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We build understanding

We build understanding. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada. Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. SSHRC and Canada Graduate Scholarships support for PhD students September 2003. SSHRC Mandate.

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We build understanding

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  1. We build understanding Social Sciences and HumanitiesResearch Council of Canada Conseil de recherches ensciences humaines du Canada

  2. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council SSHRC and Canada Graduate Scholarships supportfor PhD studentsSeptember 2003

  3. SSHRC Mandate • Promote and support researchand research training in the social sciences and humanities • Provide advice to the Minister of Industry

  4. SSHRC research training support • Canada Graduate Scholarships (MA and PhD) • SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships • SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellowships • Special Fellowships • Research assistantships through Standard Research and Strategic Research Grants programs

  5. SSHRC support for doctoral students: CGS and Doctoral Fellowships • Objectives • Value, tenure • Period of funding • Eligibility • Application process • Selection process • Evaluation criteria • A good application • Help

  6. Objectives (CGS and Doctoral Fellowships) • Develop research skills • Help train highly-qualified academic personnel • Support Canada’s best students

  7. Value and tenure • Canada Graduate Scholarships, PhD program • $35,000 a year for 36 months • Can be held only at a recognized Canadian university • SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships • $19,000 a year for up to 4 years • Can be held at a recognised university in Canada or abroad

  8. Eligible period of funding: CGS • Regular applicant: undertaking years 1 to 3 oryears 2 to 4 • Direct-entry applicant: undertaking years 2 to 4 or years 3 to 5

  9. Eligible period of funding: Doctoral Fellowships • Regular applicant: undertaking years 1 to 4, 2 to 4, 3 and 4 or 4 alone • Direct-entry applicant: years 2 to 5, 3 to 5, 4 and 5 or 5 alone

  10. Eligibility to apply (CGS and Fellowships) • Canadian citizen or permanent resident • Not under SSHRC sanction • Not have received other SSHRC, NSERC or CIHR funding for a previous doctoral degree

  11. Eligibility to hold award (CGS, Fellowship) • Registered full-time student • Unconditional acceptance in a PhD (or equivalent) program • Conducting research in an area that falls within SSHRC’s mandate

  12. Key dates (CGS, Fellowships) • Application • For students at a Canadian university: date set by university • For all others: November 15, 2003 • National Competition: March • Results Announced: April

  13. How to apply (CGS, Fellowships) • Go to SSHRC Web site (www.sshrc.ca): Applyfor funding • Read the program description carefully • Logon (click Apply) to read and completeon-line forms • Read the form and instructions carefully beforeyou start

  14. Selection process (CGS, Fellowships) • University or SSHRC pre-selection committees • SSHRC national competition • SSHRC Review Committee

  15. Pre-selection (CGS, Fellowships) • University quotas • Roles: • Department • Faculty of Graduate Studies • University committee(s) • Results of pre-selection

  16. SSHRC national competition (CGS, Fellowships) • Role of SSHRC officers • Role of Selection Committee members • Results of national competition

  17. SSHRC review committee • Selects special award recipients • Judges any contentious cases • Advises SSHRC staff on policy and administrative issues

  18. Evaluation criteria • Academic results • transcripts • awards and distinctions • Program of study and research • potential contribution to the advancement of knowledge • Professional and academic experience • research assistantships or other relevant work experience • publications • conference presentations

  19. Evaluation criteria • Letters of appraisal • one from MA or PhD supervisor • one from other professor who hasknown you for at least two years • Departmental appraisal (Canadian universities only)

  20. A good application • Demonstrates: • Strong academic record • Excellent potential to conduct advanced scholarly research • Strong communication skills • Ability to successfully complete the PhD in a timely manner • Is clear, concise, complete, coherent and error-free • Presents a focused program of study and research

  21. Hints: Do • Read documents carefully • Get someone to read your proposal • Check that your application is complete and correct • Let referees know the deadline • Ensure your list of publications provides complete bibliographic information • Ensure citations are complete • Indicate your proficiency in any language required for your research

  22. Hints: Don’t • exceed page limits • use jargon or highly technical language • use a font size smaller than 12 pt • include research contributions that haven’t been accepted for publication • send more information than the instructions require • start applying at the last minute

  23. University help • Your Department: • Supervisor • Peers • Department Head • Your university • Faculty of Graduate Studies • Past SSHRC Fellowship recipients

  24. SSRHC help • More information about SSHRC Doctoral Fellowships or the Canada GraduateScholarships program: • (613) 943-7777 or fellowships@sshrc.ca • On-line forms: • (613) 995-4273 or webgrant@sshrc.ca

  25. We build understanding Social Sciences and HumanitiesResearch Council of Canada Conseil de recherches ensciences humaines du Canada

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