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Adult Social Care Open Day Sharing Learning Working with Health – integrating assessment and management systems 8th Oct

Adult Social Care Open Day Sharing Learning Working with Health – integrating assessment and management systems 8th October 2009. Workshop Schedule. Common Assessment Framework for Adults National Demonstrator Sites – Stockport and Shropshire. Putting People First

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Adult Social Care Open Day Sharing Learning Working with Health – integrating assessment and management systems 8th Oct

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  1. Adult Social Care Open Day Sharing Learning Working with Health – integrating assessment and management systems 8th October 2009

  2. Workshop Schedule

  3. Common Assessment Framework for Adults National Demonstrator Sites – Stockport and Shropshire

  4. Putting People First “Ultimately, every locality should seek to have a single community based support system focussed on the health and wellbeing of the local population. Binding together local Government, primary care, community based health provision, public health, social care and the wider issues of housing, employment, benefits advice and education/training. This will not require structural changes, but organisations coming together to re-design local systems around the needs of citizens.”

  5. Enter a new world of jargon and acronyms Separate visits, separate assessments, separate systems People tell their story repeatedly

  6. CAF Objectives • A better experience for people who use health and social care services and their carers, by promoting and supporting a proportionate, thorough, more person centred assessment of need and care and support planning. • Improvements in capacity, effectiveness and efficiency of health and social care systems by providing a basis for the development of shared electronic care records.

  7. The Call for CAF Demonstrators – Phase 1 • 3 year projects to test the integration of local social services systems with the NHS Care Records Service. • Develop a number of “products” for sharing assessment and care planning information. • Stimulate implementation of social care systems that conform with NHS Information Governance standards, and which have successfully shared assessment and care plan information with the NHS Care Records Service using nationally defined messages. • Ensure the promotion and delivery of Personalisation, Self Directed Support and Personal Budgets. • Assess and evaluate the impact on workforce configuration and practice.

  8. The Stockport CAF Project Continuing Care

  9. Continuing Care • Improving packages of care and support received by older and vulnerable people. • A new joint assessment process with information shared between agencies – health, social care and support services. • Information shared only with the full consent of those taking part and professionals will have the right information to get an accurate picture of someone's care needs and what suits them. • We are also looking at professional language used in case recording and conversations with users – making things more understandable. • There is direct reporting to the Department of Health and partnership boards.

  10. Project Objectives and Deliverables • Assessment and case management in community & hospital settings • Key work packages Include: • Business Processes • Data Mapping • User Involvement – Information Survey • Benefits Realisation • Governance • Information Sharing • IT & Systems Implementation • Model Framework • Staff Development • Performance Management • Virtual Record • CAF Messaging • Links to Personal Demographic Spine (PDS) and N3 Smartcards • Links to various local and national initiatives

  11. Proposed Technical Solutions – High Level Scope

  12. Example Graphnet User View

  13. Anticipated Benefits • Core CAF and Secondary CAF Deliverables: • Partnership Efficiencies and Savings: - National Indicators - NHS Stockport - Age Concern Stockport • Multi-disciplinary tool and outcomes framework as a comprehensive individual record • Address organisational and cultural barriers • Direct shared access to data • Reduction in duplication and admin tasks • More flexible and mobile working • Possible savings from improved control over care costs

  14. Contact Details Helen Bailey helen.bailey@stockport.gov.uk 07891 949028

  15. The Shropshire CAF Project DATA ACROSS DISABILITY

  16. Project Scope

  17. Project Scope

  18. NHS Spine RBAC Role Based Access Consent PDS Patient Demographic Service PSIS Personal Spine Information Service Summary Care Record CAF Message Community Care Assessment Carers Assessment Adult Protection DOLsAssessment Mental Capacity Assessment Find CareFirst Assessment Data Support Plan Data Emergency Action Plan Data Social Care Resource Allocation System PCT (CHC)SSSfT (ALD Nurses) Community Council Self Assessment & Financial Assessment Person Centred Support Plan Agencies Police Virtual Record Emergency Action Plan Support Plan GP’s Third Sector My Life (Citizen Access) Transition ALD Nursing Assessment CHC Out Of County

  19. Contact us…. Julie Edgington - Project Lead julie.edgington@shropshire.gov.uk Carol Lucas – Project Officer carol.lucas@shropshire.gov.uk Charlie Crowl – Communications/ Development Officer charlie.crowl@shropshire.gov.uk

  20. To find out more about CAF and the National Demonstrator Sites visitwww.dh.gov.uk

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