgo GEO HF Hanford Advanced LIGO E-LIGO Livingston Launch Transfer data data Site Prep. DS PCP Construction Comm. 3rd Gen. 1st Generation 2nd Generation

  3. In this talk nodiscussionof • Interferometer size • As big a financesallow? Howbigisthat? • Over-groundvsunder-ground(J. Harms, Jo Van der Brand, D. Rabeling) • Will lowfrequencyperformancegoalsreallyrequireundergroundoperation ? • Low frequencysuspensions(R. Nawrodt) • Newtonian Noise • Cryogenicoperation(W. Johnson, K. Kuroda) • Is cryogenicsreallyneededtoachievethegoalsorisroomtemperaturesufficient (at least forhighfrequencies) ? • Non gaussianbeams(A. Freise) • QND tricks(H. Müller-Ebhardt) • Xylophone: collocated multi-narrowbandvssingle-broadbanddetector(S. Hild, R. DeSalvo) GWADW - May, 10-15, 2009

  4. TechnologiesSome (good?) candidatesforthethirdgeneration • Substrate material: Silicon • Gratings & wave-guidecoatings(H. Lück) • Quantum noise: • Squeezing(A. Khalaidovski) • Laser (N. Man) GWADW - May, 10-15, 2009

  5. Mechanical Q ofsubstratematerials Nawrodt et al. GWADW - May, 10-15, 2009

  6. SILICON (Properties) Low thermal lensing @ lowtemp. Fusedsilica 2E-5 / K @ 300 K Nothermoelasticnoise Vanishing CTE@ 20k & 125K Dn/dT Temperature [K] GWADW - May, 10-15, 2009

  7. Physicalpropertiesofsilicon Thermal conductivity Silicon Specificheat Silicon GWADW- May, 10-15, 2009

  8. Properties ofsilicon / silica Thermal conductivityfusedSilica Specificheat Silicon / fusedsilica 1E4 1/10 GWADW- May, 10-15, 2009

  9. Siliconlowabsorption @ 1550nm expected from M. Green and M. Keevers, Optical propertiesofintrinsic Silicon @ 300K, Progress in PhotovoltaicresearchandApplications, Vol. 3, 189-192 (1995) Max. Diameter currently 450mm Wikipedia.com GWADW - May, 10-15, 2009

  10. Mechanicallossesofthecoatings GWADW - May, 10-15, 2009

  11. Coatings on Silicon • Refractive index of Silicon @ 1550nm ~ 3.48 @ 300K • Refractive Index of SiO2 ~ 1.44 • fewer layers needed due to difference in refractive indeces Si SiO2 Si SiO2 Si Coating Substrate GWADW - May, 10-15, 2009

  12. Diffusion of Oxygen High absorptionofSiOmightbe a problemfor SiO2 coatings on Silicon substrates Si SiO2 Si SiO2 Si SiO SiO SiO SiO Coating Substrate GWADW - May, 10-15, 2009

  13. NanostructuredSurfaceswaveguide coatings substrate substrate Monolithic 100% reflection “coating” [Brückner et al., Opt. Lett., 33, 264 (2008)]

  14. Promising newresults R > 99.8%, private communication, IAP Jena, R. Schnabel

  15. Mechanical losses of gratings Nawrodt et al., New Journal of Physics 9 (2007) 225 cryst. quartz,  3“  12 mm, 11670 Hz

  16. Extracted coating/grating losses Nawrodt et al., New Journal of Physics 9 (2007) 225

  17. Squeezing GWADW - May, 10-15, 2009

  18. 11.5dB @ 5MHz 1064 nm Vahlbruch et al. PRL 100, 033602 (2008) GWADW - May, 10-15, 2009

  19. Low frequencysqueezing Shotnoise 1064 nm Squeezednoise electronic darknoise Chelkowskiet al., PRA 75, 043814 (2007) GWADW - May, 10-15, 2009

  20. Squeezing @ 1550 nm 1550 nm Mehmet et. al.: arXiv:0902.0670v1 [quant-ph] GWADW - May, 10-15, 2009

  21. Fragile Squeezed StatesInfluenceoflosses GWADW - May, 10-15, 2009

  22. Laser availabletoday, 1064 nm • Solid statelaser: • laserdiodepumped solid statelaser (AdvLIGO): • 210WNd:YAG, lessthan 12% in higher order modes, almostfinished design forreliablelong-termoperation • 3 E-9 /sqrt(Hz) power stability @ 10Hz, rfnoise: 1dB above SN of 100mA @ 9 MHz • fibrelaser: • ytterbiumdopedphotoniccrystalfiberamplifierusing a single-frequencyNd:YAG non-planar ring oscillatorseedsource • 148W, lessthan 8% in higher order modes • 13 November 2006 / Vol. 14, No. 23 / OPTICS EXPRESS 11071 GWADW - May, 10-15, 2009

  23. Laser availabletoday, 1550 nm • Solid state laser: • - • fibre laser: • Erbium fibre laser, ~2 W, poor reliability GWADW - May, 10-15, 2009

  24. Laserplans • 1064 nm: • Reach 1kW within next 5 years • RIN < 1 E-9 /√Hz • 1550 nm: • 150 W within next few years GWADW - May, 10-15, 2009

  25. 2022

  26. Refractiveindexofsilicon GWADW- May, 10-15, 2009

  27. http://www.sciner.com/Opticsland/FS.htm Refractive Index fusedsilica GWADW- May, 10-15, 2009

  28. The bruteforceapproachStefan Hild S. Hild et al, http://arxiv.org/abs/0810.0604 GWADW- May, 10-15, 2009

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