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Plasma Tails & Ionospheric SED. J C Foster MIT Haystack Observatory Yosemite 2002. Millstone Hill UHF Radar. Elevation Scans Mid-Latitude Storm Enhanced Density. Electron Density @ 500 km Altitude. Geodetic Latitude. Universal Time 18-19 March 1990. Foster, JGR, 1993. (Foster, JGR, 1993).
Plasma Tails & Ionospheric SED J C FosterMIT Haystack ObservatoryYosemite 2002
Millstone Hill UHF Radar Elevation ScansMid-LatitudeStorm Enhanced Density
Electron Density @ 500 km Altitude Geodetic Latitude Universal Time 18-19 March 1990 Foster, JGR, 1993 (Foster, JGR, 1993)
March 1990Su et al., GRL 2001 March 31, 2001IMAGE EUV
Storm Enhanced DensityFoster, JGR, 1993 Kp=8 Kp=6 Kp=4
A Strong Polarization Electric Field forms in Low-Conductivity Region between the Inner Edge of the Plasmasheet Precipitation and the Plasmapause Plasmapause Penetration Jet Trough Penetration Jet DMSP F15 6 April 2000 21 MLT Plasmapause Plasmasheet
Effects of Penetrating Electric Fields • Cross-tail electric fields energize and inject particles into the inner magnetosphere forming the disturbance Ring Current • Penetrating electric fields uplift and perturb the Plasmasphere and low-latitude ionosphere • Storm-Enhanced Density (SED) and detached plasmas are formed as the Penetration Jet overlaps the outer plasmasphere • Injected Energetic Ions are Destabilized in Regions of Enhanced Plasma Density
Radial E Field Eastward Penetration Electric Field Uplifts Equatorial Ionosphere Penetration JetStrips Away Outer Plasmasphere Dual Effects of Penetrating Electric Fields Detached Plasmaspheric Regions Penetration Electric FieldUplifts Equatorial Ionosphere Polarization JetStrips Away Outer Plasmasphere
Variable TEC Eglin AFB, Fla L=2
GPS Map of TEC July 15, 2000 22:15 UT Plumes & Blobs of Storm-Enhanced DensitySweep across Mid Latitudes Penetration Jet Enhancement and Poleward Expansion ofEquatorial Anomaly
PJ Overlaps Outer Plasmasphere March 31, 2001DMSP F13
MISA DMSP F13 Zenith GPS and Millstone Hill Radar Maps ofStorm Enhanced Density 75 TECu 1015 el m-2s-1
Mid-Latitude Scintillation Hanscom AFB, MA Scintillation Occurs as SED Sweeps across Mid Latitudes Millstone Hill ISR Noontime Scintillation TECu/min GPS ROTI Westford MA
Radar: Storm Enhanced DensityIMAGE: Plasmaspheric Tail Detached plasma SED
Tongues of Ionization Plasmasphere Drainage Plumes Storm Enhanced Density Polar Ionosphere View Polar Magnetosphere View