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Lessons 15 – 30 Review. a cappella:. Without instrumental accompaniment (adjective & adverb). Adhere: (verb). To stick tightly to a surface To be loyal or devoted to something To carry out a plan or program without straying from it. Aggregate:. Total; amounting to a whole (adjective)
a cappella: Without instrumental accompaniment (adjective & adverb)
Adhere: (verb) • To stick tightly to a surface • To be loyal or devoted to something • To carry out a plan or program without straying from it
Aggregate: • Total; amounting to a whole (adjective) • A total composed of different parts (noun) • To add up; to gether into a mass, sum, or whole (verb)
Adulterate To make pure by adding improper, inferior, or unnecessary ingredients
Bane: (noun) • The cause of great harm, ruin, or death • A source of constant annoyance and frustration From old English bana, “destroyer”
Boon: (noun) A benefit or blessing, especially one that is timely. From Old Norse bon, “prayer”
Inimical: (adjective) • harmful; injurious • Unfriendly, hostile
Malevolent: (adjective) • Having or showing ill will; wishing harm to others; malicious • Having evil or harmful influence From Latin mal-, “bad” + velle, “to wish”
Panacea: (noun) From Greek pan-, “all” + akos, “true” A remedy for all diseases, evils, or difficulties; a cure-all
Tending to cause death or harm From Latin pernicies, “destruction” Pernicious: (adjective)
Salutary: (adjective) • Helpful or designed to be helpful; remedial • Favorable to health; wholesome
Toxic: (adjective) Poisonous; capable of causing injury or death by chemical means From old Persian taxsa, “arrow”
Vitiate: (verb) To reduce the value, quality, or effectiveness of
Auspices: (noun) Sponsorship, support, or protection
favorable; promising success Marked by success; prosperous From Latin avis, “bird” + spec, “look” Auspicious: (adjective)
Circumspect: (adjective) Cautious; prudent; mindful of circumstances and potential consequences
Despicable: (adjective) Deserving of scorn, contempt, or a low opinion
Contemplating ones own thoughts and feelings; self-examining Introspective: (adjective)
Perspicuous: (adjective) Clearly expressed; easy to understand
Seemingly true, but actually false From Latin species, based on spek, based on “look” Specious: (adjective)
Spectacle: (noun) • An impressive public performance or display • A public display of bad behavior
A ghost or spirit A haunting or disturbing image or possibility Specter: (noun)
Spectrum: (noun) • A band of color or sound, within its wavelength arrange in order • A broad range of related qualities or ideas
Doubtful; of questionable origin, authorship, or authenticity 2. False; fictitious or erroneous Apocryphal: (adjective)
Bona fide: (adjective) • Authentic; genuine; not counterfeit or copied • Done in good faith without any attempt to deceive; sincere From Latin bonus, “good” + fides, “faith”
Honesty; frankness, or sincerity of expression From Latin candere, “to shine” Candor: (noun)
Cant: (noun) • Hypocritically moralistic language 2. Monotonous talk filled with platitudes • The special vocabulary of a sect, group, or profession, jargon
Charlatan: (noun) A person who claims to have special knowledge or ability; a quack or a fraud. From Italian ciarlare, “to prattle” + cerratano, “an inhabit of Italy known for its quacks”
Chicanery: (noun) Deception by trickery; a trick
To present or represent falsely From Latin fingere, “to shape or from” Feign: (verb)
Insidious: (adjective) • Working or spreading in harmfully or subtle or stealthy way • Beguiling or alluring but secretfully harmful; treacherous From Latin in-, + sedere, “to sit”
Moral uprightness; righteousness From Latin rectus, “straight” Rectitude: (noun)
Veritable: (adjective) Real or genuine; actual
Accrue: (verb) To increase, accumulate, or come about as a result of growth.
A person chosen to judge or decide a disputed issue A person who has the power to judge at will Arbiter: (noun)
To examine, verify, or correct financial accounts (verb) 2. An examination of records (noun) 3. To attend a course without requesting or receiving academic credit Audit:
Cartel: (noun) A group of independent business organizations formed to control production, pricing, and marketing of goods
Property that is pledged as security for a loan, so that if the loan is not repaid, the property is taken in its place (noun) Serving to support or corroborate (adjective) Of a secondary nature; subordinate (adjective) Collateral:
Commodity: (noun) 1. An item of trade or commerce, especially an agricultural or a mining product 2. Something or someone valuable and useful
A corporation made up of a number of companies that operate in different fields (noun) 2. To form or gather into a mass or whole Conglomerate:
Liquidate: (verb) 1. To settle a debt, claim, or other obligation by selling property or goods 2. To convert assets into cash From Latin liquidare, “to melt”
A document showing ownership or something owed; a stock or bond 2. Something deposited or given as assurance of the fulfillment of an obligation; a pledge; collateral Security: (noun)
Lucrative: (adjective) Producing wealth; profitable From Latin lucrum, “profit”
Culminate: • To reach the highest point or degree; climax • To come to completion; to end From Latin culmen, “summit”
1. To exceed or go beyond; to diminish2. To obscure or darken Eclipse: (verb)
Epitome: (noun) An example; a perfect representative of a Type From Greek epi-, “into” + temnein, “to cut”
Impeccable: (adjective) Having no flaws; perfect; incapable of sin or wrongdoing
Inimitable: (adjective) Impossible to imitate or copy; unique From Latin in-, “not” + imitari, “to imitate”
Optimum • Most favorable or advantegeous; best (adjective) • The point at which something is most favorable (noun) From Latin optimus, “best”