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CS 352: Computer Graphics. Chapter 4: Geometric Objects and Transformations. Sensational Solar System Simulator. Perspective. How is it that mathematics can model the (ideal) world so well?. Overview. Scalars and Vectors Coordinates and frames Homogeneous coordinates
CS 352: Computer Graphics Chapter 4: Geometric Objects andTransformations
Perspective • How is it that mathematics can model the (ideal) world so well?
Overview • Scalars and Vectors • Coordinates and frames • Homogeneous coordinates • Rotation, translation, and scaling • Concatenating transformations • Transformations in Canvas • Projections • A virtual trackball
Background: linear algebra • Quick review of important concepts • Point: location (x, y) or (x, y, z) • Vector: direction and magnitude<x, y, z>
Vectors • Magnitude of a vector: |v| • Direction of a vector, unit vector: v • Affine sum: P = (1-a) Q + a R ^
Dot Product • Def: u • v = ux vx + uy vy+ uz vz • u • v = |u| |v| cos θ • Uses: • Angle between two vectors? • Are two vectors perpendicular? • Do two vectors formacute or obtuse angle? • Is a face visible?(backface culling)
Cross Product • u v = <uyvz - uzvy, uzvx - uxvz, uxvy - uyvx> • Direction: normal to plane containing u, v (using right-hand rule in right-handed coordinate system) • Magnitude: |u||v| sin θ • Uses: • Angle between vectors? • Face outward normal?
Face outward normals • Why might I need face normals? • How to find the outward normal of a face? • Assume that vertices are listed in a standard order when viewed from the outside -- counter-clockwise • Cross product of the first two edges is outward normal vector • Note that first corner must be convex
Ouch! • How can I tell if I have run into a wall? • Walls, motion segments, intersection tests • How to tell if two line segments (p1, p2) and (p3, p4) intersect? • Looking from p1 to p2, check that p3 and p4 are on opposite sides • Looking from p3 to p4, check that p1 and p2 are on opposite sides
Sensational Solar System Simulator • How do you get the earth to go around the sun? • How do you get the moon to do that fancy motion?
Coordinate systems and frames • A graphics program uses many coordinate systems, e.g. model, world, screen • Frame: origin + basis vectors (axes) • Need to transform between frames
Transformations • Changes in coordinate systems usually involve • Translation • Rotation • Scale • 3-D Rotation and scale can be represented as 3x3 matrices, but not translation • We're also interested in a 3-D to 2-D projection • We use 3-D "homogeneous coordinates" with four components per point • For 2-D, can use homogeneous coords with three components
Homogeneous Coordinates • A point: (x, y, z, w) where w is a "scale factor" • Converting a 3D point to homogeneous coordinates: (x, y, z) (x, y, z, 1) • Transforming back to 3-space: divide by w • (x, y, z, w) (x/w, y/w, z/w) • (3, 2, 1): same as (3, 2, 1, 1) = (6, 4, 2, 2) = (1.5, 1, 0.5, 0.5) • Where is the point (3, 2, 1, 0)? • Point at infinity or "pure direction." • Used for vectors (vs. points)
Homogeneous transformations • Most important reason for using homogeneous coordinates: • All affine transformations (line-preserving: translation, rotation, scale, perspective, skew) can be represented as a matrix multiplication • You can concatenate several such transformations by multiplying the matrices together. Just as fast as a single transform! • Modern graphics cards implement homogeneous transformations in hardware
Scaling • Note that the scaling fixed point is the origin
Rotation • General rotation: about anaxis v by angle u with fixed point p • With origin as fixed point, about x, y, or z-axis:
Rotating about another point • How can I rotate around another fixed point, e.g. [1, 2, 3]? • Translate [1, 2, 3] -> 0, 0, 0 (T) • Rotate (R) • Translate back (T-1) • T-1 R T P = P'
Rotating about another axis • How can I rotate about an arbitrary axis? • Can combine rotationsabout z, y, and x:Rx Ry Rz P = P' • Note that ordermatters and anglescan be hard to find
Concatenating transformations • Many transformations can be concatenated into one matrix for efficiency • Canvas: transformations concatenate • Set the transformation to the identity to reset • Or, push/pop matrices (save/restore state)
Example: Orbiting the Sun • How to make the earth move 5 degrees? • Set appropriate modeling matrix before drawing image • Rotate 5 degrees, then translate • What Canvas code to use? • How to animate a continuous rotation? • Every few ms, modify modeling matrix and redisplay • Reset to original and concatenate rotation and translation • How to make it spin on its own axis too? • rotate, translate, rotate, draw
Earth & Moon solar.cx.save(); solar.cx.rotate(timefrac/365); // earth around the sun solar.cx.translate(250,0); solar.cx.save(); solar.cx.rotate(timefrac); solar.cx.drawImage(earth, -earth.width/2, –earth.height/2); solar.cx.restore(); solar.cx.save(); // moon around earth solar.cx.rotate(timefrac/28); solar.cx.translate(56, 0); solar.cx.drawImage(moon, -moon.width/2, -moon.height/2); solar.cx.restore();
Moon River, wider than a mile… • How to make the moon follow that crazy path? • Try it…
Project 4: Wonderfully Wiggly Working Widget • Write a program to animate something that has moving parts that have moving parts • Use both translation and rotation • It should save/restore state • Examples: • Walking robot • Person pedaling a bicycle • Person waving in a moving convertible • Spinning machine with moving parts
Accelerometer events • Safari now supports the DeviceOrientation API (W3C draft) • window.ondevicemotion = function(event) {// event.accelerationIncludingGravity.x// event.accelerationIncludingGravity.y// event.accelerationIncludingGravity.z}
How to display a complex object? • You don't want to put all those teapot triangles in your source code…
A JSON object format • Object description with vertex positions and faces { "vertices" : [ 40,40,40, 60,0,60, 20,0,60, 40,0,20], "indices" : [ 0,1,2, 0,2,3, 0,3,1, 1,3,2] } ________________________________ x = data.vertices[0];
Loading an object via AJAX • What do you think of this code? trackball.load = function() { var objectURL = $('#object1').val(); $.getJSON(objectURL, function(data) { trackball.loadObject(data); }); trackball.display(); } • Remember the first 'A' in AJAX! • Wait for the object to load before displaying it $.getJSON(objectURL, function(data) { trackball.loadObject(data); trackball.display(); });
Question • How to move object into the sphere centered at the origin with radius 1?
Point normalization • Find min and max values of X, Y, Z • Find center point, Xc, Yc, Zc • Translate center to origin (T) • Scale (S) • P' = S T P • Modeling matrix M = S T • Note apparent reversed order of matrices
Question • How to draw a 3-D object on a 2-D screen?
Orthographic projection • Zeroing the z coordinate with a matrix multiplication is easy… • Or, just ignore the Z value when drawing
Perspective projection • Can also be done with a single matrix multiply using homogeneous coordinates • Uses the divide-by-w step • We'll see in next chapter
Transformations in the Pipeline • Three coordinate frames: • World coordinates (e.g. unit cube) • Eye (projection) coordinates (from viewpoint) • Window coordinates (after projection) • Two transformations convert between them • Modeling xform * world coords -> eye coords • Projection xform * eye coords -> window coords
Transformations in Canvas • Maintain separate 3-D model and project matrices • Multiply vertices by these matrices before drawing polygons • Vertices are transformed as they flow through the pipeline
Transformations 2 • If p is a vertex, pipeline produces Cp (post-multiplication only) • Can concatenate transforms in CTM: C I C T(4, 5, 6) C R(45, 1, 2, 3) C T(-4, -5, -6) [C = T-1 S T] • Note that last transform defined is first applied
Putting it all together • Load vertices and faces of object. • Normalize: put them in (-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1) cube • Put primitives into a display list • Set up viewing transform to display that cube • Set modeling transform to identity • To spin the object, every 1/60 second do: • Add 5 degrees to current rotation amount • Set up modeling transform to rotate by current amount
Virtual Trackball • Imagine a trackball embedded in the screen • If I click on the screen, what point on the trackball am I touching?
Trackball Rotation Axis • If I move the mouse from p1 to p2, what rotation does that correspond to?
Virtual Trackball Rotations • Rotation about the axis n = p1xp2 • Fixed point: if you use the [-1, 1] cube, it is the origin • Angle of rotation: use cross product |uv| = |u||v| sin θ (or use Sylvester's built-in function) n = p1.cross(p2); theta = p1.angleFrom(p2); modelMat = oldModelMat.multiply(1); // restore old matrix modelMat = Matrix.Rotation(theta,n).multiply(modelMat);
Hidden surface removal • What's wrong with this picture? • How can weprevent hiddensurfaces frombeing displayed?
Hidden surface removal • How can we prevent hidden surfaces from being displayed? • Painter's algorithm: paint from back to front. • How can we do thisby computer, whenpolygons come in arbitrary order?
Poor-man's HSR • Transform points for current viewpoint • Sort back to front by the face's average Z • Does this always work?
HSR Example • Which polygon should be drawn first? • We'll study other algorithms later
Data structures needed • An array of vertices, oldVertices • An array of normalized vertices, vertices[n][3], in the [-1, 1] cube • An array for vertices in world coordinates • An array of faces containing vertex indexes, int faces[n][max_sides]. Use faces[n][0] to store the number of sides. Set max_sides to 12 or so.
Virtual Trackball Program • Stage 1 • Read in, normalize object • Display with rotation, HSR • Stage 2 • Virtual trackball rotations • Perspective • Lighting/shading