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What’s new in WebSpace

What’s new in WebSpace. Changes and improvements with Xythos 7.2 Effective June 24, 2010. New & Improved Features. New: Customize view Thumbnails Quick Views Drop Box Tags in quick search Private comments User your own e-mail client for notices Improved Navigation

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What’s new in WebSpace

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Presentation Transcript

  1. What’s new in WebSpace Changes and improvements with Xythos 7.2 Effective June 24, 2010

  2. New & Improved Features • New: • Customize view • Thumbnails • Quick Views • Drop Box • Tags in quick search • Private comments • User your own e-mail client for notices • Improved • Navigation • Bookmark & Search management • Bread crumb trail / status bar for wizards. • Folder Creation (process includes configuration, turning on of subscriptions, versioning, logging)

  3. Customize View Choose “View” from upper right toolbar.

  4. Customize View Standard two window interface to make selections.

  5. Customize View Drop down menu to select classification.

  6. Customize View List of fields associated with specific classifications.

  7. Customize View Don’t forget to go to “View” option and choose “Save layout…” to keep fields.

  8. Thumbnails From the right toolbar menu, choose “Thumbnail View”…

  9. Thumbnails Icons replace list view.

  10. Thumbnails Once you have chosen a thumbnail view, you will see a slider appear under the right toolbar menu, allowing you to size your thumbnail icons.

  11. Quick Views Right click on file, choose “Quick View” from drop down.

  12. Quick Views You may browse all your files from here.

  13. Drop Box • For use with netIDs ONLY! (Currently cannot share with outsiders.) • Content seen ONLY by owner of drop box and owner of file. • When creating the drop box: • You must supply a title. (Description and open and close times are optional.) • You will search for potential submitters, create a list, and add them. • You may choose to “launch” the drop box upon completion. • You MUST take the second step (from the drop box) of mailing a link to your potential submitters. (This is not a part of the creation process as it is for folders.)

  14. Drop Box Beginning the creation of a drop box… You must supply a title. Description and open/close dates are optional.

  15. Drop Box Search for users and groups.

  16. Drop Box Highlight user name. Click “Add User/Group”

  17. Drop Box Once you have created a list of users for the drop box…

  18. Drop Box You must check each user you want to add to the drop box, then click “Finish”…

  19. Drop Box You will be notified that you have successfully created the drop box and you may launch it or exit.

  20. Drop Box The resulting drop box. Don’t forget that you must email the link to users.

  21. Tags in Quick Searches Any tagged item may be found in a quick search.

  22. Tags in Quick Searches Quick search on “Cancun” yields…

  23. Tags in Quick Searches

  24. Private Comments Right click on file, then navigate drop downs to “Comments.”

  25. Private Comments Note additional drop down to choose between “public” and “private.

  26. Use your e-mail client for tickets 1. Choose “Setup”… 2. Then “Email Settings… 3. Choose your preference… 4. Then “Apply.”

  27. Navigation Menu at top left assures you can always go home and have easy access to bookmarks and searches…

  28. Bookmark & Search Management You may manage your WebSpace bookmarks and searches in much the way you would in a browser.

  29. Bread Crumb Trail / Status Bar Displayed during sharing and folder creation operations.

  30. Folder Creation – Changes & Improvements • Bread crumb trail added to make process less confusing. • Drop down search is gone. Search takes place in box that lists names. • Configuration of the folder is now part of the creations process – no need to go to permissions.

  31. Folder Creation – Changes & Improvements Starting a new folder. Note bread crumb trail.

  32. Folder Creation – Changes & Improvements User search now in floating window.

  33. Folder Creation – Changes & Improvements You may finish at this point or go on to configure.

  34. Folder Creation – Changes & Improvements Configure individual user permissions.

  35. Folder Creation – Changes & Improvements Configure subscriptions, logging, versioning.

  36. Folder Creation – Changes & Improvements Send email.

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