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IUFRO Division 5 Conference 5.10.00 Forest Products Marketing & Business Management Dr.Manish Mishra and Teki Suraya*, Marketing of Non-Timber Forest Products: A Case Study of Tumrakheda Village in Raisen District of Madhya Pradesh. Indian Institute of Forest Management, IIFM, Nehru Nagar
IUFRO Division 5 Conference5.10.00 Forest Products Marketing & Business ManagementDr.Manish Mishra and Teki Suraya*, Marketing of Non-Timber Forest Products: A Case Study of Tumrakheda Village in Raisen District of Madhya Pradesh Indian Institute of Forest Management, IIFM, Nehru Nagar Bhopal (M.P.), India. Phone 2775716, 2773799, 2776125, Fax: 0755-2772878. E-mail: manishm@iifm.ac.in
Aim of work and methods • To study existing marketing system, channels of few selected NTFPs in the study area; • Dependence of households on NTFPs for their survival.
Aim of work and methods • Raisen District is situated in the centre part of the present Madhya Pradesh State. • All development blocks of the district are having a considerable area under forest. • Total forest area in the district is about 333236.856 hectare out of which about 31.7% forest land is in Goherganj tehsil • The present study was conducted in Tumarkheda village in Raisen district of M.P. State during January-December 2005. • Raisen district is selected due to main market place and Obaidullahgunj act as centre point for the movements of wild products collected from the natural forests of adjoining districts also. • Tumrakheda village was selected for the study because of vast forests and large tribal population living in and around the forest. • The simple random sampling technique was used to select the households. The sample sizes are 20% households and 4 marketing channel members. • The study was conducted systematically to ascertain the dependence of the forest dwellers in the study area. • Questionnaire survey: • A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect information like diversity of NTFPs extracted, harvesting period, household involved in NTFP collection, total quantity collected per day and per person etc.
RESULTSTable 2: Harvesting period of some of the common NTFPs in Tumrakheda village.
Table : 3 showing NTFP quantity collected per day and total time spent in collection and wage rate of Tumrakheda village, Dahodrange and Obaidullaganj forest Division, District- Raisen (M.P.). Total number of house hold surveyed-20%.
Table 4 Source of income of the villagers house hold in study area. Total income/year = A+B+C+D+E ( 7118.65+2800+2200+1200+1300) = Rs. 14618/-
Figure 1. Percentage contribution of forest produce in Tumrakheda village Livestock 8 14 Fuelwood 9 Mahua Fls Mahua Fr Aonla Fr. 9 Achar Fr. 19 Imli Fr. Safed Musli 6 Lakh Tendu Lvs Agriculture 10 10 2 Labor 1 1 11
CONCLUSIONS: • It was observed that April and May being peak months for NTFP harvest in the study area. • In the same period the villagers do not have agriculture labor work hence they are highly rely on NTFPs collection & consumption and sale. • The most abundantly available NTFPs in the study area in Achar followed by Aonla and Tendu leaves. • It has been reckoned out that about 50% income accounts from NTFPs and resting 50% from other sources including agriculture labor etc. • The maximum time per family hours spent accounted for Tendu leaves harvesting followed by Mahua where as Imli accounts for minimum flowers and minimum from lac.
Conclusions Contd.. • The most prevalent channel for NTFPs movement in the study area include Primary collector village trader tehsil level trader district level trader retailer end user. • The study reveals that total income of the villagers per family was worked out to per Rs.14619 out of which Rs. 2800 form agriculture and form fuel wood Rs.1300/year. • The three major channels was identified-(a) Subsistence use (Direct consumption);(b) Sale to private trader/middlemen;(c) Sale through co-operative (Village forest protection committee-VFPCs).
Acknowledgement: The authors express their sincere gratitude to Dr.D K Bandyopadhyaya Director, IIFM, Bhopal and the then Director Dr. Ram Prasad, for logistical support to conduct the field survey.