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Résumé de CLIC’08

This document provides a summary of existing accelerator test facilities worldwide, including their mission, participants, and goals. It also discusses the critical items and feasibility issues related to the CLIC project.

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Résumé de CLIC’08

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  1. Résumé de CLIC’08

  2. World-wide CLIC / CTF3 collaboration http://clic-meeting.web.cern.ch/clic-meeting/CTF3_Coordination_Mtg/Table_MoU.htm 24 members representing 27 institutes involving 17 funding agencies of 15 countries 27 collaborating institutes JINR (Russia) JLAB (USA) KEK (Japan) LAL/Orsay (France) LAPP/ESIA (France) NCP (Pakistan) North-West. Univ. Illinois (USA) Oslo University (norway) PSI (Switzerland), Polytech. University of Catalonia (Spain) RRCAT-Indore (India) Royal Holloway, Univ. London, (UK) SLAC (USA) Uppsala University (Sweden) Ankara University (Turkey) BINP (Russia) CERN CIEMAT (Spain) Cockcroft Institute (UK) Gazi Universities (Turkey) IRFU/Saclay (France) Helsinki Institute of Physics (Finland) IAP (Russia) IAP NASU (Ukraine) Instituto de Fisica Corpuscular (Spain) INFN / LNF (Italy) J.Adams Institute, (UK) EPAC 2008 CLIC / CTF3 G.Geschonke, CERN 2

  3. CLIC Chart

  4. CLIC feasibility issues

  5. Tentative long-term CLIC scenarioShortest, Success Oriented, Technically Limited Schedule Technology evaluation and Physics assessment based on LHC results for a possible decision on Linear Collider with staged construction starting with the lowest energy required by Physics Conceptual Design Report (CDR) Technical Design Report (TDR) Project approval ? First Beam?

  6. Introduction • This talk aims to offer a quick tour of existing accelerator test facilities in the world, rather than giving a comprehensive critical review. • For each test facility, a summary is given, in a rough order of its name, mission, layout, participants, short/mid/long-range goals and other special points to note. • My thanks to • CLIC – G.Geschonke (CERN) • NLCTA/Klystron Test Lab – S.Tantawi (SLAC) and C.Adolphsen (SLAC) • CesrTA – M.Palmer (Cornell) • NEXTEF – T.Higo (KEK) • ATF – N.Terunuma (KEK) • ATF2 – T.Tauchi (KEK) • FLASH – E.Elsen (DESY), J.Cowardine (ANL) • NML, FNAL VTS/HTS – M.Champion, C.Ginsburg (FNAL) • STF – H.Hayano (KEK) • My apologies to colleagues at institutes whose work I am not covering due to time/space constraints (in particular, Jlab, Cornell, IHEP-Beijing, INFN and Saclay for their SCRF-related efforts).

  7. Organization Set-up ad-hoc working groups on dedicated subjects (including already existing ones) Working Groups Civil Engineering and Services (CES) Two Beam Module (TBM) Machine Detector Interface (MDI) Stabilization (STA) Instrumentation CH-080708 CLIC Design Committee 7

  8. CTC: “List of critical items” • Complements the already published and discussed work objectives of CTF3 and of the design and test work on accelerating structures. • Is a Prioritized list of items. • Three categories: - cost issue- performance issue- crucial design choice (= CLIC feasibility) • All critical items have been compiled into one list.

  9. Feasibility issues extracted from list (1/2)complement to Rf structures/ CTF3 work) • Instrumentation:BPMs with 50 nm resolution (large quantities; reliability)Phase monitors (0.1 degrees at 12 GHz) 1 micrometer beam size monitorsmachine protection instrumentationmain linac wake field monitors (142000 monitors!) • Machine availability:machine protection, MTBF, MTTR, large component counts, calibration runs (i.e. ballistic steering)  maximum expected uptime for luminosity production

  10. Feasibility issues extracted from list (2/2)complement to Rf structures/ CTF3 work) • Transport of ultra low emittance beams through main linac:- several RT-feedbacks - complicated interplay of online correction algorithms (using BPMs and corrector coils) and stabilization system.Basic concept:Low frequency dynamic errors are measured with BPMs and corrected. Resolution of BPMs critical. Demagnification of noise sources (=gain of this system) tested in simulations.Needs active stabilization system for higher frequency components. • Stabilization system (1nm (above 1Hz) in main linac quadrupoles and 0.1 nm in FF quadrupoles in vertical plane)Active search for a demonstrator installation in a typical beam environment

  11. Possible Time Scale We have defined 5 sample authors (all CERN), who will deliver before the CLIC october workshop different chapters of the CDR. Those will be made available to all collaboration members and those templates should be used as style templates. ( until october 2008) Some PR work will be made during the workshop in order to motivate authors; in particular non CERN authors definition of authors (for volume 3) by the end of 2008 Summer 2009 we schedule a “90% draft” of volume 3 Summer 2010 we schedule a full draft of the whole CDR. These deadlines can only be met if the progress in the still necessary R&D has been successfully achieved. We expect a reaction from the CERN management to assign the resources as documented in the white paper.

  12. Module main types and numbers Standard module Total per module 8 accelerating structures 8 wakefield monitors 4 PETS 2 DB quadrupoles 2 DB BPM Total per linac 8374 standard modules 12 CLIC08 - Module layout and requirements, GR, 15.10.2008

  13. Module main types and numbers Special modules • Total per linac • Quadrupole type 1: 154 • Quadrupole type 2: 634 • Quadrupole type 3: 477 • Quadrupole type 4: 731 • Other modules • modules in the damping region (no structures) • modules with dedicated instrumentation • modules with dedicated vacuum equipment • … 13 CLIC08 - Module layout and requirements, GR, 15.10.2008

  14. Configuration #1 Module with tank configuration Collaboration with Dubna-JIRN, CEA-Saclay, HIP 14 CLIC08 - Module layout and requirements, GR, 15.10.2008

  15. Configuration #2 Module with sealed structure configuration Collaboration with Dubna-JIRN, CEA-Saclay, HIP 15 CLIC08 - Module layout and requirements, GR, 15.10.2008

  16. Summary Magnet Specifications 4

  17. This cross section is for study purposes only Approved CLIC tunnel Diameter is currently 4.5m

  18. CERN LEP Monorail Train

  19. Step 1 • Assembly at surface • Use the same configuration • as in the tunnel • - MB-DB interconnections installed • - Fiducialisation done

  20. Step 2 Add installation and transportation supports

  21. Step 3 Move module to a transportation support

  22. Step 4 Tunnel before module installation - Prepare propagation network reference and pre-align supports

  23. Step 5 Module at the installation point. - Use temporary supports for installation.

  24. Step 5b Module at the installation point. - Use temporary supports for installation.

  25. Step 6 Module installation trajectory 500

  26. Step 7 Installed module with temporary supports

  27. Step 7b Installed module - Temporary supports removed

  28. STRATEGY OF CLIC ALIGNMENT • Mechanical pre-alignment Within +/- 0.1 mm (1s) • Implementation of active pre-alignment Girders and quadrupoles within ± 10 mm (3s) • Implementation of beam based alignment Active positioning to the micron level • Implementation of beam based feedbacks Stability to the nanometer level

  29. PRE-ALIGNMENT REQUIREMENTS • The tolerance of the transverse pre-alignment of the CLIC components is: • ± 10 microns (3s) on a 200msliding window along each linac • At the micron scale: this pre-alignment needs to be active (ground motion, noise of accelerator environment, temperature dilatations) •  continuous monitoring of the position and re-adjustment when necessary. • A scale order concerning this pre-alignment : • For the LHC: ± 0.1 mm over 100 m (1s) • For the ILC: ± 0.2 mm over 600 m (1s) ( in the vertical direction) • CLIC pre-alignment = technological challenge


  31. GENERAL ALIGNMENT CONCEPT • As it is not possible to implement a straight alignment reference over 20 km: use of overlapping references • Two references under study: • a stretched wire • a laser beam under vacuum

  32. GENERAL ALIGNMENT CONCEPT • Simplification of the problem by prealigning components on girders • Simplification of the alignment by linking adjacent girders by a common articulation point • Association of a « proximity network » to each articulation point • Association of a « propagation network » to every x articulation point

  33. Measurements LHC DCUM 1000 ~ 80 m under ground LHC systems in operation, night time Floor building 180 Building 180 Surface No technical systems in operation, night time Measurements Combiner ring CTF 3 Some technical systems in operation, day time

  34. Power Spectral Density S. Takeda et al. 1994 A. Sery et al. 1993 STS-2

  35. 10m 7m 6m 0 Coherence measurements LHC tunnel

  36. Joints between concrete modules S. Takeda et al. 1996

  37. Actions list (keywords) • Sensors • Characterize vibrations/noise sources in an accelerator • Actuators • Feedback • Overall design + analysis • Integrate and apply to Linac

  38. Sensors Program of work • Develop and test sensors • Qualification with respect to EMC and radiation • Calibrate by comparison. • Interferometer to calibrate other sensors (at OXFORD). • Create a reference test set-up (at CERN) • State of the art of sensor development and performances by end of 2008 (to be updated on a yearly basis)

  39. Characterize vibrations/noise sources in an accelerator and detectors • Program of work • Summary of what has been done up to now (several studies done by DESY, SLAC, LAViSta, CERN) Large number of measurements done for years in many places including third generation light sources. Critical analysis of the results based on sensors and methodologies. Pertinence for CLIC ? Qualification of labs (quiet enough?) • Additional correlation measurements to be done at LHC interaction regions for distances of ~ 100m Done this summer. Under analysis. Presented by Kurt Artoos at this session. • Continue measurements in CLEX environment at different installation phases

  40. Actuators Program of work • State of art of actuators development and performances by end of 2008 (to be updated on a yearly basis) • Develop and test various damping techniques (passive and active)

  41. Actuators Recent calibration of the new actuator with a vibrometer Our lab is too noisy for the nanometer range: search going on for a quieter place at CERN

  42. Feedback Program of work • Develop methodology to tackle with multi degrees of freedom (large frequency range, multi-elements) LAViSTa demonstrated feasibility on models Similar problems elsewhere like the adaptative optics of the European ELT • Apply software to various combinations of sensors/actuators and improve resolution (noise level) High quality acquisition systems at LAViSTa and CERN

  43. Overall design Program of work(as defined in March 2008) • Linac (a demonstrator mock-up will be built) • Compatibility of linac supporting system with stabilization (including mechanical design): eigenfrequencies, coupling between girders, coupling of mechanical feedback with beam dynamics feedback,… • Design of quadrupole (we have to stabilize the magnetic axis) mock-up will have “real” physical dimensions and all mechanical characteristics but not the field quality required by CLIC • Final focus (no dedicated mock-up for FF will be done (?) - special features to be integrated in the Linac mock-up) • Integration of all the final focus features: types of supporting structures, coupling with vertex detector, forward detectors,…

  44. Integrate and apply to Linac Program of work(as defined in March 2008) • A mock-up should be ready to provide results by June 2010 with several types of sensors including interferometers (intermediate milestones to be defined accordingly). The mock-up should perform better than required for main linac in order to “provide evidence” for final focus requirements. • Mock-up to be integrated in CLEX (important to have the stabilization together with the alignment) or in other accelerators

  45. Integrate and apply to Linac Work launched on the Main Beam Mock-up within the collaboration • Functionalities • Demonstrate stabilization in operation: • Magnet powered, Cooling operating • Configurations • 1- Stand-alone, • 2- Integrated in Module, • 3- Interconnected • Accelerator environment • Parts / Measuring devices • Support • Pre-alignment • Stabilization • Magnet • Vacuum chamber and BPM • Independent measurement

  46. Integrate and apply to Linac • Revise the policy on Final focus: • A dedicated mock-up for FF must be developed • Main features being studied by MDIWG to define the inputs: • Type of magnet : permanent or/and superconductors • Type of supporting structures: cantilevered beams or connected through the experiment • Define the program afterwards • A subject for the CLIC/ILC collaboration ?

  47. Integrate and apply to Linac • Test the mock-up('s) in accelerators (options) • Discussion started with CESRTA (storage ring) • 1st step: vibrate an existing quad with a narrow band excitation and measure the beam blow-up (BPM equipped with BBQ) • 2nd step: install a full mock-up • Install the main beam mock-up in CLEX after qualification (single pass) • Request access to ATF2 for a FF mock-up (single pass) LAViSTa already there. See talk by Andrea Jeremie this afternoon

  48. CesrTA - Modifications L3 Straight Experimental area Instrument large bore quadrupoles and adjacent drifts Install of PEP-II experimental hardware (including chicane) in early 2009 Provide location for installation of test chambers (G. Dugan) • Arc experimental areas • Instrument dipoles and adjacent drifts • Provide locations for installation of test chambers, in drifts where wigglers were removed. • L0 Wiggler Experimental area • All wigglers in zero dispersion regions for low emittance • Instrumented wiggler straight and adjacent sections

  49. 49 How to implement ? Space limitations on current Module design: 100 mm Girder: 150*320mm 482 mm 94 mm 600 mm Friedrich Lackner, October 16th , 2008

  50. 50 Proposal for Mockup studies: Y Concrete X Z Stabilization System Pre-alignment system Idea: Increasing the stiffness for a stabilization system by clamping the pre-alignment system to concrete support (applying clamping force in non critical Z direction). Friedrich Lackner, October 16th , 2008

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