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Quality Assurance in Higher Education CEDEFOP Expert Seminar, Berlin, Feb. 25, 2011

Quality Assurance in Higher Education CEDEFOP Expert Seminar, Berlin, Feb. 25, 2011 Dr. Philipp Pohlenz , University of Potsdam, Centre for Teaching Quality Development (ZfQ). Agenda. Cornerstones of the QA- system at Potsdam University State of the Art in QA

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Quality Assurance in Higher Education CEDEFOP Expert Seminar, Berlin, Feb. 25, 2011

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  1. Quality Assurance in Higher Education CEDEFOP Expert Seminar, Berlin, Feb. 25, 2011 Dr. Philipp Pohlenz, University of Potsdam, Centrefor Teaching Quality Development (ZfQ)

  2. Agenda • Cornerstonesofthe QA-systemat Potsdam University • State ofthe Art in QA • Development Paths • Open Questions

  3. QA: Cornerstones • From 2007: Setting up a “Quality Policy“: • Development plan forhighqualityeducationservices (missionstatement) • Legislationforeducationalevaluation, QM framework • Decentralisation, autonomyat Department level • Checks andbalances: „Meta-Evaluation“ • Enhancementofexisting QA Unit, establishmentof ZfQ in 2009 • Enhancementoffurthereducationforteachers

  4. QA: Cornerstones • From 2009 • Entering „systemaccreditation“: • Preparatoryworkshops, stakeholderinvolvement, “dialogueevents“ • Processmanagement • Self-documentationof QM system, first(out ofthree) site-visit • Finalisingtheaccreditationexcercise in 2012 • Establishing an “internalaccreditationagency“

  5. State ofthe Art in QA • Maturityof QA at Institution Level? • Many German HE institutionsestablishsystematic QM as a prerequisiteforsystemaccreditation. • Atpresent: reluctanceto enter systemaccreditation. • Universities‘ QM systems still atinitialstage (e.g. evaluationonlyatcourselevel) • Haveundergoneaccreditationatprogrammelevel. • MaturityofUniversities‘ approachesis underevaluation in systemaccreditation. • However, so farnoempiricalfindingsavailable due tothesmallnumberofcases.

  6. State ofthe Art in QA • Challengesfor QA? • Reference pointsforassessingqualityaremissing. • Againstwhatstandardsareweevaluatingachievements? • EQF/NQF areunderutilised; couldserveasreferencepoints. • Learning outcomesare not sufficientlyissued in QA procedures. • ESG acceptedand in useasmainsourcefordevelopingQA?

  7. State ofthe Art in QA • Challengesfor QA at Institution Level? • Closingqualitycircuits: whatconsequences (ifany) aredrawnfrompoorevaluationresults(“evidence-basedaction“)? • Managerial power ofinstitutions‘ leaderships? • Strategiesforestablishingqualityculture: dialogueandrewards • Development ofcontext-sensitive QM proceduresandinstruments: acceptanceof QA in theacademia.

  8. Development Paths • Quality ControlorQuality Development? • Accreditation or Quality Audits? • Promotinginstitutionalautonomy, bringingevaluation back in • QA asinstitutionalresearch • Providing evidence on the determinants of studentlearning outcomes • Evaluation researchratherdescriptive, analyticpotentialsofavailabledataremainsunderutilised.

  9. Development Paths • Establishment of QA units, “Chief Quality Officers“. • Benefitstotheinstitution: • As partoftheleadership(“Stabsstelle“): underliningtheemphasiswhichisplaced on QA by HE institutions‘ managements. • As partoftheacademia(Institutional Research Centre): moreindependent, hightrust in theoutcomesoftheperformedinstitutionalresearch.

  10. Open Questions • Howto link QA in HE andVET? • QA in a LLL perspective: • Analysis ofstudents‘ learningbiographiesas a significantcontributiontoestablishsoundevidence on studyprogrammes‘ learningimpacts. • Establishing a monitoringsystem on theeducationsystem‘seffectiveness. • HE andqualitystandards. Whatcanbelearntfrom VET (andtheschoolsector)?

  11. Thanksforyourattention!

  12. Contact Dr. Philipp Pohlenz University of Potsdam Centrefor Teaching Quality Development Am Neuen Palais 10 D-14469 Potsdam www.uni-potsdam.de/zfq pohlenz@uni-potsdam.de

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