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Reconstruction of EUV variations

Reconstruction of the EUV spectral irradiance Atomic data and model atmosphere structures Margit Haberreiter Veronique Delouille, Benjamin Mampeay , Micha Schoell , Rami Qahwaji, Ilaria Ermolli. Reconstruction of EUV variations. i : concentric rings r i j : class (feature)

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Reconstruction of EUV variations

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  1. SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans Reconstruction of the EUV spectral irradianceAtomic data and model atmosphere structuresMargit HaberreiterVeronique Delouille, Benjamin Mampeay, MichaSchoell, Rami Qahwaji, Ilaria Ermolli

  2. SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans Reconstruction of EUV variations i: concentric rings ri j: class (feature) Ij:(ri,λ): Intensity for each feature and position on the solar disk

  3. SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans EUV reconstruction - Semi-empirical modeling nlevel, nel,nion,… (x,y,z,t) Iterative process I(λ,μ,φ,t) I(λ,μ,φ,t)

  4. SolarModeling (SolMod) code Multi level atoms 373 ions, from H to Ni withioncharge 25 ~14’000+ atomic levels ~170’000+ spectrallines Statisticalequationissolved to getthelevelpopulations Chromosphere and transitionregion Fontenlaet al. ,2009 atmospherestructures -> to beupdated forioncharge 2: fullNLTE (Fontenla et al., 2009) Corona Coronalstructures (Haberreiter, 2011, SoPh) ioncharge>2 opticallythin, i.e. collisions and spontaneous emission (updated to latest Chianti v7.1.9) Line of sightintegrationaccountsforopacity Sphericalsymmetry

  5. Model Atmospheres of Chromosphere and Transition region

  6. SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans Synthetic EUV Spectra Quiet Corona (QS1) Quiet Coronal Network (QS2) Active Coronal Network (AR1) Hot loops (AR2) Super hot loops (AR3)

  7. SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans Contribution of chromosphere, transition region and corona

  8. SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans SolMod Contrast at EIT passbands Contrast of SOLMOD spectra for the EIT 171 and 195 passbands

  9. SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans Determination of the intensity centers for each class

  10. SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans Filling factors from SOHO/EIT Image segmentation of SOHO/ EIT images carried out by ROB (D3.2)

  11. SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans SolMod Reconstruction versus SOHO/SEM

  12. SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans SolMod Reconstruction versus SOHO/SEM Missing some variability AR2 and AR3 are represented by the brightest model (AR3) Reasons: Background radiation from chromosphere and transition region needs to be added In process for D4.4: using the PSPT filling factors Also analysis from Rami using the MDI analysis

  13. SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans Pre-study: Determine the center intensity of each class Missing some variability: Some inter-class variation might be missing -> inherent to the approach

  14. Status of Deliverables under PMOD/WRCs’s responsibility • D4.2 Improved atmosphere structures for the synthesis of the EUV/UV spectrum • D4.3 Improvement of the atomic data set employed in the spectral synthesis • D4.4 Reconstruction and validation of EUV/UV Spectral irradiance based on SOHO/EIT, PSPT/Ca II images • D8.2: Database to disseminate the irradiance time series and segmentation maps

  15. D4.2 Improved atmosphere structures for the synthesis of the EUV/UV spectrum • Main problems indicated with the line formation of EUV/UV spectral lines • Lyman-α✔ • He II 304 nm in progress • He II continuum • (“improvement” not explicitly specified in the proposal)

  16. D4.2: 1. Lyman-α line formation Without AD With AD Schöll, Haberreiter, Schmutz, Shapiro, submitted to A&A AD: AmbipolarDiffussion

  17. SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans D4.2: 1. Lyman-α line formation Schöll, Haberreiter, Schmutz, Shapiro, submitted to A&A

  18. SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans D4.2: 1. Lyman-α line formation Schöll, Haberreiter, Schmutz, Shapiro, submitted to A&A

  19. SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans D4.2: 2. He continuum and He II 304 Å Haberreiter, 2011, Solar Physics

  20. SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans D4.2 Improved atmosphere structures for the synthesis of the EUV/UV spectrum • Improvement atmosphere structure for modeling theLyman α line • Decreased temperature in the chromosphere will lead to a decrease in the He II 304 spectral line • He II 30.4 nm calculations are on their way for end of November

  21. SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans D4.3 Improvement of the atomic data set employed in the spectral synthesis • Two main points to be addressed: • Update of atomic data of already implemented spectral lines to Chianti 7.1.9 • Implementation of highly ionized ions • Update from Giulio on important lines for the (optically think UV that were not yet implemented in Chianti 7.1.9

  22. D4.3: 1. Update of atomic data of implemented spectral lines to Chianti 7.1.9 • Update of the atomic data set from Chianti 5.2 to Chianti 7.1.9

  23. D4.3: 1. Update of atomic data of implemented spectral lines to Chianti 7.1.9 • Update of the atomic data set from Chianti 5.2 to Chianti 7.1.9

  24. SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans D4.3: 1. Update of atomic data of implemented spectral lines to Chianti 7.1.9 • For D4.3: • Compare the calculation of the additional optically thin lines carried out with SOLMOD versus CHIANTI

  25. Status Update WP8 / SOLID Database http://projects.pmodwrc.ch/solid-visualization/makeover/

  26. Deliverables within first year of SOLID (1)

  27. Future Steps • Use PROBA2/SWAP and PSPT filling factors for reconstruction of the EUV/UV and visible • Use the MDI analysis by Rami for the reconstruction of the UV and visible • Use Picard/SODISM data for reconstruction of the UV and visible

  28. Towards the Recommended SSI time series • SSI fromsemi-empirical modeling • We need to discuss an approach how to determine the error propagation: • the contrast of activity features • filling factor

  29. SOLID First Annual Meeting Margit Haberreiter Oct 14 – 18, 2013, Orléans D4.2: 2. He continuum and He II 304 Å Haberreiter (2011), Solar Physics,274, 473

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