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Workshop 6 – Bologna May 25-26 2006. EDUCATION AND INFORMATION AS TOOL FOR RISK MITIGATION: THE OSSERVATORIO VESUVIANO INGV EXPERIENCE IN NEAPOLITAN AREA. Rosella Nave Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia – Osservatorio Vesuviano Via Diocleziano 328, Napoli.
Workshop 6 – Bologna May 25-26 2006 EDUCATION AND INFORMATION AS TOOL FOR RISK MITIGATION: THE OSSERVATORIO VESUVIANO INGV EXPERIENCE IN NEAPOLITAN AREA. Rosella Nave Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia – Osservatorio Vesuviano Via Diocleziano 328, Napoli
Inside the Red Zone, exposed to pyroclastic currents, 600.000 people live. In the active portion of the Campi Flegrei caldera 350.000 people live People living in the Red Zones have to move away before the allert level is reached.
The natural risks assessment having the further step in how to mitigate these risks, give to education and outreach activities an important and peculiar role. Volcanoes are one of the people favourite scientific issue, and the request of information about them directed to researches involved in volcano studies, are particularly frequent and pressing in active volcanic areas
A long-term effort in educational programs is essential to convey simple, clear and complete information able to contribute to a better understanding of peculiar territory features and the related hazard and risk The Osservatorio Vesuviano, funded in 1841 as the first volcano observatory in the world, is a scientific institution interested in geophysics and volcanic researches mainly on Neapolitan volcanoes, and it also carries out actions aimed at spreading the scientific culture with reference to geological phenomena, and in particular volcanism and related volcanic hazards. The educational programmes are performed through variable activities, mostly devoted to the school system
Education and Outreach Activity at the Osservatorio Vesuviano INGV Education and outreach activities for students at the Historical Building and Surveillance Centre of the Osservatorio Vesuviano INGV Formation courses for teachers, civil protection officiers, volunteers… Education activities and projects in collaboration with National Civil Defence Department Researches on Risk Communication and Eduaction strategies
Educational activities for italian and foriegn students at the Historical Building and the Surveillance Center of the OV-INGV Each year more han 10.000 students visits the Vesuvius Observatory, and many researchers professors are welcome at the Surveillance Centre. Also field trip in Neapolitan active volcanic area are organized
Educational activties in collabaration with National Civil Defence Department Education and Outreach activity in occasion of exercises, in order to inform people on the scientific bases of the Vesuvio Emergency Plan, involving: -Teachers -Public Administrators - Civil Protection volunteers - Citizens
Centre International de Valbonne. Sophia Antinopolis- FRANCE Copernicus Gymnasium- Philippsburg - GERMANY Escola Secundaria – Odivelas - PORTUGAL Liceo Scientifico N. Copernico – Napoli - ITALIA The European project Comenius 2004/2006 A multinational and interdisciplinary education project,involving four high schools from different countries in activities related to the major natural risks. Each school partner has a scientific institution as reference and supporter. • Objectives • Educating to seismic and volcanic risk • Learning of measure techniques using survey technologies • Using of Internet for data acquisition and exchange • Results • Improving of own territory knowledge • Exchange of data, information and activity among the schools • Formation of a student itinerant group that periodically meet and communicate their experiences • Development of a web site and multimedia CD Rom as of some products of the project
The Italian high school partner deal with the volcanic hazard and risk that characterize the area surrounding the city of Naples. The school is located inside the active Campi Flegrei Caldera. The Osservatorio Vesuviano INGV as the school scientific referee, support the project team. During the three years activity students and teachers work in collaboration with some researchers both on-field and in-school activities in order to increase their knowledge of the volcanic area, and to aid them in the comprehension of the peculiar link between that volcano and the man history and culture.
Italian students have developped their WEB site which summarized their learning progress They have collaborated to the realization of a volcanological path inside the Astroni volcano, a well preserved crater already natural reserve. The educational path includes panels and rock outcrops expositions. The three years educational activities have produced an “adoption” of this territory corner, which represents an example of volcanic risk education as efficient as able to promote and improve the link between people and their volcanoes.
Researches on risk communication and education Volcanic risk perception in Vesuvian and Phlegrean areas (Napoli, Italy) The evaluation of risk perception in volcanic areas is a very important parameter in risk mitigation strategies. The reseach has been developed in the active volcanic areas of Vesuvio and Campi Flegrei, through the development of a questionnaire, the identification of a representative sample to be involved in the survey, and subsequent data elaboration and interpretation. Features such as span interval from last eruptions, morphologies of volcanic complexes, recent unrest episodes occurring in Campi Flegrei area, and the influence of the proximity of the more famous Vesuvio on the Phlegrean communities, have been taken into account in the evaluation of citizens’ risk perceptions as well as salience of the hazard, anxiety about or fear of the hazard, trust in officials, and demographic variables Results can be usefully applied in enhancement of risk communication approach, population preparedness to face an emergency, and improvement of volcanic emergency planning.
Researches on Risk Communication Improving volcanic risk communication by re-assessing volcanic hazard maps at Campi Flegrei and Stromboli, Italy. Hazard maps become a fundamental link in the communication chain between scientists, the local authorities and the public, beeing often widespread sources of information hazard the risk levels of the and area where access is denied. The purpose of our research is to test the efficacy of currently available hazard maps for two different Italian active volcanic systems: Campi Flegrei caldera and Stromboli volcano Semi-structured interviews conducted with local legislators provide quantitative and qualitative data, analized to assess the respondents understand of maps information, and their indication for a clearer rapresentation.
Then we will employ GIS techniques to represent information and then through semi-structured interviews of a smaller group of respondents the new maps have to be tested and validated. The findings from this study not only elucidate any difficulty in understanding of the existing hazard maps but will also develop an appropriate methodology to produce maps for a variety of different contests that maximise the flow of information and increase the local people preparedness both during volcanic crises and long-term inactivity.