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NIBBĀNA. NIBBĀNA. (i) It is supramundane, that is, beyond the world of mind-and-matter or the five aggregates of clinging. (ii) Nibbāna is the extinction of all greed, hatred, and delusion. (iii) It is unconditioned dhamma (not conditioned by any cause)

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  2. NIBBĀNA (i) It is supramundane, that is, beyond the world of mind-and-matter or the five aggregates of clinging. (ii) Nibbāna is the extinction of all greed, hatred, and delusion. (iii) It is unconditioned dhamma (not conditioned by any cause) (iv) Not subject to any becoming, change of state, and dissolution. (v) It is permanent, happiness and non-self. (vi) It is the object of Paths and Fruitions Knowledge.

  3. Different Stages of Insight Knowledge 1. Knowledge of Analysis of Mind-and-Matter 2. Knowledge of Discerning Cause and Condition 3. Knowledge of Comprehension 4. Knowledge of Rise and Fall 5. Knowledge of Dissolution 6. Knowledge of the Fearful 7. Knowledge of Danger 8. Knowledge of Disenchantment 9. Knowledge of Desire for Deliverance 10. Knowledge of Reflective Contemplation 11. Knowledge of Equanimity Towards Formations 12. Knowledge of Conformity

  4. Sotāpana FIRST ATTAINMENT OF PATH AND FRUITION Object: either impermanent, suffering, or non-self nature of formations Object: NIBBâNA V A M Pr Ac Cn Ch Pa Fr Fr B……

  5. preparation (parikamma), which prepares the mental continuum for the attainment of Path consciousness • access (upacāra), which arises in proximity to the attainment of Path consciousness • conformity (anuloma), which harmonizes the preceding moments with the subsequent attainment of the Path. After this, one’s consciousness no longer enters into or settles down on any field of formations • change-of-lineage (gotrabhu) arises, which takes as its object the signless, the non-occurrence, the cessation (Nibbāna) which passes out of the lineage of worldlings (puthujjana) and enters into the lineage of the Noble Ones (Ariya).

  6. 36 Mental Factors are associated with Path Consciousness at stream-entry • 7 Universal – contact, feeling, perception, volition, one-pointed, life-faculty, attention • 6 Occasionals – Initial application of mind, sustained application of mind, decision, effort, rapture, desire. • 23 Mental Factors – Faith, mindfulness, shame of wrongdoing, fear of wrongdoing, non-greed, non-hatred, neutrality of mind, tranquility of consciousness and mental body, lightness of consciousness and mental body, malleability of consciousness and mental body, wieldiness of consciousness and mental body, proficiency of consciousness and mental body, rectitude of consciousness and mental body, right speech, right action, right livelihood, wisdom faculty

  7. Stream-entry path consciousness permanently uproots three fetters: • Personality View. He no longer considers the five aggregates as I, mine, or myself. • 2. Attachment to Rites and Rituals. Such as the practice of imitating the behaviour of cows and dogs, various forms of torturing the body such as sleeping on thorns etc., thinking that the practice will purify the defilements and lead to escape from the rounds of rebirth. • 3. Doubt. Doubt towards the Buddha, the Dhamma, and the Sangha (Triple Gem).

  8. FIRST ATTAINMENT OF PATH AND FRUITION V A M Pr Ac Cn Ch Pa Fr Fr B…… RESULTANT CONSCIOUSNESS Function – to experience the liberation after eradiction of defilements: • PENETRATE INTO THE 4 NOBLE TRUTHS • Understand the Truth of Suffering • Abandon the Origin of the Truth of Suffering • Realizing the Cessation of Suffereing • Developing the Noble Eightfold Path • WHOLESOME CONSCIOUSNESS • Function – to eradicate defilements, such as the 3 fetters: • Personality view • Clinging to rites and rituals in the belief that they can lead to Nibbāna • Doubt about the Triple Gem

  9. Sotāpana ATTAINMENT OF FRUITION Object: either impermanent, suffering, or non-self nature of formations Object: NIBBâNA V A M Pr Ac Cn Pu Fr Fr Fr …… B…… Pu = purification

  10. The benefits of attaining First Path and Fruition Knowledge (Sotāpana) • Closes the doors to the Four Woeful States. • Dries up the ocean of suffering caused by the beginless rounds of rebirth. • Assurance of seven rebirths before final enlightenment. • Possession of the Seven Noble Treasures. • Confidence • Morality • Shame of wrongdoing • Fear of wrongdoing • Learning • Generosity • Insight Knowledge or wisdom

  11. The 5 Aggregates of Clinging • Aggregate of Materiality • Aggregate of Feeling • Aggregate of Perception • Aggregate of Formation • Aggregate of Consciousness

  12. The 5 Aggregates of Clinging • Aggregate of Materiality • Same as 28 kinds of Matter • Aggregate of Feeling • Same as mental factor of Feeling • Aggregate of Perception • Same as mental factor of Perception • Aggregate of Formation • Same as remaining 50 mental factors • Aggregate of Consciousness • Same as 81 types of Consciousness

  13. The 5 Aggregates of Clinging = The Truth of Suffering • Aggregate of Materiality • Aggregate of Feeling • Aggregate of Perception • Aggregate of Formation • Aggregate of Consciousness These must be known and understood with insight knowledge before attaining Nibbāna

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