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Useful Categories for Analysis. ECONOMIC impact SOCIAL impact POLITICAL impact LONG TERM impact SHORT TERM impact. Globalisation is not a new phenomenon in that previous in the past societies, people from various parts of the world did establish trading links etc.
Useful Categories for Analysis • ECONOMIC impact • SOCIAL impact • POLITICAL impact • LONG TERM impact • SHORT TERM impact
Globalisation is not a new phenomenon in that previous in the past societies, people from various parts of the world did establish trading links etc. What is new is basically the SCOPE (Almost all countries affected by Globalisation) SPEED (Very rapid)
In-depth Analysis SEQ LORMS • L3 – Explains factors in relation to issue. • L4 – Analyses factors in relation to issue. • L5 – Weighs factors in relation to issue. • L6 – Gives a balance view of factors in relation to issues.
ECONOMICS money resources business talent technology financial institutions bankers poverty
SOCIAL communities education housing quality of life Environment families standards of living health systems race customs religion
POLITICS governance leaders territory systems of government sovereignty policies defence national pride
What are the forces that have made globalisation possible? • Factor 1: Improvements in transportation: movement of physical/concrete objects and subjects (goods and people) to different places • Factor 2: Improvements in communications: spread of IDEAS and information (intangible/abstract) p. 46-48 of textbook. • Factor 3: This has also enabled the creation of the TNCs (transnational corporations) • Explains association between globalisation and progress (technological advancement). BUT has globalisation really brought about progress? • “Progress at what cost?” (Question that deals with IMPACT)
In-depth Analysis of Globalisation on Forces of Globalisation
Key driving forces of globalisation: Developments in communications. • 1.Global communication have made it possible to organise and mobilise like- minded people across the globe in virtual real time.
Key driving forces of globalisation: Developments in communications. • 2.Competitive edge is no longer dependent of who is first to obtain information but what you do with that information, as information is made so accessible to all.
Key driving forces of globalisation: Developments in communications. 3.Globalism. The world is increasingly viewed as a shared social space, as global interactions has resulted in a greater enmeshment of the local and the global.
Key driving forces of globalisation: Developments in transportation. 4.Deterritorialisation. A stretching of social, economic and political activities across political frontiers so that events, decisions and activities in one region of the world come to have significance for individuals in distant regions of the world.
TNCs • 1.TNCs control the location and distribution the world’s economies and technological resources. • 2.Economies around the world have become more interconnected and interdependent due to TNCs. • 3.TNCs have mobilized talent in an unprecedented scale and allowed for deeper appreciation and understanding of the diverse customs and cultures.
TNCs Account for : 25-33% of world output 70% of world trade 80% of international investment
Recap • Developments in modern communication [internet, satellite, communications, optical fibre systems] have: • made possible faster and more convenient communication among people in ____________ locations. • allowed quick __________ to information. 3. allowed transmission of ________ amounts of information.
Recap Modern transportation [jet aircraft, large ocean going vessels, containerization] have: 1.________ the world 2.reduced _______ and _______ of moving goods over long distances. 3.simplified ________ of goods from one mode to another. 4.increased ________ of goods and people.
What are the political implications of globalisation to the nation state? Does Globalisation threaten the nation state?
What are the political implications of globalisation to the nation state? • 1. Political ideology has now become more accessible and reaches a wider audience, isolated and remote areas now have easy access to political events, information and ideas. 2. The idea of borderless nations is increasingly becoming a reality with people, customs and culture crossing borders so easily. A consequence is the idea of global citizen and the loss of rootedness and identity to one nation.
What are the political implications of globalisation to the nation state? • States , inter-governmental as well as non-governmental and transnational actors now share a host of responsibilities [monitoring of human rights, economic goods, security etc] in an increasingly complex world. Is the state losing control to other players? Need to RE-DEFINE the nation-state. • Does this mean there must be a redesign in terms of division of labour between states, global networks and the basic forms of global governance?
What are the political implications of globalisation to the nation state? • Globalisation creates problems for political stability especially with regards to legitimacy of the government. • Effectiveness of democratic practices are increasingly being questioned in this globalised world . • Issue of representation and accountability. • When economic, social and cultural forces cut across national boundaries, the issue of accountability comes about. • When global corporations, globals technology , global environmental changes and global financial institutions affect nations, who then does it represent?
What are the political implications of globalisation to the nation state? • Identity of states are undergoing great changes, currently we can call them globalised states working within an international order. The environment they work in is a globalised one and new international orders are in the process of being worked out. * REDEFINING the nation-state.
Important case study about how TNCs have clashed with states • Google in China • Goggle wants China to relax its censorship laws and to allow for greater freedom of information/speech etc. Influenced by western concept of freedom of media as part of human rights issues. • However, China feels that it is in its national interest to ensure strict censorship of subversive materials. E.g. Falun Gong, Tiananmen Demonstrations 1989, even Facebook and Twitter. • Clash of interest. Who will win?