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Plasma Wall Interaction Panel-Potential Thrusts Modest effort: 10 M$ (~ 2 M$/yr for 5 yrs; w/follow-on) Modest enhanced effort in plasma/material interaction predictive modeling & code validation. Moderate effort: 40 M$ (~ 8 M$/yr for 5 yrs: w/follow-on)
Plasma Wall Interaction Panel-Potential Thrusts • Modest effort: 10 M$ (~ 2 M$/yr for 5 yrs; w/follow-on) • Modest enhanced effort in plasma/material interaction predictive modeling & code validation. • Moderate effort: 40 M$ (~ 8 M$/yr for 5 yrs: w/follow-on) • More ambitious plasma/material interaction modeling increase + major diagnostic increase + modest facility use/upgrades + innovative solution research • High effort: 50 M$ (5+ yrs) • Major increase in plasma/material interaction modeling, diagnostics, innovative solution research, + major facility construction/upgrades.
Additional PWI Thrust • Minimal cost/high leverage: 1 M$, 1 year • Fund purchase of 20 diagnostics • To diagnose SOL/edge plasma, near-surface plasma, sheath, and material surface time-evolution • (Install/use diagnostics via base program funding)
Plasma Wall Interaction Panel-typical Modest Thrust • GOAL: Some increase in our predictive PWI modeling capability; help identify workable surface materials, PFC designs, plasma operating parameters. • Modest effort: 10 M$ (~ 2 M$/yr for 5 yrs; ~5 FTE’s/yr increase) w/follow-on after the initial 5 yr work. • Modest enhanced effort in plasma/material interaction predictive modeling & code validation. • Areas: Edge/SOL plasma with turbulence, sputtering erosion/redeposition, transient plasma effects on PFC,s, dust effects, RF sheath effects. Analysis of present devices, ITER, start of PWI DEMO analysis. Code/data validation efforts. • We are on a steep portion of the “learning curve”. Thrust 1 would permit highly cost-effective enhancement to the existing highly-underfunded modeling/computation capability, but still leaving major gaps. • Potentially includes small increases in experimental capability, e.g., addition of low-cost diagnostics. • This (and all PWI research thrusts) would interact with thrusts/efforts to increase operating time, new device construction, supercomputer applications (e.g., Fusion Simulation Project), transient plasma control, core plasma theory/modeling, and similar relevant areas.
Plasma Wall Interaction Panel-potential Moderate Thrust • GOAL: Significant Increase in our predictive PWI modeling capability; help identify workable materials, PFC designs, plasma operating parameters. • Moderate effort: 40 M$ (~ 8 M$/yr for 5 yrs; ~15 FTE’s) w/follow-on • Significant plasma/material interaction modeling increase + diagnostic increase + moderate increased facility use/upgrades + innovative solution research. • Areas: Includes 3-D time-dependent turbulence modeling, coupled (edge plasma/material surface/impurity transport) erosion/redeposition analysis, comprehensive transient analysis, dust, microstructural surface response, etc. • Analysis of US devices (CMOD, NSTX, DIII-D,) JET, and selected other tokamaks, plasma simulators (PISCES, plasma guns, etc.), DEMO. • includes moderate increases in experimental capability, e.g., addition of key diagnostics, increased operating time, but does not include major facility construction or major upgrades
Plasma Wall Interaction Panel- potential High Thrust • GOAL: Major increase in our predictive PWI modeling cabability; Identify workable materials, PFC designs, plasma operating parameters. • High effort: 50 M$ (5+ yrs) 15+ FTE’s/yr increase (note: staff availability is a rate-limiting step). • Includes Thrust-2 modeling goals • Major increases in experimental capability, including diagnostics, operating time, new test facilities (e.g., lab simulator + tokamak).