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LifeTrack of White Stork 2557, HH927 , Ciconia ciconia 2012 to 2012. Sex : Male Born: estimated 7.June 2012 Nest location: Schonneberg / Germany Tagging Date: 1.August 2012 Mother: tag 1796 Siblings: tag 2556 Died in: near Abéché / Chad
LifeTrack of White Stork 2557, HH927, Ciconiaciconia2012 to 2012 Sex: Male Born: estimated 7.June 2012 Nest location: Schonneberg/ Germany Tagging Date: 1.August 2012 Mother: tag 1796 Siblings: tag 2556 Died in: near Abéché / Chad Date of death: approximately 13. October 2012 Cause of death: maybe hunted Sponsors: MPIO and HUJ/DIP, StorchenhofLohburg Special info: Used for Annotation with DLR for Urbanization
CORRESPONDENCE Tchad - French Cher Monsieur, chere Madame, Nous voudrions demander votre collaboration pour localiserunecigogne blanche, porteuse d'un emetteur radio, morte a Tchad. Nous accusons reception de votre mail du site internet. Dans le cadre d'une etude vastesur la survivance et la migration des jeunescigognes blanches (Ciconiaciconia), nous avonscetete en Allemagneequipe 18 cigognesd'emetteurs GPS perfectionnes. L'uned'ellesestvraisemblablementmorte au Tchad, a proximite de la villed'Abeche. L'emetteurfonctionnetoujours et nous envoiesescoordonnesprecises par texto (sms), 2 fois par jour. Nous souhaiterionsvotre collaboration afin de trouverl'oiseau mort' ce qui nous permettra de determiner la cause de son deces et de recupererl'emetteur qui continent des details supplementairessur les deplacements passes de cettecigogne. Nous serons tout-a-fait prets a partager avec voustoute information concernantcettecigogne, hibernant au Tchad, ainsiqu'aenvisagerune collaboration future plus approfondiedans le cadre de notre recherché. Nous prendrons en charge tous les frais de deplacement et salairesnecessaires pour retrouverl'oiseau. Chad - English Dear XXX We are interested in a collaboration to find a dead white stork with a transmitter tag in XXX We got your email from XXX As part of a big study on survival and migration of young white storks (Ciconiaciconia), 18 individuals were fitted with advanced GPS transmitter tags last summer in Germany. One of them died in Chad in a small village near the city of “Abeche“. The transmitter is still working and sending the exact location of the bird by SMS twice a day. We are interested in a collaboration to find the stork in order to determine the cause of death and to get the transmitter which contains more detailed data on the stork‘s movements. We will be happy to share the information about this stork which was wintering in Chad and launch future cooperation in our study. Of course we are willing to pay for the time and travel costs. We ask for your cooperation on this or for recommendation of someone else who could help.
VIDEOS Hi guys, Guenter Mueller contacted me about the dead stork/tag in Chad – on skype, here’s the conversation. I hope he can go out and find it. Martin [11:01:00 AM] mueller.guenter: Hallo martin.wikelski! SiesucheneinenStorch in der Nähe von Abéché, Tschad. IchwohnezurZeithier und könnteIhnenhelfen. [1:04:48 PM] Martin Wikelski: Martin Wikelski has shared contact details with Mueller Guenter. [1:09:44 PM] Martin Wikelski: Lieber Herr Mueller, das waere GROSSARTIG!! ich war grad in Sizilien und bin jetzt auf demWegnach Shanghai, koennteaberheuteabend/morgenfruehtelefonieren/skypen. Der Storchist auf N13.62879 / E20.64897. WannkoenntenSieSuchen? IchkannIhnenauchgernZugangzurwww.movebank.orggeben, dannkoennenSiealleDaten dieses Individuumssehen. Herzlichen Dank!! Hi guys, Guenter Mueller will go to the little village today. His wife built 3 small damns there, so he knows the location and will take a local along. I just sent him a picture of the tag, so he can find it. More later, Martin
CORRESPONDENCE Emails: From: Keeves, Brigitta Sent: Tuesday, February 12, 2013 12:11 PMTo: Wikelski, MartinCc: Shay Rotics (shay.rotics@mail.huji.ac.il); Fiedler, Wolfgang; Michael Kaatz (michael.kaatz@storchenhof-loburg.de); Eid, Babette; Apitz, LeonoreSubject: Missing stork in Chad Dear Martin and all, Mr. Mueller went back to the village where the stork was found with a friend who speaks “Maaba” (the local language). Children who were looking after their goats found the stork. It was still alive then, but could not fly any longer. After a while he died and they took the logger home. The local people told them that the storks are always coming at the time of the millet harvest and afterwards they stick around the area. Last week they still saw hundreds of storks. The storks eat the locusts, which are in the area at the time. For water they fly to the nearby (8 to 10 km) WadiBitea. The locals say that the storks leave when there are no more locusts around. Mr. Mueller will send a few more pictures when he is back with a better internet connection – in about 2 weeks. I will keep you posted. Best regards, Brigitta