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Selecting A Research Topic

Sources of research topics. Theories ? an organized body of concepts, generalizations, and principles that can be studied.Personal/professional questions ? items that researchers may find of interest.Replication ? repeating previously completed studies.Library search ? searching library databases

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Selecting A Research Topic

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    2. Selecting A Research Topic …for the purpose of identifying a problem that satisfies applied industrial research requirements

    3. Sources of research topics Theories – an organized body of concepts, generalizations, and principles that can be studied. Personal/professional questions – items that researchers may find of interest. Replication – repeating previously completed studies. Library search – searching library databases for topics requiring further investigation. Sponsoring agencies – guidelines and projects that various entities are willing to support.

    4. What are the limitations when selecting a research topic? must be of graduate quality must be feasible for given timeframe must be original and creative must be consistent with scientific method of inquiry must be accountable to pre-established educational and economic guidelines must be ethical must be respectful of human subjects rights must have potential for making a significant professional contribution

    5. topic may be “freely” selected subject to: approval of professor predetermined research criteria Graduate School requirements and standards selection must be within a broad band of … technology construction, business, manufacturing, safety, etc. engineering and engineering technology industrial, mechanical, electrical, civil, etc. education demographics, norms, methods, materials, etc. What are the limitations when selecting a research topic?

    6. What proposal format may be selected?* Choices are: academic also known as student proposal industrial or corporate are often used interchangeable industrial is course preference One of three will be executed preference will be academic proposal industrial or corporate may be elected when extreme justification is proven

    7. Must the topic be approved in advance of the proposal being submitted for assessment? What format is required when requesting approval? the problem to be investigated must be defined using a word document that is limited to 1000 words factors are given on next slide

    8. When submitting a topic for approval, the format will be limited to:

    9. When submitting a topic for approval, the format will be limited to: Title provides insight of proposed topic limited to 25 words. Problem to be studied limited to one paragraph identifies exactly what will be investigated Significance of problem tells why study is needed or important limited to 4 paragraphs

    10. A quality title must reflect several of these elements: problem, hypothesis or questions researched phenomenon being studied processes being invesigated brief description of results investigative methods action scenarios few words with each word being critical

    11. Caution: do not confuse title with topic. “A title is the name for the topic being investigated.” A topic is a problem, question, or issue that can be examined for suitable resolution through collecting, compiling, and analyzing data. A research endeavor cannot be successful unless the “problem” to be investigated has been clearly identified.

    12. When submitting a topic for approval, the format will be limited to: Method (or type) of research based on 5 or 9 types/methods provide brief justification for selection limited to 2 paragraphs Source of data identify database, sample, or population limited to 2 paragraphs describe measuring instrument, if used provide instrument’s performance specifications or questionnaire’s draft copy in appendix Anticipated benefits and/or contributions how findings will be applied limited to 2 paragraphs

    13. When submitting a topic for approval, the explanation of the data collection instrument must be included as follow: Describe data collection method provide measuring instrument’s performance specifications in appendix, or provide an exact copy of the proposed questionnaire that will be used to solicit responses from research participants no limitations are imposed do not include as part of the 1000 word restriction

    14. 5 types and 9 methods of research 5 types developmental case/field correlational true experimental action 9 methods historical descriptive developmental case and field correlational causal-comparative true experimental quasi-experimental action

    15. 5 types and 9 methods of research 5 types developmental case/field correlational true experimental action 9 methods historical descriptive developmental case and field correlational causal-comparative true experimental quasi-experimental action

    16. Format for research topic approval Title provides insight of proposed topic limited to 25 words. Problem to be studied limited to one paragraph identifies exactly what will be investigated Significance of problem tells why study is needed or important limited to 4 paragraphs Method (or type) of research based on 5 or 9 types/methods provide reason for selection in no more than 2 paragraphs Source of data identify database, sample, or population within 2 paragraphs describe measuring instrument provide instrument’s performance specifications or copy of questionnaire in appendix Anticipated benefits and/or contributions how findings will be applied limited to 2 paragraphs

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