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3rd-5th Grade Level Planning August 30, 2012. Our Plan. Plan 2-3 pacing guide objectives each month.
Our Plan... • Plan 2-3 pacing guide objectives each month. • Collaborate as a grade to develop plans aligned to MMFR, as well as infuse the main components of CCSS and the 8 mathematical practices. Each month we will focus on 1 of the mathematical practices.
8 Mathematical Practices 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. (MP 1)2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. (MP 2)3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. (MP 3)4. Model with mathematics. (MP 4)5. Use appropriate tools strategically. (MP 5)6. Attend to precision. (MP 6)7. Look for and make use of structure. (MP 7)8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. (MP 8)
What does MP 6 look like in our classroom? Mathematical Practice 6: Attend to precision. • What would you say? • What would your students say? • What would you do? • What would your students do?
Mathematical Practice 6:Attend to precision. • Student Problem 1 • Student Problem 2
I can be precise when solving problems and clear when I share my ideas. Careful and clear mathematicians use ...* math vocabulary* symbols that have meaning* context labels* units of measure* calculations that are accurate and efficient
Happens throughout the entire class by holding students accountable for the “what”, “why”, and “how” of problem solving.
Let’s get started... • 3rd grade • 3.1.e • 3.1.c • 4th grade • 4.3.a • 4.3.c • 5th grade • 5.1.f • 5.2.a
Responsibilities: • Strategies • Student Exploration with manipulatives • Centers/Workstations (to include manipulatives, technology, literature, and journals) • Closures and review Case 21 Assessments
Exit Ticket • We want to make our monthly planning sessions as beneficial as possible. In an effort to do so, we are asking that you complete the Exit Ticket and turn it in on your way. • Please fill out both parts so we can best support you! • Have a great night!