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Database Systems – Set Theory. website. organization. first-year. category. www.zojjed.com. Walking Promotions. 2006. Fiction. www.racewalk.com. Walking Promotions. 1995. Health. www.greattreks.com. Walking Promotions. 2006. Travel. www.twofeetgallery.com. Walking Promotions.
Database Systems – Set Theory website organization first-year category www.zojjed.com Walking Promotions 2006 Fiction www.racewalk.com Walking Promotions 1995 Health www.greattreks.com Walking Promotions 2006 Travel www.twofeetgallery.com Walking Promotions 2004 Photograph www.walkinghealthy.com Walking Promotions 2002 www.cs.drexel.edu/~jsalvage Drexel University 2005 Education RELATIONS • A relational database consists of tables, each of which is assigned a unique name. • A row in a table represents a relationship among a set of values. • A table is a collection of such relationships. • Column Headers are commonly referred to as attributes Websites-Schema=(website, organization, first-year, category) websites relation: Health
Database Systems – Set Theory DOMAINS • A Domain is the set of permitted values for a column/attribute. • The domain can be any positive number as in the case with first year • The domain can be a series of letters up to a maximum number of letters as in the case with organization. • The domain can be valid web addresses, whose rules might be slightly more complicated. If D1 denotes the set of all websites D2 denotes the set of all organizations D3 denotes the set of all first years D4 denotes the set of all categories Any row of websites must contain a 4-tuple(v1,v2,v3, v4) where v1 is a website in the domain D1 v2 is a organization in the domain D2 v3 is year in the domain D3 V4 is a category in the domain D4 Therefore, account is a subset of D1xD2xD3xD4.
Database Systems – Set Theory DOMAINS In general a table must be a subset of D1xD2x…xDn-1xDn Tables vs. Relations There exists a close relationship between this language and the terminology used in databases. Instead of numbers DB’s use names. Relation -> table tuple -> row Websites table has 6 tuples.
Database Systems – Set Theory TUPLE NOTATION If t is a variable denoting the first tuple relationship, then t[website] denotes the website attribute of the tuple t. t[website] = “www.zojjed.com” t[organization]=”Walking Promotions” t[first-year] = 2006 t[category] = “Fiction” Alternatively, using numbered attributes: t[1] = “www.zojjed.com” t[2]= ”Walking Promotions” t[3] = 2006 t[4] = “Fiction” t r, indicate the tuple t is in the relation r
Database Systems – Set Theory DOMAINS It is possible for several attributes to have the same domain, i.e. several attributes can contain the same domain of possible values. Later we will introduce a customer relation. It has a customer name; if Ialso had an employee table with the field employee name, technically they both have the same domain. It depends upon how you look at it. If the domain is the set of all possible names, this is true. What about the domains website and first-year. They are incompatible. What about website and category? While they both store character strings, the website domain has a more limited domain. In a set, an attribute may contain the value Null. For now we will assume they do not.
Database Systems – Set Theory DATABASE SCHEMAS • Logical design of the database • defines the type definition of a variable DATABASE INSTANCE • Snapshot of the database at a given time • an instance of a variable A database schema in relations is defined by using a capitalized name for the relationship-schema and a lowercase name of each attribute. An instance of a relation is represented by a lowercase name. Websites-schema(website, organization, first-year, category) A relation on the Website-schema is as follows: websites(Website-schema) Side notes, very important: A relation has no order A relation cannot contain duplicate tuples
Database Systems – Set Theory website first-name last-name www.zojjed.com Derek Jeter www.zojjed.com Chase Utley www.drexel.edu/~jsalvage Jeremy Johnson www.racewalk.com Ryan Howard www.zojjed.com Ryan Howard Customers-Schema=(website, first-name, last-name) customers Relation Notice the website attribute appears in both the customers relation and Websites relation. This is not a coincidence, fields often are repeated. This allows distinct relations to be related. If we wanted to gather website details for customer websites we need information from both relations
Database Systems – Set Theory website category first-name last-name www.zojjed.com Fiction Derek Jeter www.zojjed.com Fiction Chase Utley www.cs.drexel.edu/~jsalvage Education Jeremy Johnson www.racewalk.com Health Ryan Howard www.zojjed.com Fiction Ryan Howard Combined information from website and customers relations In real databases, unique id fields would be used to identify the customer and the website so the website name would not be repeated in both tables.
Database Systems – Set Theory Instead of having two schemas, it’s possible to have one schema as follows: WebsiteCustomers(website, organization, first-year, category, first-name, last-name) What is wrong with this?
Database Systems – Set Theory website organization first-year category first-name last-name www.zojjed.com Walking Promotions 2006 Fiction Derek Jeter www.racewalk.com Walking Promotions 1995 Health Ryan Howard www.greattreks.com Walking Promotions 2006 Travel Null Null www.twofeetgallery.com Walking Promotions 2004 Photographs Null Null www.walkinghealthy.com Walking Promotions 2002 Health Null Null www.zojjed.com Walking Promotions 2006 Fiction Ryan Howard www.zojjed.com Walking Promotions 2006 Fiction Chase Utley www.cs.drexel.edu/~jsalvage Drexel University 2005 Education Jeremy Johnson Redundant data as well as null fields.
Database Systems – Set Theory website date hit-count www.zojjed.com 5/20/2007 5 www.racewalk.com 5/20/2007 2019 www.greattreks.com 5/20/2007 1050 www.twofeetgallery.com 5/20/2007 32 www.walkinghealthy.com 5/20/2007 159 www.zojjed.com 5/21/2007 6 www.zojjed.com 5/22/2007 5 www.cs.drexel.edu/~jsalvage 5/20/2007 376 www.racewalk.com 5/21/2007 2099 hit-counts-Schema= (website, date, hit-count) hit-counts relation Is there anything wrong with the above relation?
Database Systems – Set Theory website date hit-count www.zojjed.com 5/20/2007 5 www.racewalk.com 5/20/2007 2019 www.greattreks.com 5/20/2007 1050 www.twofeetgallery.com 5/20/2007 32 www.walkinghealthy.com 5/20/2007 159 www.zojjed.com 5/21/2007 6 www.zojjed.com 5/22/2007 5 www.cs.drexel.edu/~jsalvage 5/20/2007 376 www.racewalk.com 5/21/2007 2099 hit-counts-Schema= (website, date, hit-count) hit-counts relation Is there anything wrong with the above relation? No, there is no reason why we cannot list a website more than once.
Database Systems – Set Theory website hit-count www.zojjed.com 5 www.racewalk.com 2019 www.greattreks.com 1050 www.twofeetgallery.com 32 www.walkinghealthy.com 159 www.zojjed.com 6 www.zojjed.com 5 www.cs.drexel.edu/~jsalvage 376 www.racewalk.com 2099 If we did not care about the date and only cared about the hit count, could we define the hit-counts Schema as follows: hit-counts-Schema= (website, hit-count) hit-counts relation:
Database Systems – Set Theory website hit-count www.zojjed.com 5 www.racewalk.com 2019 www.greattreks.com 1050 www.twofeetgallery.com 32 www.walkinghealthy.com 159 www.zojjed.com 6 www.zojjed.com 5 www.cs.drexel.edu/~jsalvage 376 www.racewalk.com 2099 If we did not care about the date and only cared about the hit count, could we define the hit-counts Schema as follows: hit-counts-Schema= (website, hit-count) hit-counts relation: In real databases there would be no problem, but we said that you cannot repeat tuples in a relation. So the answer is no, we cannot use this schema because of duplicates.
Database Systems – Set Theory QUERY LANGUAGES A query language is a language in which the user requests information from the database. Can be procedural or non-procedural. We will study Relational Algebra It Is a procedural language consisting of sets of operations that take one or two relations as input and output a relation. Operations include: • select • project • union • set difference • Cartesian product • Rename • Intersection • Aggregate functions We will also study various forms of joining relations.
Database Systems – Set Theory Unary- operates on one relation Binary – operates on a pair of relations The Select Operation Unary operation Selects tuples that satisfy a given predicate - represents a select operation - sigma <select condition>(R) <selection condition> = <attribute name> <comparison op> <constant value> or <selection condition> = <attribute name> <comparison op> <attribute name> comparison operators are: =, <>, <, <=, >, >= equal, not equal, less than, less than or equal to, greater than, greater than or equal to
Database Systems – Set Theory website date hit-count website date hit-count www.zojjed.com 5/20/2007 5 www.zojjed.com 5/20/2007 5 www.zojjed.com 5/21/2007 6 www.racewalk.com 5/20/2007 2019 www.zojjed.com 5/22/2007 5 www.greattreks.com 5/20/2007 1050 www.twofeetgallery.com 5/20/2007 32 www.walkinghealthy.com 5/20/2007 159 www.zojjed.com 5/21/2007 6 www.zojjed.com 5/22/2007 5 www.cs.drexel.edu/~jsalvage 5/20/2007 376 www.racewalk.com 5/21/2007 2099 To select those tuples of the hit-counts relation where the website is “www.zojjed.com” we write. website = “www.zojjed.com”(hit-counts) This returns the relation: hit-counts relation
Database Systems – Set Theory website date hit-count website date hit-count www.zojjed.com 5/20/2007 5 www.racewalk.com 5/20/2007 2019 www.racewalk.com 5/20/2007 2019 www.greattreks.com 5/20/2007 1050 www.greattreks.com 5/20/2007 1050 ww.racewalk.com 5/21/2007 2099 www.twofeetgallery.com 5/20/2007 32 www.walkinghealthy.com 5/20/2007 159 www.zojjed.com 5/21/2007 6 www.zojjed.com 5/22/2007 5 www.cs.drexel.edu/~jsalvage 5/20/2007 376 www.racewalk.com 5/21/2007 2099 To select those tuples of the hit-counts relation where the hit-count is greater than 1000 we write. hit-count > 1000 (hit-counts) This returns the relation: hit-counts relation
Database Systems – Set Theory website date hit-count website date hit-count www.racewalk.com 5/20/2007 2019 www.zojjed.com 5/21/2007 6 www.greattreks.com 5/20/2007 1050 www.twofeetgallery.com 5/20/2007 32 www.walkinghealthy.com 5/20/2007 159 website date hit-count www.zojjed.com 5/21/2007 6 www.zojjed.com 5/20/2007 5 www.cs.drexel.edu/~jsalvage 5/20/2007 376 www.zojjed.com 5/21/2007 6 www.racewalk.com 5/21/2007 2099 www.zojjed.com 5/22/2007 5 Can combine predicates with and, or, and not To select those tuples of the hit-counts relation where the hit-count is greater than 5 and the website is www.zojjed.com, we write. hit-count > 5 and website = “www.zojjed.com”(hit-counts) This returns the relation: hit-count > 5 website = “www.zojjed.com”
Database Systems – Set Theory website category www.zojjed.com Fiction www.racewalk.com Health www.greattreks.com Travel www.twofeetgallery.com Photographs www.walkinghealthy.com Health www.cs.drexel.edu/~jsalvage Education The Project Operation unary returns arguments in relation without all attributes duplicates are removed - represent project operation - pi <attribute list> (R) website, category(Websites)
Database Systems – Set Theory Composition of Relational Operations Often we need to combine operations. Often we wish to select a set of tuples and limit the relation returned to a few attributes. What if we want to find out only the websites that have had greater than 1000 hits in a given day? First we must find out what tuples have hit counts greater than 1000. We can accomplish this with the following relational query: hit-count>1000 (hit-counts) By using the Project operation we can remove the extra attributes such as hit-count and date and only return the values in the website column. website(hit-count>1000 (hit-counts)) What is the relation that is returned?
Database Systems – Set Theory website date hit-count website www.zojjed.com 5/20/2007 5 www.racewalk.com www.racewalk.com 5/20/2007 2019 www.greattreks.com www.greattreks.com 5/20/2007 1050 www.twofeetgallery.com 5/20/2007 32 www.walkinghealthy.com 5/20/2007 159 www.zojjed.com 5/21/2007 6 www.zojjed.com 5/22/2007 5 www.cs.drexel.edu/~jsalvage 5/20/2007 376 www.racewalk.com 5/21/2007 2099 What if we want to find out only the websites that have had greater than 1000 hits in a single day? website(hit-count>1000 (hit-counts)) What is the relation that is returned? hit-counts relation
Database Systems – Set Theory Union Operator binary - union operator It is often useful to combine the results of queries. Again, remember that set theory removes duplicates. Relation 1 Relation 2 = Result Set
Database Systems – Set Theory website first-name last-name website www.zojjed.com Derek Jeter www.drexel.edu/~jsalvage www.zojjed.com Chase Utley www.racewalk.com www.drexel.edu/~jsalvage Jeremy Johnson www.zojjed.com www.racewalk.com Ryan Howard www.zojjed.com Ryan Howard What is a query that returns all websites that have customers OR a hit count greater than 1000? We need information from both the customers relation as well as the hit count relation. First we need the names of all websites that have customers website(customers) customers Relation
Database Systems – Set Theory website date hit-count website www.zojjed.com 5/20/2007 5 www.racewalk.com www.racewalk.com 5/20/2007 2019 www.greattreks.com www.greattreks.com 5/20/2007 1050 www.twofeetgallery.com 5/20/2007 32 www.walkinghealthy.com 5/20/2007 159 www.zojjed.com 5/21/2007 6 www.zojjed.com 5/22/2007 5 www.cs.drexel.edu/~jsalvage 5/20/2007 376 www.racewalk.com 5/21/2007 2099 Then we need the names of the websites that have a hit count greater than 1000: website(hit-count>1000 (hit-counts)) hit-counts relation
Database Systems – Set Theory website www.drexel.edu/~jsalvage www.racewalk.com www.greattreks.com www.zojjed.com website website www.racewalk.com www.drexel.edu/~jsalvage www.greattreks.com www.racewalk.com www.zojjed.com Combine the results using a union operation website(customers) website(hit-count>1000 (hit-counts)) website(hit-count>1000 (hit-counts)) website(customers) • Remember, order is not important! • Unions MUST be of similar types • They MUST have the same number of attributes • The domains of the attributes MUST be the same
Database Systems – Set Theory Intersection Operator binary ∩ - intersection operator Returns all tuples contained within both relations Relation 1 ∩ Relation 2 = Result Set
Database Systems – Set Theory website www.drexel.edu/~jsalvage www.racewalk.com www.zojjed.com website www.racewalk.com www.greattreks.com What is a query that returns all websites that have customers AND a hit count greater than 1000? First we need the names of all websites that have customers website(customers) Then we need the names of the websites that have a hit count greater than 1000: website(hit-count>1000 (hit-counts))
Database Systems – Set Theory website www.racewalk.com website website www.racewalk.com www.drexel.edu/~jsalvage www.greattreks.com www.racewalk.com www.zojjed.com What is a query that returns all websites that have customers AND a hit count greater than 1000? website(customers) ∩ website(hit-count>1000 (hit-counts)) website(hit-count>1000 (hit-counts)) website(customers)
Database Systems – Set Theory The Set Difference Operation (MINUS) binary -, denotes set difference Relation 1 - Relation 2 = Result Set Finds tuples in one set but not in another r – s, produces a set containing those tuples in r but not in s, operand order is significant.
Database Systems – Set Theory website www.drexel.edu/~jsalvage www.racewalk.com www.zojjed.com website www.racewalk.com www.greattreks.com Produce a list of websites who have a hit count > 1000 and do not have a customer. We need the names of all websites that have customers website(customers) Then we need the names of the websites that have a hit count greater than 1000: website(hit-count>1000 (hit-counts)) website(hit-count>1000 (hit-counts)) - website(customers)
Database Systems – Set Theory website www.greattreks.com website website www.racewalk.com www.drexel.edu/~jsalvage www.greattreks.com www.racewalk.com www.zojjed.com Produce a list of websites who have a hit count > 1000 and do not have a customer. website(hit-count>1000 (hit-counts)) - website(customers) website(hit-count>1000 (hit-counts)) website(customers) Notice the attributes in R1 that are not in R2 are included in the result set, but the attributes in R2 that are not in R1 are not included in the result set, i.e. operand order is significant.
Database Systems – Set Theory website organization first-year category www.zojjed.com Walking Promotions 2006 Fiction www.racewalk.com Walking Promotions 1995 Health www.greattreks.com Walking Promotions 2006 Travel www.twofeetgallery.com Walking Promotions 2004 Photographs www.walkinghealthy.com Walking Promotions 2002 Health www.cs.drexel.edu/~jsalvage Drexel University 2005 Education Given the relation websites below: What is the result of the following? website(empty set) - website(websites)
Database Systems – Set Theory website organization first-year category www.zojjed.com Walking Promotions 2006 Fiction www.racewalk.com Walking Promotions 1995 Health www.greattreks.com Walking Promotions 2006 Travel www.twofeetgallery.com Walking Promotions 2004 Photographs www.walkinghealthy.com Walking Promotions 2002 Health www.cs.drexel.edu/~jsalvage Drexel University 2005 Education Given the relation websites below: What is the result of the following? website(empty set) - website(websites) The result is the empty set, because no records are contained in “R1” and only the records in R1 that are not in R2 are returned from the MINUS operator.
Database Systems – Set Theory website organization first-year category www.zojjed.com Walking Promotions 2006 Fiction www.racewalk.com Walking Promotions 1995 Health www.greattreks.com Walking Promotions 2006 Travel www.twofeetgallery.com Walking Promotions 2004 Photographs www.walkinghealthy.com Walking Promotions 2002 Health www.cs.drexel.edu/~jsalvage Drexel University 2005 Education Given the relation websites below: What is the result of the following? website(websites) - website(empty set)
Database Systems – Set Theory website www.zojjed.com www.racewalk.com www.greattreks.com www.twofeetgallery.com www.walkinghealthy.com www.cs.drexel.edu/~jsalvage The result of website(websites) - website(empty set) is the complete relation websites, since no records are contained in the empty set all records from the websites relation are included in the result set.
Database Systems – Set Theory The Cartesian-Product Operation binary x – combines information in two relations Relation 1 x Relation 2 = Result Set because attributes can be repeated in different relations, a notation relation.attribute will be used. Therefore, the resulting schema of r = websites x customers is: (websites.website, websites.organization, websites.first-year, websites.category, customers.website, customers.first-name, customers.last-name) Note this does not support cases where you wish to use the same relation twice; we will address this with the rename operation shortly. What tuples exist in r if r = websites x customers? The combination of all tuples in websites with every tuple in customers. Given r1 with n1 tuples and r2 with n2 tuples then r1xr2 has n1*n2 tuples
Database Systems – Set Theory R1.Value 1 R2.Value 2 Value1 1 A 1 1 B 2 1 C 3 2 A 2 B 2 C Value2 3 A A B 3 B C 3 C Let’s look at a simplified example first. If relation R1 contains the following: Then R1 x R2 contains the following: and if relation R2 contains the following:
Database Systems – Set Theory websites.website organization first-year category customers.website first-name last-name www.zojjed.com Walking Promotions 2006 Fiction www.zojjed.com Derek Jeter www.zojjed.com Walking Promotions 2006 Fiction www.zojjed.com Chase Utley www.zojjed.com Walking Promotions 2006 Fiction www.drexel.edu/~jsalvage Jeremy Johnson www.zojjed.com Walking Promotions 2006 Fiction www.racewalk.com Ryan Howard www.zojjed.com Walking Promotions 2006 Fiction www.zojjed.com Ryan Howard www.racewalk.com Walking Promotions 1995 Health www.zojjed.com Derek Jeter www.racewalk.com Walking Promotions 1995 Health www.zojjed.com Chase Utley www.racewalk.com Walking Promotions 1995 Health www.drexel.edu/~jsalvage Jeremy Johnson www.racewalk.com Walking Promotions 1995 Health www.racewalk.com Ryan Howard www.racewalk.com Walking Promotions 1995 Health www.zojjed.com Ryan Howard www.greattreks.com Walking Promotions 2006 Travel www.zojjed.com Derek Jeter www.greattreks.com Walking Promotions 2006 Travel www.zojjed.com Chase Utley www.greattreks.com Walking Promotions 2006 Travel www.drexel.edu/~jsalvage Jeremy Johnson www.greattreks.com Walking Promotions 2006 Travel www.racewalk.com Ryan Howard www.greattreks.com Walking Promotions 2006 Travel www.zojjed.com Ryan Howard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Similarly, websites x customers appears as follows:
Database Systems – Set Theory websites.website organization first-year category customers.website first-name last-name www.racewalk.com Walking Promotions 1995 Health www.zojjed.com Derek Jeter www.racewalk.com Walking Promotions 1995 Health www.zojjed.com Chase Utley www.racewalk.com Walking Promotions 1995 Health www.drexel.edu/~jsalvage Jeremy Johnson www.racewalk.com Walking Promotions 1995 Health www.racewalk.com Ryan Howard www.racewalk.com Walking Promotions 1995 Health www.zojjed.com Ryan Howard What if we want to find all the customers who bought from a website created before the year 2000? We could try the following: first-year <2000 (websites x customers) Note that we are not using a projection to reduce the number of attributes to show what is really happening. In the end, you would use a projection to show only the fields requested by the query. Oops, too many tuples!
Database Systems – Set Theory websites.website organization first-year category customers.website first-name last-name www.racewalk.com Walking Promotions 1995 Health www.zojjed.com Derek Jeter www.racewalk.com Walking Promotions 1995 Health www.zojjed.com Chase Utley www.racewalk.com Walking Promotions 1995 Health www.drexel.edu/~jsalvage Jeremy Johnson www.racewalk.com Walking Promotions 1995 Health www.racewalk.com Ryan Howard www.racewalk.com Walking Promotions 1995 Health www.zojjed.com Ryan Howard Because the Cartesian-product pairs all possible tuples, all tuples from websites are combined with all tuples from customers. While only those with the first-year < 2000 are selected, it still returns 5 tuples. Of those sets, we only want the ones where the websites relation’s website attribute equals the customers relation’s website attribute. The only tuple we truly want is the highlighted tuple. we can write this as follows: websites.website = customers.website(first-year <2000 (websites x customers))
Database Systems – Set Theory websites.website organization first-year category customers.website first-name last-name www.racewalk.com Walking Promotions 1995 Health www.racewalk.com Ryan Howard Since, websites.website = customers.website(first-year <2000 (websites x customers)) Returns the following tuple with too many attributes, we must also use a projection to remove the excessive attributes. Applying the projection of first-name, last name to the previous query gives us the following query: first-name, last-name(websites.website = customers.website(first-year <2000 (websites x customers)))
Database Systems – Set Theory • The Assignment Operator • unary • allows an expression to be assigned to a variable • NewRelation OldRelation For example: • 1200loans amount > 1200(loan) • or • result loan-number(1200loans) • Or • The Rename Operation • Unary x(E) renames the expression E to x. • Relational-algebra expressions do not have a name that we can refer to them by using the rename operator, is roh.
Database Systems – Set Theory Example, without using an aggregation function (not yet shown), find the largest hit count of any website for a single day. If the same max hit count exists more than once, you are only allowed to return a single tuple containing the answer. We accomplish this in two steps: First, compute a temporary relation consisting of hit counts less than the largest hit count. Second, take the set difference (minus) between the relation hit-count(hit-counts) and the temporary relation To accomplish the first step, compute all the websites hit counts compared to all the websites hit counts, in other words compute the Cartesian product of the relation hit-counts with itself. hit-counts x hit-counts However, we must rename one of the hit-counts relations so that we can identify the balance distinctly
Database Systems – Set Theory hit-count 5 2019 1050 32 159 6 376 2099 Given the projection of only the hit-count field from the relation hit-counts via hit-count(hit-counts) We have: If we rename the result of this projection d (hit-count(hit-counts)) And thus create a cross product of the two relations as hit-count(hit-counts) x d (hit-count(hit-counts))
Database Systems – Set Theory hit-count d(hit-count) hit-count d(hit-count) hit-count d(hit-count) 5 1050 5 159 5 5 2019 1050 2019 159 2019 5 1050 1050 1050 159 1050 5 32 1050 32 159 32 5 159 1050 159 159 159 5 6 1050 6 159 6 5 376 1050 376 159 376 5 2099 1050 2099 159 2099 5 5 32 5 6 5 2019 2019 32 2019 6 2019 2019 1050 32 1050 6 1050 2019 32 32 32 6 32 2019 159 32 159 6 159 2019 6 32 6 6 6 2019 376 32 376 6 376 2019 2099 32 2099 6 2099 2019 hit-count(hit-counts) x d (hit-count(hit-counts))
Database Systems – Set Theory hit-count d(hit-count) 5 376 2019 376 1050 376 32 376 159 376 6 376 376 376 2099 376 5 2099 2019 2099 1050 2099 32 2099 159 2099 6 2099 376 2099 2099 2099 hit-count(hit-counts) x d (hit-count(hit-counts))
Database Systems – Set Theory hit-count d(hit-count) hit-count d(hit-count) hit-count d(hit-count) 5 1050 5 159 5 5 2019 1050 2019 159 2019 5 1050 1050 1050 159 1050 5 32 1050 32 159 32 5 159 1050 159 159 159 5 6 1050 6 159 6 5 376 1050 376 159 376 5 2099 1050 2099 159 2099 5 5 32 5 6 5 2019 2019 32 2019 6 2019 2019 1050 32 1050 6 1050 2019 32 32 32 6 32 2019 159 32 159 6 159 2019 6 32 6 6 6 2019 376 32 376 6 376 2019 2099 32 2099 6 2099 2019 Now we select only those tuples that have the first attribute containing a value less than the second attribute, we do so with the following query: hitcounts.hit-count < d.hit-count(hit-count(hit-counts) x d (hit-count(hit-counts)))
Database Systems – Set Theory hit-count d(hit-count) 5 376 2019 376 1050 376 32 376 159 376 6 376 376 376 2099 376 5 2099 2019 2099 1050 2099 32 2099 159 2099 6 2099 376 2099 2099 2099 hit-count(hit-counts) x d (hit-count(hit-counts))
Database Systems – Set Theory hit-count 5 2019 1050 32 159 6 376 This certainly gives us a lot of tuples, but if we then project just the hit-count from the first column and remove the duplicates, we are left with the following: This is the set containing most hit counts, but it does not include the largest hit count.