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Space News Update - November 28, 2011 -. In the News Story 1: Mars Science Laboratory Makes First Contact Story 2: Mysterious Particles Shooting Through Earth Shed Light on Sun Story 3: Ancient Environment Led to Earth's Current Marine Biodiversity Departments The Night Sky
Space News Update - November 28, 2011 - In the News Story 1:Mars Science Laboratory Makes First Contact Story 2:Mysterious Particles Shooting Through Earth Shed Light on Sun Story 3:Ancient Environment Led to Earth's Current Marine Biodiversity Departments The Night Sky ISS Sighting Opportunities NASA-TV Highlights Space Calendar Food for Thought Space Image of the Week
Mysterious Particles Shooting Through Earth Shed Light on Sun
Ancient Environment Led to Earth's Current Marine Biodiversity
The Night Sky Monday, Nov. 28 · Jupiter's Great Red Spot crosses Jupiter's central meridian around 11:31 p.m. EST (8:31 p.m. PST). Tuesday, Nov. 29 · The thick crescent Moon shines in the southwest after nightfall. Look not far to the Moon's right and lower right for Alpha and Beta Capricorni, respectively. Alpha Cap, yellow, is a wide double star that you may just be able to resolve with your unaided eyes. If not, the smallest binoculars will do the trick. · Wednesday, Nov. 30 · Far to the lower left of the Moon sparkles 1st-magnitude Fomalhaut. It's due south at its highest soon after dark now. Thursday, Dec. 1 · The brightest star in the northeast these evenings is Capella. Look far to its right for Aldebaran in the east, with the dim Hyades stars scattered around it. Above Aldebaran and the Hyades is the smaller but brighter Pleiades cluster. Friday, Dec. 2 · First-quarter Moon (exact at 4:52 a.m. on this date). The Moon, high in the south at dusk, shines below the western side of the Great Square of Pegasus. It's between the Water Jar of Aquarius to its right, and the dimmer Circlet of Pisces to its left. · Mars is at quadrature, 90° west of the Sun in the morning sky. Therefore, Mars is as gibbous as it's going to appear this season (90% lit).
ISS Sighting Opportunities For Denver: Sighting information for other cities can be found at NASA’s Satellite Sighting Information
NASA-TV Highlights November 29, Tuesday10:35 a.m. - ISS Expedition 30 In-Flight Interview with Bay News 9, St. Petersburg, FL - JSC (Public, HD and Media Channels)December 1, Thursday6:30 a.m. - Video B-Roll Feed of ISS Expedition 29 Commander Mike Fossum - JSC (Public, HD and Media Channels)7 - 8:30 a.m. - Live Interviews with ISS Expedition 29 Commander Mike Fossum - JSC (Public, HD and Media Channels)3 p.m. - Video File of the ISS Expedition 30/31 Crew News Conference at Star City, Russia and Visit to Red Square in Moscow - JSC (Public, HD and Media Channels) Watch NASA TV on the Net by going to NASA website.
Space Calendar Nov 28 - Cosmos 2478 Soyuz 2-1B-Fregat Launch, Successful Nov 28 - Asteroid 10916 Okina-Ouna Closest Approach To Earth (1.958 AU) Nov 29 - Asteroid 289315 (2005 AN26) Near-Earth Flyby (0.092 AU) Nov 29 - 50th Anniversary (1961), Mercury 5 Launch (Enos the Chimpanzee) Nov 30 - Asteroid 15 Eunomia At Opposition (7.9 Magnitude) Nov 30 - Asteroid 1283 Komsomolia Occults HIP 112021 (6.8 Magnitude Star) Nov 30 - Asteroid 2011 UV158 Near-Earth Flyby (0.086 AU) Nov 30 - Asteroid 2636 Lassell Closest Approach To Earth (2.251 AU) Dec 01 - Cassini, Orbital Trim Maneuver #300A (OTM-300A) Dec 01 - Asteroid 2011 WD Near-Earth Flyby (0.074 AU) Dec 01 - Asteroid 51828 Ilanramon Closest Approach To Earth (1.439 AU) Dec 01 - Asteroid 3651 Friedman Closest Approach To Earth (1.579 AU) Dec 02 - Beidou 2-IGS 5 (Compass I-5) CZ-3A Launch Dec 02 - Asteroid 4047 Chang'e Closest Approach To Earth (1.569 AU) Dec 02 - Asteroid 7853 Confucius Closest Approach To Earth (2.091 AU) Dec 02 - Asteroid 7755 Haute-Provence Closest Approach To Earth (2.487 AU) Dec 02 - Kuiper Belt Object 84922 (2003 VS2) At Opposition (35.535 AU) Dec 02 - 40th Anniversary (1971), Mars 3, Mars Orbit Insertion JPL Space Calendar
Food for Thought Russia's Troubled Mars Probe Highlights Falling Space Debris Hazard
Space Image of the Week Incredible ‘Sideways’ Look at Mercury’s Limb