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Towards IPv6 Network: Malaysia Initiative. APRICOT 2003(1 st IPv6 Summit), Taipei 25 Feb, 2003 by Raja Azlina Raja Mahmood ina@jaring.my. Crossing borders. Changing lives. Outline. Malaysia on IPv6 World Map IPv6 Activities in Malaysia IPv6 Activities in JARING
Towards IPv6 Network: Malaysia Initiative APRICOT 2003(1st IPv6 Summit), Taipei 25 Feb, 2003 by Raja Azlina Raja Mahmood ina@jaring.my Crossing borders. Changing lives
Outline • Malaysia on IPv6 World Map • IPv6 Activities in Malaysia • IPv6 Activities in JARING • Comparison on Commercial and Freely Available IPv6 Translator • The Way Forward • Conclusion 1
MY in 6bone Major connection are through IPv6-over-IPv4 tunneling as complete native IPv6 network infrastructure is not available just yet. North America Europe Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA Asia Africa South America Oceania Continent Nov 01 Oct 02 Jan 03 664 10 106 14 206 75 1075 689 9 108 14 203 74 1097 Europe 503 Africa 4 Asia 95 Oceania 14 N. America 201 S. America 30 847 China 13 Korea 16 HK 4 Malaysia 2 India 2 Singapore 6 Japan 51 Taiwan 9 Thailand 4 Philippines 1 Who are they? MIMOS/JARING & CELCOM 2 (source: http://www.cs-ipv6.lancs.ac.uk/ipv6/6Bone/Whois/bycountry.html)
152 150 120 96 Total = 293(as of Jan 30th, 2003) 90 52% 60 45 33% 30 15% 0 APNIC (Asia Pacific) ARIN (N.America) RIPE (Europe) Regional Internet Registries MY in APNIC APNIC Distribution ISPs with IPv6 native service: *NTT- Palo Alto(Apr 2000) *BT- UK(Mar 2000) *IIJ- Japan(Sep 2000) *Uecomm - Australia(Dec 2000) *SURFNET5-Netherlands(Nov 2001) *NTT-MY or ARCNET (Sep 2002) JARING 2001:0328::/32(Aug 2001) ARCNET 2001:0C18::/32(July 2002) 3 (source: http://www.ripe.net/ripencc/mem-services/registration/ipv6/ipv6allocs.html)
MY in IPv6 Forum What is IPv6 Forum? A world-wide consortium of leading Internet vendors, Research & Education Networks are shaping the IPv6 FORUM, with a clear mission to promote IPv6 by dramatically improving the market and user awareness of IPv6, creating a quality and secure Next Generation Internet …… Founding Members 3com, 6wind, AT&T, BELLSOUTH, CISCO, COMPAQ, ESNET, HP, IBM, MICROSOFT, MOTOROLA, HITACHI, WIDE, BT, VIAGENIE, DEUTSCHE TELEKOM, ERICSSON, TELEBIT, NTT-JP, NOKIA, NORTEL, ISOC, QWEST, SIEMENS, SUN, TELEGLOBE ……. General Members AGILENT, ALCATEL, CERNET, ETRI, TWNIC, i2soft, intel, juniper, lucent, nasa, nttdocomo, maxis, jaring, ntt-my, ukerna, france TELECOM, KOREA TELECOM, FUJITSU …. MAXIS(www.maxis.com.my) JARING(www.jaring.my)NTT-MSC(www.arcnet6.net.my) 4 (source: http://www.ipv6forum.com)
IPv6 Activities in MY • Industries Majority of the telecommunication companies and ISPs are eyeing on the technology. Among the active ones are NTT-MSC(ISP), MAXIS (TELCO & ISP), JARING(ISP), CELCOM/TELEKOM (TELCO & ISP) & TIME(TELCO & ISP). • Research Centers Many universities undertake IPv6 R&D, however was not well coordinated. The NRG(based in University Science Malaysia) is taking the initiative to co-ordinate the research. NRG is part of APAN-MY. • Government & Regulatory Ministry of Energy, Communication and Multimedia & Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission are well aware of the IPv6 activities in MY. Grant is provided for certain key technologies including IPv6. 5
IPv6 Activities in JARING • From ISP View We are exploring into the transition mechanisms and the Internet services • From R&D View 90% of Malaysian universities are connected to JARING and those connecting via fibre with connection speed of 34 Mbps, JARING provides additional 121 Mbps(up to 155Mbps in total) for R&D purpose 6
MIMOS (www.mimos.my) Who are we? • Started off as a government body -- MIMOS that was established in 1985(focus on R&D in ICT) • JARING (Joint Advanced Research Integrated NetworkinG); a research network by MIMOS has brought the Internet to Malaysia in 1991 • Today, JARING focuses on ISP business, to provide access, communication and solution to Malaysians • We are the 2nd largest ISP(after Telekom Malaysia) without telco license with subscribers of about 650K 7 Note: Malaysia population is about 23 millions..
Recap: IPv6 Activities • Established IPv6 Test-bed - MANIS • Testing on Internet Services • Testing on Transition Mechanisms • Testing on Features The following discussion will be on the transition mechanism, the IPv6 translator; more towards the freely- available NAT-PT 8
Recap: What Had Happened? • Upon failing to work on the freely available ETRI’s NAT-PT on Linux, we searched for alternative • We were looking for the write-up on BT NAT-PT implementation that made used of KAME Stack (on FreeBSD) but not to avail • Upon locating the right KAME SNAP KIT that supports NAT-PT, we managed to make it work • Thanks to Fujisawa’s pointer on the use of totd as the DNS-ALG, we are able to use domain name for the tested applications 9
Recap: IPv6 Translator • Only to be used when there is a native IPv6 network wish to communicate with native IPv4 network(no more dual stack environment) • It will do protocol, address or application translation • The IETF has drafted several translation tools: 1) NAT-PT - RFC2766 2) SIIT - RFC2765 3) BIS - RFC2767 4) BIA - draft-ietf-ngtrans-bia-00.txt 5) SOCKS-gateway – RFC3089 10
Recap: NAT-PT Concept IPv4Network IPv6Network NAT-PT IPv4 Host202.16.1.12 IPv6 Host2001:ABCD::1 • NAT-PT has a pool of IPv4 addresses. The address pool could be allocated one-to-one(static)mapping or dynamically • The V4 world would see the V6 as normal V4 environment and vice versa • Translation is transparently done by NAT-PT router 11
NAT-PT Test: Network Diagram NOTE: The same set-up was used for both CISCO and KAME NAT-PT MachineA 3ffe:80d0:40:2::2 Mail & Web Server NAT-PT Box INTERNET 3ffe:80d0:40:2::3 Mail & Web Client MachineB 3ffe:80d0:40:2::1 3ffe:80d0:40:2::5 DNS Server Prefix used at NAT-PT-> 2003::/96 MachineC 13
NAT-PT Configuration: CISCO IPv6Network CISCO NAT-PT IPv4Network INTERNET Prefix used -> 2003::/96 IPv4 Address Pool-> –*.154 CISCO Configuration Interface FastEthernet0/1 ip address ip broadcast-address ipv6 address 3FFE:80D0:40:2::1/64 ipv6 enable ipv6 nat prefix 2003::/96 ipv6 nat Interface FastEthernet3/0 ip address ip broadcast-address ipv6 enable ipv6 nat Page 1/2 ipv6 nat v4v6 source 2003::137 ipv6 nat v4v6 source 2003::200 ipv6 nat v6v4 source nat-list2 pool v4pool2 ipv6 nat v6v4 pool v4pool prefix-length 24 Ipv6 nat prefix 2003::/96 Page 2/2 14
NAT-PT Configuration: KAME IPv6Network CISCO NAT-PT IPv4Network INTERNET Prefix used -> 2003::/96 IPv4 Address -> port 28672 – 32767 natpt.conf configuration totd.conf configuration # set 96 bit natpt prefixprefix 2003::#[v6 -> v4] – seems outboundmap from any6 to port 28672 – 32767#[v4 -> v6 – seems inboundmap from daddr dport 80 to daddr 3ffe:80d0:40:2::5 dport 80#enable translationmap enable #forwarder infoforwarder port 53 #prefix, you can have multiple prefixes2003::#the port totd listens on for incoming requestsport 53 15
Our findings Activities Test CISCO KAME V6 machine ping6 other v6 machine IPv6 host communicates with IPv6 host V6 client browser accesses v6 web server V6 mail client communicates with v6 mail server IPv6 host communicates with IPv4 host V6 machine pings v4 machine V6 client browser accesses v4 web server V6 mail client communicates with v4 mail client IPv4 host communicates with IPv6 host V4 client browser accesses v6 web server Domain Name Service Feature Browsing & sending/receiving email using server’s name NOTE: Quite a new page on NAT-PT experience, with even fancy apps such as SSH, MP3-streaming (Icecast) and video-streaming (FFmpeg) can be found at:http://www.ikn.tuwien.ac.at/~ipv6/nat-pt.htm 16
What’s your flavor? • If you are looking for cheap but a bit pain-staking solution, go for the KAME NAT-PT(contact Shin'ichi Fujisawa <fujisawa@kame.net> for problems) • If you are already CISCO customer and want an easy way out, contact its support team or Patrick Grossetete <pgrosset@cisco.com> himself for the BETA IOS and the support documents 17
What’s next? • JARING has implemented the transition mechanisms and has experience in dual-stack, tunnelling and translation • We are currently exploring with partners in providing IPv6 native network and to undertake “proof-of-concept” trials on IPv6 features 18
Conclusion • Malaysia is beginning to embrace IPv6 • The industries and research centers are getting support from the government in IPv6 initiatives • There are indication that the take up rate in deploying IPv6 will be accelerated in the coming months • 2003 may be the Service Provider’s Collaboration Year!! 19
References • www.6bone.net • www.ipv6forum.com • www.kame.net • www.cisco.com • www.manis.net.my • http://www.hs247.com/ • www.arcnet6.net.my • www.maxis.net.my • www.jaring.my • www.mimos.my 20