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Growth and differentiation

Growth and differentiation. Figure 4.2. Figure 4.3. Figure 4-6 Facilitated diffusion. Figure 4-7 Coupled transport. Figure 4-8 ABC transporters. Figure 4-9 Siderophores and iron transport. Figure 4-10 Group translocation: the phosphotransferase system (PTS) of E. coli.

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Growth and differentiation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Growth and differentiation

  2. Figure 4.2

  3. Figure 4.3

  4. Figure 4-6 Facilitated diffusion.

  5. Figure 4-7 Coupled transport.

  6. Figure 4-8 ABC transporters.

  7. Figure 4-9 Siderophores and iron transport.

  8. Figure 4-10 Group translocation: the phosphotransferase system (PTS) of E. coli.

  9. Animation: Phosphotransferase System (PTS) Transport Group Translocation Click box to launch animation

  10. Figure 4-21 Bacterial growth curves.

  11. Figure 4-22 Chemostats and continuous culture.

  12. Figure 4-23 Relationships between dilution rate, cell mass, and generation time.

  13. Figure 4-24 Biofilms.

  14. Figure 4-25 Biofilm development.

  15. Figure 4-26 Endospore formation.

  16. Cyanobacterial Heterocysts Anabaena differentiates into specialized cells called heterocysts. - Allow it to fix nitrogen anaerobically while maintaining oxygenic photosynthesis Figure 4.27

  17. Fruiting Bodies Myxococcus xanthus uses gliding motility. - Starvation triggers the aggregation of 100,000 cells, which form a fruiting body. Figure 4.28

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