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CECIP: Center for the Creation of Popular Image

CECIP: Center for the Creation of Popular Image

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CECIP: Center for the Creation of Popular Image

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  1. CECIP: Center for the Creation of Popular Image CECIP is an autonomous non-profit civil society organization that seeks to democratize the access by all layers of the Brazilian Society to quality information on their basic rights, thus fostering a conscientious, active and participative citizenry. CECIP’s mission is to contribute to the definition of public policies that promote human rights in all their aspects – economic, social, cultural, political and environmental.

  2. Five Brazilian Schools Colégio Bandeirantes EE Julia Macedo Pantoja EE Luiza Hidaka EMEF Guilherme de Almeida Escola Politeia

  3. Country´s X-Ray • 191.5 million inhabitants • 8th world’s economic potency • 60% of the Amazon Forest in Brazilian territory • 20% of the planet’s potable water circulates in our rivers • Biodiversity: 1.5 million of vegetation species at risk • Clean energy: 30% from water, 15% from biomass • World’s 16th largest oil producer: pre-sal (2007)- oil-services' industries • Beyond soccer and arts : Science and Technology ; large investment in agricultural research (EMBRAPA)

  4. Country´s X-Ray • Land and income concentration • High rates of child mortality (41/1,000 while in Korea is 4.3/1,000) associated with poor access to water treatment and sewage systems • Environment threatened by economic growth • Crime, Violence ; specially related to drug trafficking • Corruption at all levels – government, companies, NGOs individual • Rejection to politics and politicians

  5. Changes for the better in the last 15 years • Economic growth and (some) sound social policies: improved social inclusion • Poverty diminishes: from 31,6% to 15,5% • Income (slightly) less concentrated • Life expectancy increased from 68 yo to 73 yo

  6. Changes for better also in Education • Illiteracy (15 yo and over) : 16% to 9,6% in 2009 (Source:IBGE) • Average number of years of study : 5.4 to 7.5 (Source:CPS/FGV) • Universalization of primary education . • Consistent growth in secondary education and high school • PROUNI Program- public school students access to University. • Commitment of Social Movements in favour of Quality Education • Plan for Education Development - 2007-2022

  7. Brazilian Educational System A – Organization: It is divided into: 1 – Basic Education: From 0 to 18 years, mostly public and free 1.1 – Pre-School Education (responsibly of municipal government): Nursery - 0-3 years and 11 months:1 5% of children enrolled and Pre-School from 4 to 5 years; provides to 70% of children – OPTIONAL 1.2 – Elementary School (responsibility mostly municipal): From 6 to 14 years: 98% of children are enrolled in elementary schools (12% only in private education.) – MANDATORY 6 to 10 years old: 1st to 5th grade 11 to 14 years: the 6th to 9th grade

  8. 2 - Middle School - (mostly responsibility of public power state, and in some cases, of the federal government) From 15 to 18 years – (reaches 70% of youths in that age group. Technical – vocational education System SESC-SENAI - still affects a minority 3 – Higher Education 19 years and older – mainly in educational private institutions

  9. B – Our Challenges: 1 – Financing – 7% of GDP devoted to education should rise to 11%, so that teacher’s salaries can become competitive and the learning time in schools, could increase and primary school students would stay between 4 – 5 hours. 2-The cost of a student is about $ 1,462 against $ 15,000 in the United States per year. 3 - Students learn very little in Portuguese and Mathematics, occupying the worst positions on international tests such as PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment).

  10. C – What we’ve been doing • PDE (Education Development Plan) • SaEB (Evaluation System for Elementary School) • IDEB (Development Index of Elementary School) • More Education program, Education Full-Time, trying to increase the learning period to at least 7 hours a day. • Better communication between Higher Education and Basic Education • Intersection and integration of sectors

  11. D – What we still need/want Well informed citizens who feel responsible for taking action to change and improve life in the communities/cities/world can better tackle these problems .

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