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"St.Petersburg State University - scientific and communication links in St.Petersburg region and some future plans of GRID applications" V.Bychkov, G.Feofilov, Yu.Galyuck, A.Zarochensev, V.I.Zolotarev St.Petersburg State University, Russia. Reporter: G.Feofilov Contents:
"St.Petersburg State University - scientific and communication links in St.Petersburg region and some future plans of GRID applications"V.Bychkov, G.Feofilov, Yu.Galyuck, A.Zarochensev, V.I.Zolotarev St.Petersburg State University, Russia • Reporter: G.Feofilov • Contents: • SPbSU and SPbSU Communication Center • Links and research • Some plans of GRID applications 20.10.2004 The 1st Nordic Grid Neighborhood Workshop, Linkoping, Sweden
St.Petersburg state university today • See http://www.spbu.ru/e/ • 20 faculties • 11 scientific institutes • Academical School • Over 25 000 students • Over 2000 postgraduate students • About 5000 lecturers and researchers
Education Faculties: Natural Sciences
Reseach Institutes: • Astronomy Biology Complex Social Researches Computing Mathematics & Control Processes Chemistry The Earth's Crust Geography Information Technologies Mathematics & MechanicsPhysics (V.Fock Institute for Physics) Physiology Radiophysics
Some scientific and communication links of St.Petersburg State University • PNPI (Gatchina), • Institute for High Performance Computing(St.Petersburg) – see a report by V.Korkhov at the present workshop • JINR(Dubna), • CERN(Geneve) • ALICE collaboration at CERN since 1992
Some topics of research at the SPbSU high productivity complex in 2003: • Research Institute for Laser Physics (St.Peterburg): “Model Simulations of non-paraxial auto-focusing laser radiation and formation of super narrow space solitons(the “ Optical needles”)”. • ITEPHI SPII RAS (St.Peterburg)::” Optimization of electromagnetic fields configurations of complex corpuscular-optical systems and search for extreme of multi parameter function (10 and parameters)” • PNPI, Gatchina : “High precision calculations of electron structure and properties of heavy atoms and molecules with heavy ions”, • SPb Institute for Informatics and Automatization: “Model simulations and control of the geophysical environment” • Institute for High Molecular Compounds (St.Peterburg):: “Computer simulations of polymer systems with anisotropic interactions between elements” - • Physics and Technical Institute named after A.F.Ioffe (St.Peterburg):, “Microscopic theory of dielectric and segneto-electric properties of crystals” • S.I.Vavilov’s Optical Institute (St.Peterburg): “ Model simulations for the optical system light protection”
2004: • Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (Gatchina): “Distributed analysis and HEP data storage for PNPI” (GRID technologies for HEP, - for ATLAS) • Physics and Technical Institute A.M.Ioffe and Institute for Informatics, RAS (St.Peterburg): : ‘Microscopic theory of physical properties of segneto-electrics and similar materials”, and “ New electron phase transitions in structures based on the fullerens” • I.P.Pavlov SPb Institute for Physiology, RAS:”Quantum-chemistry calculations of biologically active substances” • SPb Institute for Machines Problems: “Study of polymer units with anisotropic interactions between the nodes” • SPbSU: “Study for Enhancement of Reliability for Distributed Monte Carlo Simulations” • SPbSU: “Parallel implementations of Parton String Model event generator” • SPbSU: “Search for quark-gluon string fusion phenomenon in relativistic nucleus-nucleus collisions”
Principles: • Cooperation and joint research are welcome • Free usage of computer power is provided for scientific applications and research
practical tasks: middleware development and gaining of experience practical tasks: the LHC ALICE data analysis - more computing power is required for ALICE for the future data analysis practical tasks: involvement of students of other specializations (not only physicists) into the GRID applications What is important for the future?
Data Challenge for ALICE (to continue using 8 computers cluster) transition to gLite creation of a NordGrid cluster in St.Petersburg State University Physical Programme preparations for ALICE:(calculations based on the Monte Carlo event generators in parallel mode, Long Range correlations search in NA49 and NA57 at SPS data and ALICE Physical Programme) Participation of the students of the SPbSU/ALICE group in applications of NordGrid for computing (?) Some other possible applications in GRID - (chemistry? biology? etc…?. Experience of St.Petersburg State University with the IBM and further developments Some of these tasks could be very efficiently solved in cooperation with the NordGrid Near plans for SPbSU!:
Questions: • Physics and science in Russia? • A NATIONAL CATASTROPHE • … • WHAT IS TO BE DONE? …. We have to work…
Practical applications of our knowledge gained in HEP to the medicine This may/should! include GRID technologies for: • digital mammograms • patients medical data storage, transfer, security, easy access for the doctor (see the HealthGRID) • early cancer screening programs
ISTC Project#2887 “Preparations of Technical Proposals for development of the North-West Regional Centre for Hadron Therapy and Diagnostics in St.Petersburg” – submitted in Aug.2003 by a group of 7 St.Petersburg institutions, -- was supposed to be considered by the ISTC: in March 2004/July 2004/October 2004? Three major goals: • the choice of the medical accelerator • the concept of the precise diagnostic equipment complex and • the practical demonstration of the latest information technologies (GRID)for digital mammography and for early cancer detection
Some Medical links: • ESTRO-ENLIGHT and European Hadron Therapy Centers • CERN (PIMMS accelerator design) • MedAustron (Austria) • Department of Medical Radiation Physics of Karolinska Institutet • MAMMOGRID (see http://www.gridstart.org/MAMMOGRID.shtml and http://mammogrid/vitamib.com/
The goal of the Project #2887: • to develop the concept and the Technical Proposals for the construcion in St.Petersburg of the new medical facility for the ion-beam therapy – the North-West Regional Centre of Hadron Therapy and Diagnostics of Oncology Deceases. The latest world achievements in the ion beams therapy using protons and carbon ions, the modern nuclear physics methods of radiation treatment control and the newest methods of precise diagnostic of oncology deceases will be taken into account. The latest developments in the information technologies based on the distributed data analysis will be used as a base for the demonstration of two prototypes of mass scale diagnostic systems. • The Center is assigned to the efficient diagnostic and treatment of a wide range of oncology deceases resulting in the localized deep seated tumors, situated near the Organs at Risk that are not suitable for the conventional beam therapy methods using photon beams.
Participants: • V.A.Fock Institute of Physics of Saint-Petersburg State University (Fock Institute of Physics SPbSU, Ministry of Education, RF) • Federal State Unitary Enterprise “D.V. Efremov Scientific-research institute of Electrophysical apparatus” (FSUE NIIEFA, MinAtom) • Central Design Bureau of machine Building (CDBM, MinAtom RF) • St.Petersburg City Clinical Oncology Centre (SPbCCOC, St.Petersburg Health Protection Committee) • Central Research Institute of Roentgenology and Radiology, St. Petersburg (CRIRR) • Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute named after B.P.Konstantinov, (PNPI, RAS, Gatchina) • Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathology and Human Ecology (RIHOPHE, Federal Bureau of Medical and Biological Extreme Problems, the Ministry of Health of Russian Federation)
Project leader Grigoriy A.Feofilov Ph.D. Project Economist Olga V.Sobol’ Project Coordinator (Diagnostics systems) Vladislav A.Shishov Ph.D. Project Technical Coordonator (Accelerator) Al’bert V.StepanovD.Sc.i. Project Scientific Coordinator (Medicine) Sergei I.ChikrizovPh.D. FSUE NIIEFA SubmanagerAl’bert V.Stepanov D.Sc.i. SPbCCOC Submanager Sergei I.Chikrizov Ph.D. FSUE NIIEFA SubmanagerAl’bert V.Stepanov D.Sc.i. PNPI SubmanagerNikolai K.AbrosimovPh.D. CRIRR Submanager Valerii M.Vinogradov Professor, D.Sc.i. PNPI SubmanagerNikolai K.AbrosimovPh.D. CDBM Submanager Nikolai A.Odintsov PI HOPHE Submanager Andrei S.Radilov D.Sc.i. Fock Instutite of Physics SPbSU Submanager Olga V.Sobol’
Hadron Therapy in the Baltic region Baltic Light Project (Anders Brahme, Department of Medical Radiation Physics of Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm): Joint creation of 2 centers of excellence for the hadron therapy of deeply seated tumors (Stockholm-St.Petersburg) GRID– is a technology that is needed for: • Advanced treatment planning • Medical images transfer between centers • Advanced diagnostics
Perspectives • The Center should include aspecialized medical accelerator of protons and/or carbon ions with the beam delivery system to the places of therapy, and the additional accelerators for the production of medical isotopes used for the PET diagnostics. Standard medical electron accelerator and the narrow focused well studied photon beams should be used as an additional tool for the radiologist. The centre should be equipped with the high precision systems of the automated dose distribution control during the therapy that will guarantee the high quality and efficiency at all stages of the medical process. • The centre should be also connected with the intellectual system of medical examinations of the population based on the latest developments of the GRID informational technology.
Relevance • The relevance of the Project is dictated by the necessity to enroot the newest modern high efficient methods of diagnostics and therapy of oncology deceases in St.Petersburg and the North-West region. • The validation of medical, technical and economical feasibility will be obtained in a close cooperation with the European Centre for Nuclear Research (CERN), European radiology centers and in contact with ESTRO ENLIGHT - (European Network for LIGht Ion Hadron Therapy), in particular, with Med-AUSTRON (Vienna) and Karolinska Hospital(Sweden).
Novelty • The novelty of the project is in the application of the modern developments in the field of accelerator technique, of the newest detector systems of high energy and nuclear physics for the high precision beam control for the irradiated tumors. The use of the latest information technologies (GRID and MammoGRID) as the main tool in distributed data storage and analysis is an important component part of the project. Development of the technical proposal for the efficient upgrade of the existing Gatchina synchrocyclotron, evaluation of the modern medical machines and the capabilities of Russian enterprises to produce them, engineering design of carbon ion beams transportation systems (including gantry), detailed model simulations of the tissue irradiation process using the modern Monte-Carlo codes (like FLUKA and GEANT) and the codes validation with the available experimental data, are among the main tasks of this proposal that might be of some interest to the European centers of the hadron therapy.
Development and practical demonstration of two prototype systems of mass diagnostics of oncology deceasesis one of the peculiaritiesof the present proposal. It is planned, in particular, to carry out a diagnostic check of not less then 5000 patients of Mammology City Oncology Center and to use the obtained data for the MammoGrid analysis using the CERN-developed GRID systems.The bank of mammograms will be created using the available resources of St.Petersburg State University and the efficiency of the computer aided diagnostics will be studied. It is also planned to carry out another check of the early cancer mass scale diagnostic based on the new methods of blood-serum laser spectroscopy developed in St.Petersburg. 10000 patients are to be checked and the risk group is to be formed as a result of GRID based analysis. Novelty (continued)
Status of St.Petersburg mammal gland screening (data of 2002) • St.Petersburg’s decree (07.03.01) on “Special Oncology Program for St.Petersburg for 2001-2005” • St.Petersburg: the highest rate in Russia of oncology decease • Mammal gland cancer is No.1 since 1981 • 2163 new mammal cancer patients in 2002 (21,6% of all oncology cases) (see Tables below). • Mortality –about 9% of the all mortality is due to the oncology • 2003: 21861 women are registered total with a general diagnosis of mammal gland oncology • The population of women in St.Petersburg is 2544 thousand
Scaner (Vidar VXR-16) Review workstation IBM IntelliStation 2*T221 Mammography station (GIOTTO IMAGE-MR, 3000rpm tube, Focus 0.1/0.3) Radio modem 11Mb/s Cern(Central Node) gridbox 100Mb/s
SPbSU Informational-computing center External net - channels
Some future plans of GRID applications: Early diagnostics of cancer
Early diagnostics of cancer • Early diagnostics using the computer aided intellectual diagnostic system developed by the Research Institute of Hygiene, Occupational Pathology and Human Ecology (RIHOPHE, St.Petersburg) includes the diagnostics terminal with pupillometer, laser analyzer of the functional state of the blood form elements and spectrometer of small fractions of blood-serum, network resources of data storage and transfer. Laser correlation method of blood-serum spectroscopy (LCS) allows to reveal the risk groups with some pathologies forerunning the development of tumors and to monitor the process of illness. Pupillometry is capable to define at the early stage the changes of organic and functional nature in the central nervous system. • Laser analyzer of the functional state of the blood form elements helps to control the magnitude of the general impact of the beam and drug therapy.
Possibility of a new GRID application to very early cancer diagnostics • This computer aided intellectual system is designed for the mass scale examinations of population using the computer methods of screening diagnostics. The risk groups is formed as result that should go through the deeper study in order to clarify the diagnosis and to get the needed further treatment if necessary. • The practical demonstration of the given system based on the existing complex of diagnostic equipment and the GRID system is planned at the high productivity computer complex of SPbSU using the 1 GB/s communication channel to St.Petersburg . • The volume of data expected for one patient is about 30 MB. • Data is expected to come with the mean intensity 2Mb/s. • The previously developed methods will be used for the examination of 10000 patients (a prototype of the intellectual computer aided intellectual early diagnostic system).
Some Perspectives for AliEn/gLite applications in St.Petersburg(hopefully, links to NordicGrid will also appear to solve some practical tasks!)
General conclusions • Data Challenge 2004 tests in SPbSU show that the AliEn works. • Future applications of GRID to the NEW PHYSICS at LHC are exciting! • Scientific and educational potential of SPbSU is still high, but in parallel, we have to remember that medical applications of our knowledge could be very beneficial : • GRID is a must for the European centers of hadron therapy • GRID technologies should be at hand for any doctor • 1.5 mln of women population in St.Petersburg are the potential candidates for the mass screening using GRID. A film+scanner technology is proposed to demonstrate the feasibility of the Mammogrid application in St.Petersburg region • Very early cancer diagnostics prototype is proposed for tests in St.Petersburg using GRID • We are ready to start! • Any cooperation is welcome!