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The Nature of SIN. Chp. 19-20 Pgs. 185-202 Presented by David M. Hasz Written by Charles Colson. The Face of Evil. The face is frightenly ordinary- When evil strikes the media tries to use every excuse but the answer:. The excuses. Poverty: Most killers cited were middle class
The Nature of SIN Chp. 19-20 Pgs. 185-202 Presented by David M. Hasz Written by Charles Colson
The Face of Evil • The face is frightenly ordinary- • When evil strikes the media tries to use every excuse but the answer:
The excuses • Poverty: Most killers cited were middle class • Race: hushed racism, but most cited where white
More Excuses • Dysfunctional childhood: Millions are from these homes and don’t commit crime
The reality • The reality is that the reason for crime is SIN! • We have a choice to do evil or good and if you choose evil you SIN!
Our choice… • It is called Wickedness, the choice is ours
How did we lose touch? • A generation ago, children and adolescents were still subjected to moral discipline at school, following a long standing tradition that regarded moral character as important as academic ability.
Academic Training • A - In Adam’s fall we sinned all... • I - The idle fool is whipt at school...
Academic Training • X - Xerxes did die, and so must I. • Resulted in Franklin as the ambassador to Russia at age 14.
As a result of this departure • Today’s younger generation does not even understand the vocabulary of moral responsibility.
Dr. Spock • Dr. Spock - If a child steals reward him with a higher allowance, he needs approval at home.
The Seven Deadly Sins • Lust, Pride, Anger, Envy, Sloth, Greed, and Gluttony. • “I don’t think pride is a sin, and I think some idiot made that up” - Kristie Alley
Seven Deadly Sins • The seven deadly sins are not evil acts, but rather universal human compulsions” - The host
Even in church • No one sins or is wicked: • We have:
IN CHURCH!! • Issues, problems, concerns, challenges, stumbling blocks, flesh, old man, etc. • Call it what it is evil wickedness!
The Fatal Flaw • The fatal flaw is the myth of human goodness is that it fails to correspond with what we know about the world from our own ordinary experience.
Childhood stories • Childhood stories of evil, why they are necessary and popular.
Fiction • Why is it so popular among adults? • We need a kind or realism that deals with reality, the reality we are trying so desperately to deny.
Utopian framework • It has taken away the tools we need to grapple effectively with genuine evil.
Norway Prison System • We don’t know how to deal with evil! • Norway Prison System - everyone has a mental disorder.
What keeps sin in check • Either the restraint of conscience or the restraint of the sword. • The less citizens have of the former, the more the state must employ of the latter.
Let’s give up the freedom! • If we don’t have the former we are wooed into voluntarily giving up freedom.
This is the problem • In this way Utopianism always leads to the giving up of liberty. • To have true liberty you must have restraint!
A snake... • Adam and Eve were free either to believe God and obey His law or to disobey Him and suffer the consequences. This is your choice as well. • Deut. 30:15,19
Obedience • Obedience is an internal response to God as a personal being! • We are to love God with our whole being.
The standard is not changed.. • Our choice to obey has no effect on the standard, it simply determines whether we accept the standard or not. The rest is already decided.
Satan: Where sin came from • An evil spirit can extend its grip deep into a person’s soul once that person has made the decision to betray the Lord.
Satan the originator • Satan is, “the originator of The Great Lie” - Francsis Schaffer.
The LIE • The lie is that we have the capacity, like God, to create our own standard of right and wrong. It is a lie repeated so often that it has become the accepted wisdom of our culture.
Adam and Eve’s sin • Their sin was coveting godlike power, craving something that was not rightfully theirs. They rejected their nature as created, and tried to be what they could never be - divine.
Be GOD • They wanted to be their own god.
Our actions have consequences • If they did not, they would be meaningless. Furthermore, there would be no final moral accountability and therefore no reason for acting morally, which in turn means there would be not basis for civilized society.
Consequences of Sin • 1) disrupts our relationship with God • 2)Alienates us from each other
Consequences of Sin cont. • 3)Affects nature • 4) death is the result • Good is then distorted by evil: Sex, government, arts, etc.
Paying the Price • Read pg 199 - 200 • Two choices: • First: Leads to moral anarchy - Tyranny
Paying the Price • Second: makes possible and ordered and morally responsible society
Where do we go from here? • Put your faith into action: • Witnessing
Where do we go from here? • Testifying • Action: Get involved in your society.