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2. PROSPECTUS CONTENTS. IntroductionSchool AimsGoverning BodySchool TimesSchool Staffing (1)School Staffing (2)School Staffing (3)Before
School Aims
Governing Body
School Times
School Staffing (1)
School Staffing (2)
School Staffing (3)
Before & After School
Home Information & Newsletters
Medical Arrangements
First Aid
School Meals
Literacy & Numeracy
Design & Technology
Art, Music & Physical Education
Religious Education & PSHCE
Information & Communication
Technology (ICT)
Out of Hours learning:
Extra-Curricular Activities
Study Support
Parents Room
The Foundation Stage
Special Educational Needs (SEN)
Ethnic Minority Achievement
Charging Policy
Anti-Bullying Policy
Equal Opportunities
Pupil & School Characteristics
School Profile
School Calendar 2006-2007
3. 3 INTRODUCTION Welcome to Carpenters Primary School!
This publication contains much information about the school that you should find useful throughout your childs time with us.
Parents and Carers are always very welcome to come to our school. We will always do our best to answer any queries which may concern you.
We are pleased that your child has joined our school and will continually strive to ensure that Carpenters is a safe, stimulating and exciting place in which to learn.
Sheryll Alexander Head Teacher
4. 4 SCHOOL AIMS We at Carpenters Primary School aim to:
Meet the individual needs of every pupil within the school.
Help each pupil to develop to their full potential & ensure they have equal access to the curriculum.
Support pupils not only in terms of academic achievement but also in their moral, spiritual and physical development.
Provide a broad, balanced and relevant curriculum which is differentiated to meet a variety of needs and learning styles.
Promote equal opportunity regardless of race, gender, class or ability.
To work in partnership with pupils, parents, link schools, support services and the wider community to support personal development and life-long learning.
Create a warm and friendly environment in which everyone feels secure, valued, happy and able to achieve.
Celebrate our pupils achievements with others in a positive and supportive manner.
5. 5 GOVERNING BODY Our school governors are:
Chair of Governors John Barber
Vice Chair Helen Mason
LEA Governors Rev. David Richards
Ms. A. Adewunmi
Teacher Governor Annette Turner
Martin Green
Parent Governors Beverley Allen
Nahide Cook
Usher Patel
Staff Governor Sam Impey
Jan Bless
Community Governors Martin Samuel
Leslie Rowe
Head Teacher Sheryll Alexander
6. 6 SCHOOL TIMES School begins at 8:55 am
Morning Break times:
KS 1 and Years 3 & 4
10:30 - 10:45am
Years 5 & 6
10:45 - 11:00am
Lunch Break times:
Years R,1,2 & 3
12:00 - 1:00pm
Years 4,5 & 6
12:30 - 1:30pm
School finishes at 3:15pm NURSERY
Morning Nursery:
9:00 11:30am
Afternoon Nursery:
12:45 3:15pm
7. 7 School Staffing Structure #1 Management & Teaching Staff:
Sheryll Alexander Head Teacher
Designated Child Protection
Teaching and Learning
Staffing and Finance
Jan Bless Deputy Head Teacher
Curriculum and Professional Development
Assessment and Asset Management
Nichola Curran Assistant Head Teacher
Inclusion Manager
Lisa Sommerville Assistant Head Teacher
Extended Schools/PFI/Olympics
Jenny Stroud Resources & Data Manager
Teacher Assistant Support/Management
Richard Saunders Year 6 Teacher
Quality of Provision & Olympic links
Phase Leader Y4/5/6
Induction Training/SCITT/Student Liaison
Foundation Stage subjects
Learning Support
Christine Bruno Reading Recovery
Learning Mentor
Ann Haworth Child Protection Officer
8. 8 School Staffing Structure #2 Teaching Staff (Continued):
Pat McFarlane Morning
Annette Turner Afternoon
Hafsah Bhuta Nursery Nurse
Lindi de Necker (Jan 10)
Viv Tuck (Sept 09) NQT
Year One
Montserrat Valldeperas Art
Pat McFarlane Trainee teacher
Paul Obee Geography
Year Two
Lisa Somerville Extended schools
Victoria Singleton NQT
Year Three
Tracey Ladapo Science
Lindi de Necker Sept 09
Elaine McKenna PE/PSHCE
Year Four
Martin Green ICT/MFL
Stephen Goggin
Year Five
Charlotte Tucker Literacy
Anja Plumb Lead Behaviour
Year Six
Richard Saunders Quality of Provision
Serena Glen Maths
9. 9 School Staffing Structure #3 Administration:
Lesley Hodson Admin Manager
Lisa ONeill Administrator
Sharon Limby Receptionist
Site Supervisor:
Glenn White
Teaching Assistants:
Vida Swift HLTA
Dawn Chester HLTA
Ethlyne Barzey HLTA
Sharmin Akthar TA
Ambia Begum Welfare Asst.
Teri Butler TA
Tina Davies TA
Chris Ellis TA
Sam Impey TA
Mary Gage TA
Nicola Allen TA
Mel Wilson Stroud TA
Karen Escott TA
Kelsey Johnson TA
Mark McManus TA
Laura Neckles TA & Wellbeing
Nana Nkrumah TA
Sue Peskett TA
Sahara Rahman TA
Yuk Ha Sui TA
Ki Woldeyohanes TA
Shahira Khanam Temp TA
Maria Begum Midday Supervisor
Marge Curwood Midday Supervisor
Shafra Khanom Midday Supervisor
Usha Patel Midday Supervisor
Kelly Morton Midday Supervisor
Susan Seymour Midday Supervisor
Laura McCall Midday Supervisor
Parents are requested not to send children to school too early or leave them uncollected at the end of the school day (see School Times on page 4).
No arrangements can be made for the supervision of children before 8:30am.
If you are delayed for any reason and would therefore be late in collecting a child at the end of the school day, the school must be informed. Please telephone or visit the school office if you may be late.
If a child is left after school, the Head Teacher may have to advise the Social services and ask for the child to be collected.
Pupils are encouraged to attend school both regularly and punctually. If a child is absent through illness it is important to inform the school as soon as possible. On return to school a child should bring a written note of explanation or appointment details.
The school must be informed beforehand of any medical appointments. Parents/Carers should come to the office and ask for their child to be collected from their classroom.
Carpenters Primary Schools attendance levels for 2005-6 were 95.3%.
The school sends out Home Information sheets regarding contact details on a regular basis. It is very important that all the details are completed by the parent/carer promptly. Please inform us of any changes (i.e. to addresses or telephone numbers) as soon as possible.
We also send home regular newsletters and other information regarding the school. If you have any queries or questions regarding the information please dont hesitate to ask a member of staff or visit the school office.
All pupils receive regular routine checks during their schooling. In addition, children periodically receive dental, visual and hearing checks. Parents would then be informed of any need for treatment and/or advice. Parents will be advised of any checks taking place in advance.
If a child has an infectious disease, medical advice should be sought and the school informed.
We regret that it is not possible for teachers or welfare assistants to be responsible for administering medicines, ointments, drops etc. If your child is on a course of medicines of any kind please keep the child at home until they are recovered. Exceptions to this rule are asthmatics, diabetics and epileptics. Children should bring a pump to school (blue Ventolin inhaler only) which will be kept safely by their teacher and used only when required.
From time to time schools may experience an outbreak of head lice. Regular checking of your childs hair is advised, and if you have any concerns please consult the Head Teacher or SENCo.
Care Plans are put in place for all children requiring regular administration of medication within school. The SENCo will put these in place together with the school nurse and update them regularly.
First Aid is administered by trained first-aid assistants and staff. If a child is seriously unwell or injured, parents/carers are contacted immediately. Medical notes are also sent home with any child who has seen a first-aider during the school day for minor injuries or upsets.
Please ensure that the schools registration form (Home Information) is kept up-to-date so that no child is placed at risk due to incorrect (or out-of-date) information.
12. 12 UNIFORM All items of clothing should be clearly labelled with your childs name.
A lost property box is kept in the medical room; please enquire at the main office for any property you consider to be your childs.
No jewellery may be worn in school.
Only stud earrings are allowed.
Pupils who wear watches must take full responsibility for them.
Uniform during the AUTUMN/WINTER seasons consists of:
Red sweatshirt/jumper/cardigan
White shirt/blouse
Grey trousers/skirt/pinafore dress
Black or brown shoes
Uniform during the SUMMER should be:
White shirt/polo shirt
Grey shorts/skirts
Red & white checked/striped dress
PE Kit should be:
White T-shirt/plain tracksuit top
Red shorts or plain tracksuit bottoms
Black plimsolls (indoor) or plain trainers (outdoor)
Infant pupils may wear their vest and pants or shorts for indoor PE.
13. 13 SCHOOL MEALS! School meals are cooked on the premises and are available for all pupils. Special dietary requirements can be catered for - for those children who require them for medical or religious purposes.
Money for meals is payable in advance on Monday mornings. It should be placed in a sealed envelope, clearly marked dinner money, together with the childs name, class and the amount of money enclosed.
Children may bring a packed lunch; drinks must be in an unbreakable container and no fizzy drinks or sweets should be given.
Free meals are available for children whose parents are receiving income support. Parents must go to the School Meals Department at the Education Offices, with evidence of income support and child benefit book. A form has to be completed and returned to the Education Office (NOT to the school). The school will be notified of the children who are entitled to free school meals.
It is important to complete this procedure as soon as s/he is admitted, otherwise you may be expected to pay for the meals.
Carpenters School is pleased to be able to offer a Breakfast Club (with limited places). Please enquire at the school office if you wish your child to attend.
14. 14 School Curriculum LITERACY
We want all our children to be able to read for pleasure with fluency and understanding. This is best achieved by providing plenty of good quality reading material and by careful monitoring of each childs reading development.
We aim to develop the attitude that reading and writing are enjoyable and worthwhile activities. The school follows the Literacy Hour and in accordance with the National Curriculum emphasis is placed on the teaching of basic skills necessary for each child to use language competently and with confidence.
We recognise that language and literacy are central to every other subject in the curriculum. Much importance is placed on fostering the childs skills to use the spoken and written word in order that they can operate to the best of their ability. NUMERACY
In teaching mathematics we follow the National Numeracy Strategy in our Numeracy Hour as a foundation for the basic skills of numeracy and accurate calculations, whilst at the same time giving pupils a chance to develop thinking by structuring the lessons to include practical mathematical activities.
Pupils are also incorporating I.C.T. to develop mathematical skills.
We emphasise the importance of:
Problem solving skills
The ability to work independently
To work co-operatively with other children in planning and carrying out tasks and investigations
To use calculators, specific mathematical equipment and computers with appropriate skill and understanding.
Science, following the National Curriculum guidelines, is taught in specific weekly lessons. Most meaningful science investigations are based on first-hand experience. Children discuss and plan their specific explorations and attempt to apply what they have found to everyday life and situations. It is important to encourage children to predict, experiment, record and then analyse their results.
History and Geography are taught mostly as separate subjects. We feel that pupils gain knowledge about their own place and others in the community. In this way they learn about the past and also consider the future. We use our own school, town and families as resources, and pupils progress from looking at local issues to considering the broader areas of Britain, Europe and the wider world.
Technology is the practical application of pupils knowledge to solve problems. They are introduced to a variety of tools and materials and learn a range of skills and techniques. We aim to give pupils confidence and ability to identify, examine and solve practical problems and challenges, both independently and working in groups.
16. 16 Curriculum Subjects ART
Art and Craft consists of painting, modelling, drawing etc. using a variety of different mediums such as clay, pastel crayons, junk materials, fine art materials and so on. We aim to teach the appropriate skills and knowledge so that pupils can develop confidence and maturity in their work, and positively reflect on what they and others produce.
Pupils listen to and are encouraged to appreciate music from a wide variety of cultures and areas of the world. They often make their own instruments and experiment with making sounds and creating their own music. Singing is a regular exercise for all pupils. In addition we also run extended music programmes, teaching recorder to all Year 3 pupils and the violin to all Year 4 pupils (on a rotational basis every two years).
We aim to develop to the full the physical abilities of each child, and to foster an enjoyment of physical activities as well as an awareness of the importance of health and physical fitness throughout life. All children have regular sessions of P.E. weekly, using both indoor and outdoor space and equipment. They will have experience of games, gymnastics, athletics and dance/movement.
17. 17 Curriculum Subjects RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (R.E.)
The R.E. curriculum is taken from the Newham Agreed Syllabus, which has been agreed by Newham Council, local teachers and representatives of all major faiths and denominations. We endeavour to ensure that all pupils gain some awareness and understanding of the major world religions.
Our collective worship uses themes that are common to all religions of the world. Parents can exercise their right to withdraw their child from collective worship (school assemblies, for example) if they wish to do so, and should inform the Head Teacher.
Pupils are also taught weekly sessions of PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship Education) following a thoughtful, creative programme covering many areas of life skills, understanding and awareness.
From the age of 5 pupils become knowledgeable of the life cycle through science lessons, covering animals, seeds etc. and also through PSHCE. When any questions about human reproduction is posed staff will tackle the answers at a level appropriate to the age of the child.
In Year 6 pupils have an intensified course aimed at looking at physical development. Pupils work with the school nurse and class teacher and are taught how their bodies will change over the next few years, together with discussion of emotional changes. It is intended that questions are dealt with in a sensitive, caring way. Parents are informed of the content of this programme before it is introduced and have the opportunity to discuss the contents in detail. Parents also have the right to withdraw their child from Sex Education if they wish.
18. 18 Curriculum Subjects Information Communication Technology (I.C.T.)
The school boasts some of the best ICT facilities in the country due to a grant from the e-Learning Foundation. Every classroom is equipped with an interactive, electronic whiteboard which is connected to a desktop computer. Each classroom has at least one desktop computer and there are also a large number of laptop computers which the children can use at their desks. These computers are linked to the schools wireless network, and can also be linked to electronic microscopes, CD writers, digital cameras, palm-top computers and web-cams. Software for the childrens use is continually updated.
We also have an ICT suite which contains both desktop computers and has room for laptops. Every pupil has access to computers in the daily course of their work and they are also used on a cross-curricular basis. In addition to computers, extensive use is made of cassette recorders, headphones, radio and TV programmes and video material.
In addition to the schools resources Years 5 and 6 also have computers running on a separate network system, funded through the PFI initiative. Each pupil in these year groups has their own personally assigned laptop computer and work is set, sent and received through the system between teachers and pupils. ICT has a very high priority and the computers are in use regularly in all curricular subjects.
19. 19 Extra-Curricular Activities School Visits
Educational visits connected with curriculum work are organised to provide first-hand experience for pupils. A trip is generally arranged for each class, each term. All parents/carers must sign a consent form before their child is taken on an outing. In addition to off-site visits, arrangements are regularly made for people to come to our school and see the children on-site, both in assemblies and in classes.
Study Support
We are able to extend learning opportunities and services for our children through our Study Support programme.
There is an extensive range of programmes (clubs and activity sessions) run at Carpenters. These range from sports and art activities to curriculum-based programmes. Study Support sessions and clubs are available to children in both Key Stages. Please see the Co-ordinator or class teacher for information.
Parents Room
We have a wonderful Parents Room located at the front of the school. We are proud to be able to offer several extended services to our community. There is also a new, purpose-built creche attached to the Parents Room. Activities are held regularly throughout each week, including a Parents & Toddlers Group, Breakfast club, Homework clubs for pupils and their parents/carers, and Adult Learning and Training sessions. For information about activities and programmes please visit the school office or see Ms Cindy Turner (Nursery).
20. 20 The Foundation Stage Overview
At Carpenters, the Foundation stage comprises of two part-time Nursery Classes and two full-time Reception Classes. Children are admitted into the Nursery and Reception Classes following the criteria laid down in Newhams Admissions Policy. In the Nursery, children attend either the morning or afternoon session:
Morning Session 9:00 11:30 am
Afternoon Session 12:45 3:15 pm
Children transfer to the Reception Classes in the educational year in which they are five. Birthdays between September and February transfer in September. Birthdays between march and August transfer in January. Please note: having a place in our nursery does NOT guarantee a place in one of our Reception Classes. This is Newhams policy and ensures that all children have an equal opportunity to a Reception place, whether or not they have attended a nursery.
The Curriculum
Nursery and Reception staff work closely together to ensure continuity of learning and experience for the children. We recognise the importance of outdoor play in young childrens development and also the value of first-hand experience in promoting learning and understanding. This is reflected in our planning and provision.
Children in the Foundation stage work towards Early Learning Goals, following the national framework of Stepping Stones which are laid down for each of the following six areas of learning:
Personal, social and emotional development
Communication, language and literacy
Mathematical development
Knowledge and understanding of the world
Physical development
Creative development
This curriculum forms the first stage of our whole school curriculum and lays the foundation for childrens future learning. Childrens progress is carefully monitored and recorded, and the Foundation Stage Profile Record is forwarded to Key Stage One teachers.
21. 21 Ensuring Inclusive Practice Special Educational Needs
At Carpenters we believe that it is the fundamental right of all children to have access to the best education possible; it is our aim to achieve this.
All teachers are teachers of special educational needs. Teaching such children is therefore a whole-school responsibility.
Pupils with special educational needs have their progress and development closely and regularly monitored. Pupils who give cause for concern are identified and their needs are reviewed following the Special Needs Code of Practice and the Special Needs Disability Discrimination Act.
The class teacher, the Special Needs Co-ordinator and the Head Teacher may be involved and outside agencies can also be called in to offer advice and support if needed.
It is very important at Carpenters that parents/carers are involved throughout each stage of the childrens development; liaison between home and school is essential.
The school follows the LEA guidelines for Inclusive Education and works closely with the Every Child Matters guidelines. Pupils with special needs and disabilities are given equal access to the whole curriculum where possible and the school endeavours to ensure that no child is discriminated against because of their needs or disability.
Ethnic Minority Achievement (EMA)
Your child may need help in learning English. Teachers at our school plan activities that enable all children to become confident in speaking, reading and writing English.
Pupils progress is monitored regularly. We value the cultural identities of all pupils in our school and celebrate the diversity of culture here at Carpenters.
If you would like to learn English yourself, we may be able to give you information about
local classes or you could join a programme run in our own Parents Room.
22. 22 Carpenters Charging Policy It is the law that no school can charge parents for:
Education wholly or mainly within school hours.
Materials and ingredients for items made in school which pupils or parents do not want to keep.
Visits in or outside school hours which are necessary for an examination.
Charges may be made for the following:
Individual music tuition which is not part of the syllabus for an examination.
Certain excursions where a third party is involved.
Board and lodging where a school activity involves a residential element.
The exact cost of optional extras that are not directly connected with the National Curriculum.
The school will always inform parents of any event well in advance and will try to assist parents who have genuine difficulties in paying.
23. 23 Complaints The best way to sort out complaints is usually to talk the problem through with the class teacher or the Head Teacher.
In cases of difficulty, however, Newham Council has an Education Complaints Procedure that must be followed.
If a parent/carer has a complaint about the Curriculum or Collective Worship they are entitled to use a separate procedure laid down by law.
Firstly, under this procedure, the matter should be attempted to be addressed and/or resolved informally at the school.
If this does not work, the complaint should be sent in writing to the Educational Department, to either the senior Assistant Director (Monitoring, Evaluation and Curriculum Support) or the Principal Governing Bodies Support Officer, who may refer the complaint back to the governors if appropriate.
If the complaint is still not resolved or it is not appropriate for the governing body to consider, then it will go to Newham Council as the local Education Authority, again via the senior Assistant director (see above).
Finally a parent can appeal to the Secretary of State for Education.
Full details of this formal complaint procedure are available from the school or Newham Council Education Department.
24. 24 Sports At Carpenters we aim to promote sport as something in which all pupils can participate and achieve. We do this regularly through our timetabled lessons and we have additional practice times after school. We also have many sporting after-school clubs to choose from.
Promoting equal opportunities in our sport is paramount and the school aims to teach children how to play competitively and fairly in teams and as individuals, and to play to win but also learning to lose graciously and evaluate skills and practice. We participate in many competitions throughout the year in and out of the borough as well as within the school.
Pupils in Years 5 & 6 go swimming as part of their P.E. Curriculum. Therefore the majority of children will learn to swim or to improve their techniques.
We are very excited to be located so closely to the proposed site of the 2012 Olympics. We have already had input from Sport England and visits form sporting greats such as Seb Coe and Kelly Holmes, and in the next years of preparation hope that Carpenters pupils will have the
opportunity to take part in the London 2012 Olympics!