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Polarization of The World into Rich & Poor What Is To Be Done? By Tahir M. Qazi, MD.
Polarization of The World into Rich & Poor What Is To Be Done? By Tahir M. Qazi, MD Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
“People are the real wealth of nations. Development is thus about expanding the choices people have to lead lives that they value. And it is thus about much more than economic growth, which is only a means - if a very important one - of enlarging people’s choices”. Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
World GDP per capita Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
? Poverty Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
How to Understand Poverty? Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
How to Understand Poverty? • What is Poverty? • Numbers under the poverty line • Shifting Face of Poverty • Geographical Distribution of Poverty Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
1Dollar Per Person Per Day • 20% of Population of the World Lives on Less Than 1 Dollar per Day • Landscape of Poverty is Changing Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
20% of the population in the developed nations, consume 86% of the world’s goods. Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
Poverty is Multidimensional To be poor means not only to have a low income, but also to lack assets and access to social services; to be especially vulnerable to the risk of disease, accident, environmental degradation, and natural or economic catastrophes; and to be relatively powerless Lack of Capital (5 Types) Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
Human capital skills, knowledge, health, and ability to work Financial capital earned income, remittances, savings, credit, and so on Natural capital access to land, forests, water, and clean air Social capital support networks of friends, family, and social organizations Physical capital shelter, transport, water, energy, and communications Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
Poverty • Adequate Food • Clothing • Housing • Clean Water • Health Services …… is a lack of basic human needs Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
Global Water Divide Poverty & Water Consumption HDR 2006 Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
Water Divide Poverty & Water Consumption HDR 2006; Page 49 Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
Sustainable Access to Water % Least Developed Countries Developed Countries Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
“Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired signifies, in the final sense, a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed. The world in arms is not spending money alone. It is spending the sweat of its laborers, the genius of its scientists, the hopes of its children… This is not a way of life at all, in any true sense. Under the cloud of threatening war, it is humanity hanging from a cross of iron”. President Dewitt Eisenhower 1953 Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
US Military Spending Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
In 2004, the United States ranked first in arms transfer agreements with developing nations with nearly $6.9 billion or 31.6% of these agreements. Congressional Research Services Report 2004 Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
World Military Expenditure in 2006: 1204 Billion Dollars 2005-2006: Up 3.7% 1997-2006: Up 37% Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
Military Expenditure 2006 in Billion Dollars US Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
Where Does the Money Come From? Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
International Debt Explosion Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
International Debt Crises(In US Billion Dollars of 2000) Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
The poorest countries still pay the rich world $100m each day in debt repayments Oxfam Report 2007 Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
Adam Smith’ s Capitalism Concept of “Invisible Hand” of free market: Pursuit of individual interest produces a collective good for society Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
Oxfam Report Tariffs on poor countries exporting to richer are 4x higher than those encountered by rich countries If Africa, East Asia, Latin America were to increase their share of exports by 1%. The resulting gain in income could lift 128 million people out of poverty Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
Income from Foreign Investments Assured to Income-Tax (UK) Economics of Imperialism by John A. Hobson Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
Systemic Exploitation Primitive Production Roman Empire – Slavery Feudalism – Serfdom Capitalism – Labor Industrial Production Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
Consumption Mania Symbiosis to Parasitism Unfair Trade Agreements Inhumane Priorities of Nations Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
Concentration of Capital Merger of Bank Capital with Industrial Capital Export of Capital Global Capitalist Monopoly Protected by Military Control of Globe Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
Globalization is Interconnectedness Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
Globalization Will Globalization be Fair? Globalization “Invisible Exploitative Hand” of Market Capitalism Globalization cannot be allowed to be open ended random process Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
To Do List for G8 Countries • Aid without Strings • No subsidies • Fair Trade • Arms control • Debts must be cancelled …… And Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
Climate change should be tackled by rich countries because its impact is going to be the most harsh on the poorest of the globe Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
Ending Poverty is the Challenge for Our Generation Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
Corporate Profit Sharing Agreement Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto
Globalization Has to be Tied to the Concept of Citizenship and Equitable Rights Tahir Qazi, MD - August 18, 2007 - Toronto