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**"Romeo and Juliet Brawl Planning: Act I Scene i Strategies | Late Work Deadline April 7"**

Strategize and practice the brawl scene in Romeo and Juliet, assign tasks, casting, and sword-making. Late works accepted until April 7.

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**"Romeo and Juliet Brawl Planning: Act I Scene i Strategies | Late Work Deadline April 7"**

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  1. Tues 4/4 English I • Everyone who was in class yesterday got full credit (15 points). Congratulations! • Today in Romeo and Juliet: strategizing the brawl for Weds. & Thurs. • Hand in to the front: Insults assignment from Mon. (Define 3 insulting words from list.) • Montagues and Capulets strategize brawl • All: read 1.1.1-50 (the 1st part of the Brawl) • late or missing work accepted through Friday, April 7th • There will not be a 4th Q Book Report for Eng I

  2. Tues 4/3 English I • Notes: • Make Copies of the prologue and insults (Handout 2) for both Freshman Eng classes

  3. Important reasons to move: 1. Change brings new opportunities with new people; 2. Some people could use a little more help; 3. Reduce distractions. Your cooperation will be noted and rewarded.

  4. Act I Scene i The Brawl in the Marketplace 1.1.1-50NOTE We will mostly plan this today; and try to mostly practice it Wednesday, try for complete scene by Thursday • FIRST: M’s and C’s huddle up, choose their Act I Scene i (Fight scene) Directors, who will lead this period: • NEXT: Pass books, share, read 1.1.1-58, quickly out loud; take turns reading; everybody tracks (follows along); • NEXT: Directors recruit Assistant Directors and put them to work • Assistant directors’ tasks: • One AD just to take notes - who’s doing what • AD’s make working scripts: copies for actors, stack books neatly at end of period • Will help with scripts and lines • With Directors, AD’s will plan and help with blocking (where people enter, exit, stand, speak, swordfight) • Sword makers - send 1 M and 1 C to library, bring back colored contstruction paper; start experimenting with sword construction • AD’s ask for volenteer desk movers: move out, circle, move back • Directors ask for volunteers for casting: • Fighters (try and cast 3 of everybody) • Shop-keepers, shoppers, citizens • Montagu, Lady M., Capulet, Lady C.

  5. Act I Scene i The Brawl in the Marketplace 1.1.1-50NOTE We will mostly plan this today; and try to mostly practice it Wednesday, try for complete scene by Thursday • One Assistant Director note-taker for the dayTues. 4/4 tasks • Label your scroll: “Romeo and Juliet, (Capulets/ Montagues), 2nd period • Fold into 8ths (for 8 weeks) • Date the first one • Have everybody PRINT their name and their job for the day/week, like: Director, Balthasar, Lady Capulet, Swordmaker, Assistant Director, etc.; • Have an Assistant Assistant Director on notes also; particularly for group decisions on “blocking” the scene

  6. Act I Scene i The Brawl in the Marketplace 1.1.1-50 Consider and discuss these questions as you read... • Where does the scene take place? • Where and how should Gregory and Sampson make their entrance? • Where have they been? Where are they going? • What should they do while they discuss the feud and their attitudes? • Where and how should Abram and Servingman make their entrance? • How do Gregory and Sampson react when they see Abram and Servingman? • How do the two sets of men react to each other during their verbal duel?

  7. Mon 4/3 English I • This week in Romeo and Juliet: prologue, insults, sword fight • Today: 4th Q desk / seating change • Montagues and Capulets • Prologue read-aloud • Study Feuds, do Elizabethan Insults • Tomorrow: strategizing the brawl for Weds. & Thurs. • Late or missing work accepted through Friday, April 7th • There will not be a 4th Q Book Report for Eng I

  8. So… how do we win at this? How are we graded? The short answer is that you win at this and get good grades by “showing willing”; that is, by being a willing participant. Romeo and Juliet will be highly participatory:Planned unit activities include: Acting - main parts, supporting characters, crowds; everyone will be expected to take turns; Directing - group process; all will take part; Making masks, teaching dance, moving desks; Taking notes / looking up words - take turns with this. At least twice a week grades will be entered for your participation, on an A - F scale.

  9. Participation Rubric, R & J - about half the 4th Q Grade

  10. Hand out prologue. We’ll read this several times through. Workbook p. 120. Divide Capulets and Montagues… C’s and M’s organize readers; we read the Prologue aloud; C and M men and women take turns.

  11. Hand out insults…. Divide Capulets and Montagues… C’s and M’s caucus; review insults; take turns; fall apart into chaos Practice listening for Mr. Lamson’s cues Start on Tues assignment: Define your word - put up on R and J scroll for all to see and enjoy.

  12. Tues. 3/21 English I • Romeo and Juliet https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009P62FJ4/ref=oh_aui_search_detailpage?ie=UTF8&psc=1 • Set up notes: • Who • What • When • Where • How • why

  13. 3/23 • In about what century did Shakespeare write?__________________ • In what language did he write?______________________ • What was Shakespeare’s country? ___________________________ • What country is Romeo and Juliet set in?________________________ • What is their city?__________________________ • What is the first big action in the movie?_______________________________ • Where do Romeo and Juliet meet?___________________________ • In that first swordfight, who are the two fighters?______________________________________________________________ Name _______________ Per __________ Date ______ 9. Friar Lawrence helps Romeo and Juliet do what? _____________________________ 10. Before their wedding night, Romeo gets in a swordfight. Who gets killed? _______________________________________ 11. Juliet’s parents pressure her to marry Paris, not knowing she is secretly married to Romeo. To get out of this, Juliet plans to do what?________________________________________________________________________12. Romeo finds Juliet, thinks she’s dead, and does what? _________________________ 13. How does it end?_______________________________________

  14. 7. To judge or determine the worth or quality of 8. Elements or conditions that create a result 9. To join or combine into a single whole 10. To check in on, watch, regulate 11. Most frequent, common, or important 12. Related or pertinent to the matter at hand 13. A practice passed down from generation to generation • To separate or break into parts and examine • A quality, part, or element • Logical, consistent, or connected • To decide or infer by evidence and reasoning • To perceive or create a difference between • Special stress on something

  15. Tues 3/14 English I-A Done with your Editorial open letter outline? Turned in? Done with your 1st draft? Turned in? Start 2nd (final) draft: add detail, quote and cite sources (Jaquiss); fix errors. READ ALOUD FOR SENSE! • Check your grades. Are you missing assignments? Book reports? Journalism assignments? Work on catching up. Book report 3: Review my notes, revise, print out as one single document; glue-stick into notebook, REVISION DUE THURS. 3/16 NO GAMING - NO FOOLING!

  16. 7th Period English Meet Mr. Lamson In the Library

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