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Business Solutions

Business Solutions. Agenda. Overview Business Solutions Benefits Company Summary. Analytics Overview. Analytics. Analytics is the discovery and communication of meaningful patterns in data . Analytics can define the trends in business and gain the maximum profit .

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Business Solutions

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  1. Business Solutions
  2. Agenda Overview Business Solutions Benefits Company Summary
  3. Analytics Overview Analytics Analytics is the discovery and communication of meaningful patterns in data. Analytics can define the trends in business and gain the maximum profit. Analytics helps to reduce the extra cost and manpower. Analytics controls fraud and risk. Analytics provides complete Business Solution and Strategic Planning. Analytics can predict future outcomesandalso best /worst case scenarios.
  4. Analytics Solutions STANDARD REPORTS Answer the problem: What happened? When did it happen? They’re generated on a regularly basis and describes just “What happened” in a particular area. They are useful to some extent, but not for making long-term decisions. Example: Monthly or quarterly financial reports.
  5. Analytics Solutions (contd..) 2. AD HOC REPORTS Answer the problem: How many? How often? Where? At their best, ad hoc reports let you ask the questions and request a couple of custom reports to find the answers. Example: Custom reports that describe the number of hospital patients for every diagnosis code for each day of the week.
  6. Analytics Solutions (contd..) 3. QUERY DRILLDOWN (OR OLAP) Answer the problem: Where exactly is the problem? How do I find the answer? Query drilldown allows for a little bit of discovery. OLAP lets you manipulate the data yourself to find out how many, what colour and where. Example: Sort and explore data about different types of cell phone users and their calling behaviours. .
  7. Analytics Solutions (contd..) 4. ALERTS Answer the problem: When should I react? What actions are needed now? With alerts, you can learn when you have a problem and be notified when something similar happens again in the future. Alerts can appear via e-mail, RSS feeds or as red dials on a scorecard or dashboard. Example: Sales executives receive alerts when sales targets are falling behind.
  8. Analytics Solutions (contd..) 5. STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Answer the problem: Why is this happening? What opportunities am I missing? Here we can begin to run some complex analytics, like frequency models and regression analysis. We can begin to look at why things are happening using the stored data and then begin to answer questions based on the data. Example: Banks can discover why an increasing number of customers are refinancing their homes.
  9. Analytics Solutions (contd..) 6. FORECASTING Answer the problem: What if these trends continue? How much is needed? When will it be needed? Forecasting is one of the hottest markets and hottest analytical applications right now. It applies everywhere. In particular, forecasting demand helps supply just enough inventory, so you don’t run out or have too much.  Example: Retailers can predict how demand for individual products will vary from store to store.
  10. Analytics Solutions (contd..) 7. PREDICTIVE MODELING Answer the problem: What will happen next?  How will it affect my business? If you have 10 million customers and want to do a marketing campaign, who's most likely to respond? How do you segment that group? And how do you determine who's most likely to leave your organization? Predictive modeling provides the answers. Example: Hotels and casinos can predict which VIP customers will be more interested in particular vacation packages.
  11. Analytics Solutions (contd..) 8. OPTIMIZATION Answer the problem: How do we do things better? What is the best decision for a complex problem? Optimization supports innovation. It takes your resources and needs into consideration and helps you find the best possible way to accomplish your goals. Example: Given business priorities, resource constraints and available technology, determine the best way to optimize your IT platform to satisfy the needs of every user.
  12. Analytics Solutions Summary
  13. Benefits of Analytics Having the knowledge you need: Analytics delivers insightful information in context so decision makers have the right information, where, when and how you need it. Making better, faster decisions: Analytics provides decision makers throughout the organization with the interactive, self-service environment needed for exploration and analysis. Optimizing business performance: Analytics enables decision makers to easily measure and monitor financial and operational business performance, analyze results, predict outcomes and plan for better business results. Uncover new business opportunities: Analytics delivers new insights that help the organization maximize customer and product profitability, minimize customer churn, detect fraud and increase campaign effectiveness.
  14. Company Summary SANGUINES ,  is a provider of decision analyticsand outsourcing services. Our vision is to be the partner of choice in outsourcing and business transformation services .Our mission is to provide a competitive edge to our clients by transforming and outsourcing their business processes . We will always aspire to be right the first time and every time. We promote a work ethic which strives to ensure zero defects always. We will thereby exceed expectations and targets and maximize value for the client and the organization.
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