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29 October 2017. A way of thinking or feeling. PHILIPPIANS 2 vs 5 Tells us:-. Let this same attitude and purpose and humble mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus Let Him be your example in HUMILITY : Having a modest view of one’s importance. Paul wrote this book of Phillippians:.
PHILIPPIANS 2 vs 5 Tells us:- Let this same attitude and purpose and humble mind be in you which was in Christ Jesus Let Him be your example in HUMILITY: Having a modest view of one’s importance
Paul wrote this book of Phillippians: How was his attitude?
Even though Paul wrote this book from a prison cell, undoubtedly in very bad conditions, he had real joy in his heart and he encouraged his readers to do the same. He knew that the joy of the Lord is so important because it is our strength and a source of power (see Nehemiah 8:10)
I define joy as anything from extreme hilarity to calm delight, a feeling of pleasure.” We all enjoy extreme hilarity from time to time, but what we want in everyday life is that calm delight – that steadfast sense of peace, pleasure, and wellbeing we can only find through a personal relationship with God.
Whatever you are facing as you read Philippians, let me urge you to rejoice. Even in the midst of difficulties or sadness, the joy of the Lord is available to you and it is your strength. Do learn the many practical lessons that Philippians teaches, but above all, learn to live in the strength that comes from rejoicing in God in every situation. Remember that happiness is based on what happens, but joy is a fruit of the Holy Spirit Who dwells in us as believers in Jesus Christ.
Our attitude is an inward feeling expressed by behaviour. Attitude’s roots are inward but its fruit is outward. Attitude is our best friend and or our worst enemy. Attitude draws people to us or repels them.
Our attitude will determine the quality of our future Do not be discouraged with yourself just because you have not yet arrived at a place of perfection in your thoughts and behaviour. God would not be angry with you if He came back today and found you just as you are, as long as He sees that you have the right attitude and are cooperating with the work He is doing in you. He knows you are a work in progress – and you will be for as long as you live (see Philippians 1:6) enjoy where you are on the way to where you are going!
Looking at Paus attitude a little more he tells us Chapter 1 vs 12 – 14:- 12. Now I want you to know and continue to rest assured, brethren, that what [has happened] to me [this imprisonment] has actually only served to advance and give a renewed impetus to the [spreading of the] good news (the Gospel).
13. So much is this a fact that throughout the whole imperial guard and to all the rest [here] my imprisonment has become generally known to be in Christ [that I am a prisoner in His service and for Him] 14. And [also] most of the brethren have derived fresh confidence in the Lord because of my chains and are much more bold to speak and publish fearlessly the word of God.
Is this a challenging time in your life? Know that God can work through you in any circumstance to further the Gospel and His purpose, just as He did for Paul in Philippians 1 vs 12 – 14. Ask Him to help you see Him at work even through ways you will not expect.
Inspired by the Holy Spirit, the apostle Paul tells us in Philippians 2 vs 3,4 how to avoid ugh the strife through the spirit of humility by regarding others as “better than and superior” to ourselves. That is a difficult challenge because our flesh wants to shout, “But what about me?”
Yes, this passage clearly exhorts us to be of the same humble mind that Jesus displayed: to think of others as better than ourselves, to be more concerned for their interests and welfare than for our own, and to do nothing from conceit or empty arrogance. If we are obedient to this instruction, if we humble ourselves and are willing to serve others, we will live in harmony and therefore be pleasing to God.
In Philippians 2 vs 25 – 30 we find a man named Epaphroditus who was sick due to overwork in the ministry. He was emotionally distressed and homesick. He probably was away from home a long time and possibly lonely. He became so ill that he almost died. But the apostle Paul tells us God had compassion on him and spared his life. In this passage, Paul writes to the Philippians to tell them he was sending Epaphroditus home to rest and recuperate. I find it interesting that though God healed this man, he still needed time off to rest.
This same principle is evident in the story of Jesus’ raising of a young girl from death. In the eighth chapter of Luke, we read that a Jewish religious leader named Jairus approached Jesus asking Him to come to his house and heal his twelve-year old daughter who was dying. By the time they got to Jairus’ home the girl had already died. But Jesus raised her from the dead. As soon as she got up from her bed, the first thing Jesus told her parents was to give her something to eat (see Luke 8 vs 55)
From those two stories I received the understanding that there is a spiritual side to life and there is also a natural side, and both of them must be kept in balance. Jesus took care of the spiritual side of this young girl’s life, but then He instructed her parents to tend to the natural side of her life.
God expects us to use common sense with our spirituality. I encourage you to live a balanced life, obeying both spiritual principles and natural laws. Even though Epaphroditis worked for the Lord, he still became ill because he was not taking care of himself. We cannot break God’s laws of health and expect to have no adverse consequences. Remember to stay in balance because that will help you keep the devil out of your life.
In Philippians 3 vs 9 Paul says he wants to achieve one thing in life – to be found and known in Christ This needs to be our attitude also. We cannot always manifest perfect behaviour, but with God’s help we can keep pressing toward the goal.
Do you know why God never lets us achieve perfect behaviour? If we ever did, we would derive our sense of worth from our perfection and performance rather than from His love and grace.
If you and I behaved perfectly all the time, we would think God owed us as answer to our prayers because of our obedience to all the rues and regulations. So do you know what God does? He leaves us some weaknesses so we will have to go to Him constantly to ask for His help. Our weaknesses keep us dependent on Him, whether we like it or not.
God is not going to let us work our way into a sense of peace and fulfilment. But He will allow us to work ourselves into a fit and frenzy. WHY? So we realize that works of the flesh produce nothing but misery and frustration (See Romans 3 vs 20)
If that is so, what are we supposed to do? Trust God, relax, and enjoy life. We need to learn to enjoy God more. That will not only help us, it will also take the pressure off the people around us. We need to quit demanding perfection from ourselves and everyone around us. We need to start enjoying people just as they are.
In essence Paul said he wanted to stand before God and say, “Well, here I am, Lord, and though I do not have a perfect record, I do believe in Jesus. My righteousness is in Him, not in my ability to perform.” Make that your goal, too!
Do you now your purpose in life? Paul says in Philippians 3 vs 12 that there is a specific, unique purpose in life for which Christ took hold of you. Ask God to continue revealing to you what your unique purpose is so you can lay hold of all that God has for you!
Our attitude is not automatically good just because we are believers. Lesson 1: It’s possible to assume privilege of a son whilst refusing the obligations of brotherhood.
Lesson 2: It’s possible to serve the Father faithfully and yet not be in fellowship with Him. Lesson 3: It’s possible to be an heir of all that the Father possesses yet have less joy and liberty than those that have nothing.
Lesson 4: Our wrong attitude will block the blessings to us.
Developing a Winning Attitude Repent of negative and defeatist attitudes (1 John 1 vs 9). However this requires us to have a desire to change. Renew your mind (Rom 12 vs 1,2). However this requires that we guard our hearts and fill our hearts and minds with good and noble things (Phil 4 vs 8)
Rely upon God’s involvement in your life and circumstances (Rom 8 vs 28; 31 – 39). Remember that any circumstance can be turned for good and faith believes that God will reward those who diligently seek Him. – Heb 11 vs 6. Realize that the resources of heaven are at your disposal (Rom 8 vs 31). Divine power gave everything we need for godliness and an abundant life – 2 Pet 1 vs 3.
Relate to others who have a winning attitude (1 Cor 15 vs 33). We need to seek for godly people and avoid bad company.