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Runtime Environments in Programming

Explore the dynamic relationships between names and data objects in program execution, activation tree structures, control stack mechanics, and parameter passing strategies. Learn about name bindings, storage organization, and activation records.

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Runtime Environments in Programming

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  1. Chapter 7 Runtime Environments

  2. Relationships between names and data objects • As execution proceeds, the same name can denote different data objects • Procedures, variables, etc. • Execution of a procedure -> activiation of the procedure • Data objects (variables) within an activitaions • The same procedure may have several activations alive at the same time (e.g. recursive)

  3. Procedure • Definition: a declaration associates an Idetifier with statements • The id is a procedure name • The body is statements • Optional parameters • Formal parameters (definition) • Actual parameters (arguments) • Local variables • References to global scope

  4. Activation Tree: Procedure executions • Each node represents an activation of procedure • The root represents the activation of the main program • The node for a is the parent of the node for b, if and only if control flows from a to b and • The node for a is to the left of the node b if and only if the lifetime of a occurs before the life time of b • (show examples in fig 7.2, 7.3)

  5. Control Stack for Activation Tree • Depth first traversal that starts from the root • We can use stack to keep track of live procedure activations • Can be extended to the stack storage-allocation technique (C or Pascal) • (show figure 7.4 and the current control and activation life s, q(1,9), q(1,3) and 1(2,3)

  6. The Scope of a Declaration • Declaration a syntactic construct associating information with a name • Scope rules determine which declarations of a name applies when the name appears in the program • Local • None-local • Special, static, volatile, final etc..

  7. Name Bindings • Data object is a storage location that can hold values • Name storage value • Programming language, • environment is a function that maps a name to a storage location • State is a function that maps a storage location to the value • L-value (name), l-value to r-value • Binding is the dynamic counterpart of a declaration

  8. Name Bindings

  9. Storage organization • Runtime Storage can be subdevided as follows: • The generated target code • Data object • Control stack (keep track of procedure activitation)

  10. Storage organization

  11. Activation Record • A contiguous block of storage for maintaining info during a procedure activation

  12. Storage Allocation Strategies • Static allocation lays out storage for all Data objects during compile time • Stack allocation manages the run-time storage as a stack • Heap allocation allocates and deallocates stoages as needed at runtime from heap area • Watchout for a dangling reference (garbage collections)

  13. Parameter passing • Call by value • A formal parameter is treated just like a local name. Its storage is in the activation record of the called procedure • The caller evaluates the actual parameter and place the r-value in the storage for the formals • Call by reference • Copy-Restore

  14. Parameter passing • Call by reference • If an actual parameter is a name or expression having L-value, then that l-value itself is passed • However, if it is not (e.g. a+b or 2) that has no l-value, then expression is evaluated in the new location and its address is passed.

  15. Parameter passing • Copy-Restore: Hybird between call-by-value and call-by-ref (copy in, copy out) • Actual parms evaluated, its r-value is passed and l-value of the actuals are determined • When the called procedure is done, r-value of the formals are copied back to the l-value of the actuals

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