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Regulation About The European Waste Catalogue (Abfallverzeichnisverordnung-AVV). European Waste Catalogue EWC 2002 Commisssion Decision 2000/532/EC The decision has to realized in a national right. Regulation For The Implementation Of The European Waste Catalogue“
Regulation About The European Waste Catalogue (Abfallverzeichnisverordnung-AVV) Ellen Gerlach Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Protection Agency Germany
European Waste Catalogue EWC 2002 Commisssion Decision 2000/532/EC The decision has to realized in a national right. Regulation For The Implementation Of The European Waste Catalogue“ From the 10. December 2001, BGBl. I, S. 3379 Article 1- Regulation about the European Waste Catalogue Ellen Gerlach Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Protection Agency Germany
§ 1 Application Scope • These regulation is valid for • 1. the name of waste • The classifiacationof waste after ist dangerousness. • § 2 Waste Name • The names have to be used in the appendix 1 of this (kind and six-digit key) for waste. • The waste has to be assigned to the waste keys in the • The responsible authorities can take further orders concerning the waste keys and waste names. Ellen Gerlach Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Protection Agency Germany
§ 3 Dangerousness of waste • The waste with an asterix (*) is dangerous. • It is assumed by the dangerous waste that it shows one or several dangerous properties (Regulation on Hazardous Waste 91/689/EWG) or one or several of the following features: Ellen Gerlach Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Protection Agency Germany
H - Criterion Ellen Gerlach Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Protection Agency Germany
Annnex to § 2 break 1 • This list is a harmonized list which is checked and updated regularly on the basis of new findings and research appropriate Article 18 of the Regulation 75/442/EWG. • It does not mean that the substance into the list is waste. Substances are regarded as a waste only then the waste concept is filled. Ellen Gerlach Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Protection Agency Germany
The several kinds of waste are defined by the • six – digest waste code • and the corresponding • two -digest or for -digest chapter headings. Ellen Gerlach Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Protection Agency Germany
In this regulation a hazardous substance means »dangerous substance« , if the substance according to the Legislation on Hazardous Substances was classified as hazardous: • »Heavy Metal« means every connection of Antimony, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium (VI), Copper, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Selenium, Tellurium, Thallium and Tin as well as these substances in metallic form, if they were classified as dangerous • 4. The regulations in § 3 Abs. 2 are not valid to pure metal based alloys, if they not polluted by hazardous substances. Ellen Gerlach Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Protection Agency Germany
Waste excluded from the Waste Legislation • Food, additives, cosmetic means • Animal by-products • Nuclear fuel and other radioactive substances • Substances in according to Regulation on Radiation Protection • Waste, which are under the mountain supervision • Gaseous substances, which are not hold in containers • Substances which are introduced into waters or sewage disposal facilities • Fight means Ellen Gerlach Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Protection Agency Germany
Hazardous Waste Every substance which is classified as dangerous substance or dangerous preparation is also dangerous if it becomes waste. (Regulation 67/548/EWG) Ellen Gerlach Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Protection Agency Germany
R-Phrases - choice R 1 Exploziv în stare uscată R 2 Risc de explozie la şoc, frecare, foc sau alte surse de aprindere R 3 Risc mare de explozie la şoc, frecare, foc sau alte surse de aprindere R 4 Formează compuşi metalici explozivi foarte sensibili R 5 Pericol de explozie sub acţiunea căldurii R 6 Pericol de explozie în contact sau fără contact cu aerul R 7 Poate provoca un incendiu R 8 Contactul cu materiale combustibile poate provoca incendiu R 9 Exploziv în amestec cu materiale combustibile R 10 Inflamabil R 11 Foarte inflamabil R 12 Extrem de inflamabil R 14 Reacţionează violent la contactul cu apa R 15 La contactul cu apa degajă gaze extrem de inflamabile R 16 Exploziv în amestec cu substanţe oxidante R 17 Inflamabil spontan în aer R 18 La utilizare, vaporii pot forma cu aerul amestecuri explozive/inflamabile R 19 Poate forma peroxizi explozivi R 20 Nociv prin inhalare R 21 Nociv în contact cu pielea R 22 Nociv în caz de înghiţire R 23 Toxic prin inhalare R 24 Toxic în contact cu pielea R 25 Toxic în caz de înghiţire R 26 Foarte toxic prin inhalare R 27 Foarte toxic în contact cu pielea Ellen Gerlach Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Protection Agency Germany
Safety Data Sheets - Content 1. Name of the substance/company 2. Composition/matter 3. Possible dangers 4. First-aid measures 5. Measures for the irefighting 6. Measures at not intended release 7. Handling and storage 8. Outline limitation and personal protective kit 9. Physical and chemical qualities 10. Stability and reakcivity 11. Details on toxicity 12. Details on ecology 13. Indications for the disposal 14. Details on transport 15. Regulations 16. Other details Ellen Gerlach Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Protection Agency Germany
Example Table: Ellen Gerlach Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Protection Agency Germany
Hazardous Organic Contents • PAK Polycyclic aromatic hydro carbons 16 select individual connections, Benzo-a-pyren, carcinogenic H7 • BTX Benzol, Toluol, Xylol Benzol is irritant, harmful, carcinogenic,ecotoxic H4, H5, H7, H14 • LHKW Highly volatile halogenated hydrocarbon carcinogenic, dangerous to the ocon layer H7, H14 • PCB Polychlorinated Biphenyls carcinogenic H7 • KW Hydrocarbons carcinogenic H7 • Waste with mineral oils Fundamental dangerous H 13 Ellen Gerlach Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Protection Agency Germany
Danger relevance of Metal Compounds „Heavy metal“ mean every compound of Antimony, Arsenic, Cadmium, Chromium (VI), Copper, Lead, Mercury, Nickel, Selenium, Tellurium, Thallium and Tin as well as these substances in metallic form, if they were classified as dangerous H4, H5, H6, H8, H14 • H7, H10, H11 (individual concentration) The regulations in § 3 Abs. 2 are not valid for pure metal compositions, if they are not polluted by dangerous substances. Ellen Gerlach Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Protection Agency Germany
Danger Relevace of Substances, which Damage the Ocon Layer FCKW Chlorofluorohydrocarbons H14 Halone Ellen Gerlach Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Protection Agency Germany
Danger Relevance of Asbestos and artificial Mineral Wool H 7 carcinogen Ellen Gerlach Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Protection Agency Germany
Methods of the Assessment of hazardous Properties 1.Is the waste Directive waste? 2.Does the domestic legislation contain specific provisions that relate to the waste in question? 3.How is the waste coded and classified on the EWC 2002? 4.Is the composition of the waste known or can it be determined? 5.Does the waste contain “dangerous substances”? 6.Is there any reason to indicate the waste may be hazardous (e.g. test results)? 7.Does the waste possess any of the hazardous properties H1 to H14? Ellen Gerlach Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Protection Agency Germany
Methods of the Assessment of hazardous Properties Calculating: For many wastes the most appropriate method is to identify the hazardous constituents/chemicals in the waste and then to use their concentrations in the waste to identify whether they confer hazardous properties on the waste. Testing: For some hazards testing of physical properties might be the most appropriate method. For example, to identify whether a liquid waste is flammable or not, for which the threshold is 55oC, a flashpoint determination is probably the simplest method. This is because the flashpoint depends upon the concentration of the flammable chemicals in the waste. Other examples of hazards where a test could be the simplest option are H1 “Explosive” and H2 “Oxidising”. Threshold concentrations: In § 3 of the AVV the hreshold concentrations with the signs, R-Phrases and there combinations are taken from the Legislation on Hazardous Substances. Ellen Gerlach Saxony-Anhalt Environmental Protection Agency Germany