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PAKEL KİMYA TEKSTİL AŞ Yumurtalık Free Zone Location
PAKEL KİMYA TEKSTİL AŞ The Best Location The Adana Yumurtalik Free Trade Zone enables you to take full advantage of Turkey's unique geographical position.Located in Turkey on the Gulf of Iskenderun at the juncture of Adana and Hatay provinces, its ideal site offers close contact to three continents. The markets of Europe, the Middle East, North Africa and the Near East are readily accesible through the transport opportunities offered in the free trade zone.The Adana Yumurtalik Free Trade Zone is the natural maritime gateway for agricultural and industrial trade generated by Turkey's massive South East Anatolian Project (GAP).
PAKEL KİMYA TEKSTİL AŞ The Best Opportunities The Adana Yumurtalik Free Trade Zone is tax-exempt. Your earnings and revenues as well as your operations will not besubject to corporate, income , value-added or customs tax,nor any other similar tax or duty. Moreover ,there are no withholdingtax on salaries,interest earnings or profit shares. Payments may be made in any convertible currency at the Adana Yumurtalik Free Trade Zone. Investors can transfer theirpersonal or corporate earnings freely to anywhere in Turkey or the world without any difficulty, without paying any tax orduty, and without having to obtain permission from any government department. Numerous advantages offered at the Adana Yumurtalik Free Trade Zone include: up to 100% foreign investment, recruitmentof foreign directors and specialists, transfer of facilities or businesses to other invertors, minimal red tape and bureucracythrough a one-stop service provided by the Free Trade Zone Authority, favorable land prices, easy access to the domesticmarket and provision of low-cost electrical energy. The Port of Toros is a multi-purpose seaport on Turkey's Mediterranean coast, with the capacity to serve ship up to 110,000DWT. The largest privately run port in Turkey, it also offers the most suitable conditions. The Adana Yumurtalik Free Zonewill meet all your commercial transport needs thanks to the Port of Toros and the Adana Airport as well as the CeyhanRailway and a motorway connection direct form its gates. The Adana Yumurtalik Free Trade Zone provides the mostcomfortable and the fastest links to the outside world.Built on 4,500,000 square metres, the size of the Adana Yumurtalik Free Trade Zone makes it one of the largest free tradezones in Turkey and the world. It is the first and only Turkish free trade zone designed to serve heavy industry. With unlimitedspace and an infrastructure of electricity, water and communications, it provides opportunities for every type of industrial orcommericial business, including heavy industry and transit operations.
PAKEL KİMYA TEKSTİL AŞ General Company Description The project will be realized in TOROS Adana Yumurtalık Free TradeZone. The port of TOROS the largest Turkish seaport under privatemanagement offering efficient loading and unloadingcapacity, for the bulk cargo the terminal is capable over17,000 tons per day. The railway connection is 16 km far from zone but plans are to extend it in to zone in near future. The land area of the project is 100,000 m2 including the landnecessary for future expansions and is rented for 30 yearsperiod.
PAKEL KİMYA TEKSTİL AŞ More About PAKEL Production The SNIA process was designed during the process development phase in 1960 in order to reach an acrylic fiber production process only “One step”. This process means that the liquid monomer is transformed in fiber without any process stop, so the production goes from mixture preparation department to fiber baling area directly without any intermediate product storage. The monomer is mixed in the spinning solvent before polymerization and the produced poly acrylonitrile (PAN) dissolved in dimethilformamide is ready for spinning process. In spinning process the fiber is shrunken in hold drum dryer, no ailing step is required. With SNIA process it is possible to produce any type of fiber (wool andcotton type from 1 to 17 den per filament) and several specialties (tow,staple, dyed Tow and staple, high bulk fiber)
PAKEL KİMYA TEKSTİL AŞ PAKEL Acrylic plant aimed to become a main player in Acrylic fibre market in South East of Turkey-Iran & Syria with 30.000 capacity atfirst step and expand it in future to 75.000 Tons PAKEL believe World demand/supply balance for Acrylic fiber shows that future of this type fiber will be attractive in Far East and Middle East and there will be a decrease in supply and demand in USA and Europe
PAKEL KİMYA TEKSTİL AŞ *2002 Started in ADANA –Yumurtalık Free Zone *30,000 Ton Anuallycapacity *20,000 Ton Dyed Fibre10,000 Ton Ecru *Total Investment 45,750,000 USD *Realized Investment30,000,000 USD *Had to be stopped in2005 due to financial insufficieny *Need to 15,750,000 USD
PAKEL KİMYA TEKSTİL AŞ • Annual CostAnnual Income • 1.ACN 40.000.000 1. Price of 1 kg Undyed Fibre 2.40 • 2.Chemicals 9.000.000 2.Price of 1 kg Dyed Fibre 2.75 • 3.Labor 2.100.000 • 4.Rent 250.000 • 5.Maintenance 750.000 Undyed Fibre 18.000 ton • 6.Energy 2.900.000 Dyed Fibre 8.000 ton • TOTAL : 55.000.000 USDTOTAL 65.200.000 USD ANNUAL ESTIMATED PROFIT : 10.200.000 USD
PAKEL PROJECT • PAKEL Project:Based on ‘SNIA VISCOSA’process by Noy Engineering Italy. • Basic and detail engineering done by Pro-Team Italy • Detailed engineering supported by FOSTER WHEELER B. • Automation system supported by FAST & FOXBORO.
PROJECT STATUS PAKEL PROJECT STATUS SUMMARY OF PROGRESS ACHIVED UPTODATE As of 31.March.2005 A-ENGINEERING A-1 Basic engineering Completed A-2 Detail Engineering Comleted B- CIVIL As per civil installation drawings all process and utility building has been erected. (Reinforce-concrete and steel) process building ready for piping, mechanical, electrical equipments installation.
PROJECT STATUS C- EQUIPMENT Most of the equipments such as column, drums,exchangers, pumps machinery has been procured and big part of them arrived at site, utilities systems are ready for order. All the necessary piping and fittings procured and arrived to site for erection works. All electrical instrumentation, steel structures are included in this work discipline.
PLANNED INVESTMENT&REALIZED (USD) Investment Items Budgeted Realised Items Will be Realised Building/Land 7.000.000 6.650.000 350.000 Machinery Equipment 19.500.000 12.490.000 7.010.000 Tanks+Piping&Fitting+Pipe Rack 3.000.000 2.530.000 470.000 Erection Mechanical and elect 5.800.000 1.440.000 4.360.000 Automation & Elect.Items 5.050.000 3.200.000 1.850.000 Utilities 2.580.000 1.075.000 1.505.000 Engineering 2.500.000 2.300.000 200.000 TOTAL 45.430.000 29.685.000 15.745.000
PAKEL KİMYA TEKSTİL AŞ Realized Jobs Construction6,650,000 Land850,000 Building5,800,000 Machinery & Equiepment 12,490,000 Polymer plant Mac.Import 1,500,000 Polymer plant Mac.Turkey 540,000 Ploymer plant modification400,000 Spinning line import7,800,000 Spinning line Turkey450,000 Mechanical modernization 650,000 Dyeing line 350,000 Washing & Drying line420,000 Crimping line270,000 Baling press110,000 Laboratoary - Steel Works (Tanks+Piping+Pipe Rack) 2,530,000 Pipe rack 580,000 Tanks1,000,000 Piping & Fitting 950,000
PAKEL KİMYA TEKSTİL AŞ Realized Jobs Auotomation & Electrical Items 3.200.000 Polymer plant 1.450.000 Fibre plant 1.000.000 High Voltage Siemens - Low Voltage Siemens 700.000 Cables - DCS system 50.000 ERP system - Erection 1.440.000 Mechanical Erection 1.390.000 Electrical Erection 50.000 Utilities 1.075.000 Fire Fighting 470.000 Water softning 35.000 Co Generation & Steam 140.000 Nitrogen Generation - Chiller 300.000 Cooling Tower 130.000 Waste Water Treatment System - Emgineering 2.300.000 Basic & Detail By Proteam 1.450.000 Detailed By FWC 750.000 Mechanical Engineering by Pakel 100.000 Total 29.685.000
PAKEL KİMYA TEKSTİL AŞ Will be Realized Works Costruction 350.000 Land 150.000 Building 200.000 Machinery & Equipment 7.010.000 Polymer plant Mac.Import 200.000 Polymer plant Mac.Turkey 310.000 Polymer plant modification 850.000 Spinning line import - Spinning line Turkey 700.000 Mecanical modernization 2.100.000 Dyeing line 500.000 Washing & Drying line 480.000 Crimping line 480.000 Baling press 840.000 Laboratory 550.000 Steel Works 470.000 Pipe rack 170.000 Tanks 200.000 Piping & Fitting 100.000
PAKEL KİMYA TEKSTİL AŞ Will be Realized Works Auotomation & Electrical Items 1.850.000 Polymer plant 150.000 Fibre plant 100.000 High Voltage Siemens 800.000 Low Voltage Siemens - Cables 300.000 DCS system 300.000 ERP system 200.000 Erection 4.360.000 Mechanical Erection 3.110.000 Electrical Erection 1.250.000 Utilities 1.505.000 Fire Fighting 30.000 Water softning 115.000 Co Generation & Steam 760.000 Nitrogen Generation 100.000 Chiller - Cooling Tower - Waste Water Treat System 500.000 Emgineering 200.000 Basic & Detail By Proteam - Detailed By FWB 50.000 Mechanical Engine.By Pakel 150.000 Total 15.745.000
PAKEL KİMYA TEKSTİL AŞ Total Cash LC 1. Month 525.000 525.000 2. Month 855.000 855.000 3. Month 920.000 920.000 4. Month 1.335.000 985.000 350.000 5. Month 1.815.000 1.225.000 590.000 6. Month 1.930.000 1.330.000 600.000 7. Month 1.910.000 1.260.000 650.000 8. Month 1.685.000 1.035.000 650.000 9. Month 1.130.000 830.000 300.000 10.Month 1.220.000 795.000 425.000 11.Month 1.460.000 610.000 850.000 12.Month 960.000 710.000 250.000 Total 15.745.000 11.080.000 4.665.000 INVESTMENTS FORECAST *Pakel needs at least 9 months to finish remaining part of project *Pakel needs totaly 15.745.000 USD Cash 11.080.000 USD LC 4.665.000 USD