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DISCIPLINARY LITERACY: READING STRATEGIES IN CTE AND OTHER SUBJECTS. Did you know…. You Tube Video: DID YOU KNOW READING CRISIS http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96zT2l8QKb8 Jigsaw and discuss “CTE’s role in Adolescent Literacy”.
Did you know… • You Tube Video: DID YOU KNOW READING CRISIS • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96zT2l8QKb8 • Jigsaw and discuss “CTE’s role in Adolescent Literacy”
Readicide – “The systematic killing of the love of reading…” • Requiring students to read difficult texts without proper instructional support; • Insisting that students focus solely on academic texts; • Ignoring the importance of developing recreational reading; • Losing sight of authentic instruction
COMMON VOCABULARY • Text: Anything students are asked to read, including articles, internet sites, books, magazines, journals, etc. • Authentic reading and writing: the reading and writing connected to a particular discipline and the real world • Disciplinary Literacy: the focus on the types of reading, writing, thinking, speaking and listening in various disciplines. • Common Core State Standards (CCSS): national standards adopted by WI on June 2, 2010.
the ELA CCSS standards • ELA 6-12 grade CCSS are specifically written for literacy in history/social studies, science and TECHNICAL SUBJECTS(p. 62 & 64) • They indicate key READING, WRITING, Speaking/Listening & Language skills • Read through the CCSS reading standards. Discussion: What’s the emphasis?
CCSS Publisher Criteria/ Priority Areas Highlight the elements in the reading that are part of your current practice. I. Text Selection and Complexity II. Questions and Tasks III. Academic (and Domain-Specific) Vocabulary IV. Writing to Sources and Research See handout, “ELA Publisher’s Criteria”
Begin with the Text Make a list of authentic texts used in your discipline. • Teach “THE REAL THING” • Select AUTHENTIC TEXTS used in your field • Authentic Texts increase students' motivation for learning, and expose them to 'real' language and problems in the field of study.
Text Resources NEED MORE TEXT SOURCES? TRY ONE OF THE FOLLOWING SITES… PICK 2 TO INVESTIGATE AND REPORT BACK TO GROUP. • BadgerLink (www.badgerlink.net/) (Create Login) • “Article of the Week” (www.kellygallagher.org) • Time Magazine (http://www.time.com/time/) • The Week Magazine (http://theweek.com/) • The New Yorker (http://www.newyorker.com/) • The New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/)
It’s More Than Reading—it’s Thinking! You can find a list of Kelly Gallagher’s “Articles of the Week” at http://kellygallagher.org/resources/articles.html. There are many articles relevant to multiple disciplines. We will use several today to practice classroom strategies.
Get Students Thinking • Students must INTERACT with the text, not just passively read and answer questions • Are QUESTIONS you ask fact based/simple recall, or do they advance up “Revised” Bloom’s Taxonomy to get students thinking at higher levels? (See Revised Blooms HO) • Are your student tasks useful, authentic, and rigorous? Are they tasks experts in your field do on a regular basis?
Supporting Struggling Readers Tell your neighbor something you are good at doing… How did you improve your skills? • Teach one text with support (Model) • Most textbooks are written at least 2 grade levels above where they are taught. • Offer choices of text that relate to the same topic • Text Selection is extremely important. Differing the levels of the text honors ALL learners. Select high, medium, and low-leveled reading material. • The Lexile framework is a common leveling formula to guide teachers with text selection. (Flesch-Kincaid grade level formula may also be used for an informal tool.)
What is a Lexile? • Measurement of text difficulty • Primarily based on word syllables & sentence length, Lexiles are assigned numbers to text than can be compared to grade level expectations • Students are expected to be at 1200L when they graduate • www.lexile.com
Grade Level Equivalents Use the higher Lexile ranges for alignment with the CCSS.
Harvard’s “Self Help Guide” Skim through the Harvard document to learn about these six reading habits. Now compare these habits with those of YOUR students. “Interrogating Texts: 6 Reading Habits to Develop in Your First Year at Harvard”: • Previewing • Annotating • Outline, Analyze, Summarize • Look for repetitions and patterns • Contextualize • Compare & Contrast
Comprehension Processes for Proficient Readers Doug Buehl, 2009 Classroom Strategies for Interactive Learning SEE PAGES 4-6 1. Making Connections to Prior Knowledge 2. Generating Questions 3. Creating Mental Images 4. Making Inferences 5. Determining Importance 6. Synthesizing 7. Monitoring Reading /Fix Up Strategies
1. Making Connections to Prior Knowledge • Prompting students to activate what they already know about a topic, subject and text structures are called “frontloading” activities • “Frontloading” activities are especially important for struggling readers to help them in understanding an author’s message. (Chapter 2, page 15) • “Anticipation Guide” p.45
Frontloading… “Cleaning Up the Trash in Space” Page 45 (Anticipation Guide: “Frontloads”/Forecasts major ideas & activates thoughts) • Read the following statements. • Check each you agree with. • Talk to a partner & discuss responses. • Read article • Determine how thinking has changed
2. Generating Questions • Self questioning is an attribute of independent learners. Students need to be taught to pose good questions themselves rather than finding answers to questions others pose. • Readers use questions to focus their attention on ideas and events, and then generate new questions. • K-W-L (or K-W-H-L) p.107
Generating Questions… “New Obesity Campaigns” Page 107 (K-W-L helps activate prior knowledge, generate questions & organize what they learn) • Use K-W-L chart – What do you knowabout the obesity campaigns? (If there’s no knowledge, preview text) • What do you want to know? (Use Text Frames p.23-24 to generate new types of questions) • Read the article. (Using a highlighter, note the words, phrases, or portions of the article that you connect to or are confusing to you) • Return back to K-W-L chart – Note true/false in K, Add to W • Complete the last column – What did I learn
3. Creating Mental Images • Proficient readers use visual, auditory and other sensory connections to bring the text to life. • Teaching students to create mental images helps them visualize what is being suggested, connects the reading to background knowledge, assists in processing information, and enhances vocabulary. Mental Imaging is a form of inference. • Mind Mapping p.118
Mind mapping – New Obesity Campaigns Page 118 • Continue using the article “New Obesity Campaigns Have It All Wrong” for mind mapping. • A visual representation helps students connect “bits” of information to the larger picture. • Label the center of the map. Identify the key facts/points of the author and place on the “Spider Map”. • This is a helpful strategy with text that have several points of view or a variety of information.
4. Making Inferences • Inference is the heart of the comprehension process. When readers apply the skills of inference and prediction, they are able to reach a deeper meaning from their reading and have a greater appreciation of writing. • Inference is just a big word that means a conclusion or judgment. You “Infer” that something will happen by making an educated guess. • Text Coding p.180
Making Inferences –Trash in Space- Page 180 • Use “Cleaning up the Trash in Space” and annotate the article. Annotating is show evidence of your thinking by marking up the article—write questions, comments, A-ha’s on it. • Model annotation and think out-loud • Add text coding to indicate thinking: ?=question, !=New, X=Not expected *=Important, =Expected
5. Determining Importance • Determining importance is especially critical when reading informational or nonfiction materials. • Proficient readers striver to differentiate key ideas, themes and information from details so that they are not overwhelmed by facts. • Use a “Time Out” to think/save new ideas • Paired Reviews - 3 Minute Pause p. 121
Determine Importance – new obesity Campaigns Page 121 • 3-Minute Pause: Create analogy related to “storing new knowledge” (Sport event, Time out, Computer back up,…) • Partner A – Summarize text, identify important points, generate questions, state something interesting, tell what you learned,… Teacher or students can identify discussion topics. • Partner B comments • Roles reverse
6. Synthesizing Understanding • Synthesizing allows a student to make a generalization, create an interpretation, draw a conclusion & develop an explanation. • A necessary step to summarizing is asking students to PERSONALIZE THE INFO - retell, restate and /or paraphrase “in their own words” using both speaking and writing. • Quick Writes p.141
Synthesizing – New Obesity Campaign Page 141 • Quick writes allow students an allocated period of time to quickly gather their thoughts and do informal writing (that is not polished or edited). • Writing is timed and usually lasts about one minute. • Prompts are provided by the teacher and are essential to the process, as they jumpstart thinking and provide focus. Prompts can be open ended or specific. • Requests to respond to quotes, verses and vocabulary can be introduced in the quick write.
Strategies from the CCSS Authors • Split grade-level reading passages into smaller, meaningful chunks • Reducethe total number of passages read and/or the length of the passages. • Locate “hint boxes” near items that remind students of definitions or appropriate/useful strategies (e.g., “go back and re-read this section before you answer”). • Reduce language load/simplify language in the question stems. • Substitute more familiar words in question stems and distracters if that is not the vocabulary /construct being assessed.
Strategies from the CCSS Authors • Provide consistent icons and phrasing of question stems throughout the test. • Use bulleted lists and increased white space in place of longer dense texts. • Color coding to help students to organize information. • Provide sub-questions to break up multi-step tasks. • Place inferential and analysis questions after literal questions have been asked. • Provide graphic organizers to help students organize information before answering more complex questions
ACTE Resources & Others • ACTE Videos, power points and handouts on CTE and Literacy with Linda Moyer: http://www.acteonline.org/lit.aspx?id=17260&terms=cte%20and%20literacy • How Do You Expect Me to Teach Reading & Writing?http://www.ncpublicschools.org/docs/cte/publications/profdev/literacy/handbook.pdf. • CTE’s Role in Adolescent Literacy http://www.acteonline.org/uploadedFiles/Publications_and_Online_Media/files/Literacy_Issue_Brief.pdf